Chapter 9

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The first meeting of the two hearts took place a decade ago. To her native town, Ria went for the celebration of Pongal* festival with her parents. The festival is celebrated for three days. She was a 13 year old girl during that time. Her sister Lucy was an 8 year old. There held stage shows, comedy shows, dance performances, fire performances and some competitions every year.

She was sitting in a chair among the crowd beside her little sister .Her cousin Neha and Neha's friend Naina was also there. Ria was watching the show, when she heard noises of some boys laughing and teasing behind. She turned her head back to see who are they. There was a bunch of guys who were talking among themselves and making noises.

Others around them looked like they were used to it. Most importantly they never disturbed others directly, only with their loud voices though. Suddenly she felt a guy's gaze on her. When they made eye contact, her skipped a beat.

She was at the age adolescence, the age of trying to get attention. She immediately turned front, she was analysing the situation whether the one he was looking at was her or not.

Without her own concern, she turned back again to see the young man.

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He was also looking at her. The only thing that made her heart beat was his eyes that looked straight into her's, without budging. She turned front after few seconds of staring out of an unknown fear. She never turned back untill the end again. Then she reached home, thought about the young man. After the festival ended she left the town only knowing the name of the young man, 'Ren'.

This was their fateful encounter. However, it didn't turn into anything during that time it didn't mean the situation was the same after few years.


Unexpectedly, in the flight while dreaming about him, while thinking his name, tear drops descended from Ria's eye.


During childhood times Ria had a little inferiority complex towards her little sister. It is not like Lucy is beautiful than Ria. They are equally matched with similiar facial features except their eyes and mouth.

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Ria has small eyes and mouth compared to her little sister. Lucy is a naughty and playfull girl compared to Ria so the cousins circle seeked her more during the childhood times. As the time moved she still stayed as the little girl while others matured so Ria eventually became a big sister to everyone. Ria was close to her family and relatives. Her mother has 2 younger sisters and an elder brother.

All of her siblings has a girl each and her third sister and first brother has a son each. Their cousin set is a pack of 7 members. They are together since childhood and were thicker than friends. During these 18 years Ria had her fair share of crushes she has even proposed few. But she still maintained her status as single.

Ria always gave others her complete trust and love which made her more vulnerable.

When she was around 15 years old, apart from her various crush she had a deep attraction towards her cousin from North India. That guy kept her hanging while giving her hope for the relationship. She chased him for two years but he fell for her elder cousin, which crushed her terribly making her heartbroken by that time.

She lapsed into the hands of her another cousin, son of her maternal uncle, Norwin. They became more than friends. When she realised that she was happy to be with him and became fond of him. She expressed her thoughts to him yet that Norwin maintained his distance from her after knowing what is in her mind. He only held her for pleasure and later discarded her.

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During their childhood times they were partners in crime. Norwin and Ria were born on same month, same year while he was born a week before. They were so close friends later they became strangers. She never got an explanation for what he did. Later she found out that he was in a relationship with a girl from his school while being with her.

She lost all her morals, her heart was broken to pieces, the place that was touched by him became wounds for her. She was at an ultimate desperation to find a guy for her. The insecurity grew more and more by day.

Its been five years since the first time meeting with Ren. She is an 18 year old now. The education system in India is different. The school has 1 to 12 standards, preceded by kindergarden and succeeded by college. Our Ria is in her 1st year of Bachelor of Design.

She got awesome friends in her college. They were the sole reason for her survival, they were the ones who brought her back to line.

During the first year, all the girls in her class became her friends. She was close to two gangs. Her best friend was Ren, the girl with same name as her long back crush. Ashlee, Melody and Ren were her close friends from one group. While Pearl, Nicole and Neva were another group.

Her seating arrangement was with Pearl and Nicole while Neva was in the next class. Ashlee's group was in the last bench but they are almost toppers. Ria was the topper of the class.

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She loved to design. She intakes what she sees and displays in the form of art. Apart from costume designing, she does portrait sketching and water colour painting. She does some fine art works as a hobby. The Pongal festival always takes place at the second week of January. During her 1st year of college in her second semester she went to celebrate the Pongal festival to her native.

She took a leave from the college for a week and accompanied her parents. The current Ria's world in her 18, contains friends, friends and friends. She was completely attached to Ren and Pearl while other four were her close friends. She was also consious of a guy in her class, his name was Arthur.

Ria reached her native town. After dropping her luggage in her house, Ria went to her cousin Neha's house. On the way to her cousin's house there was gang of guys who were enjoying their time laughing among themselves and playing. Ria was not the same 8 year old little girl anymore. She has her own beautiful features. She was neither a slim beauty and nor a fat pig.

Ria was chubby and had awestrucking curves on her. The way she walks is different from others, the clothes she wore always complemented her looks. The attractive thing is, her eyes it has a charm more like an electricity that attacks others that comes in contact with her. The people who talks to her never maintained eye contact with her more than few seconds.

When Ria saw the gang, in the centre of the gang there stood a guy who was smiling with his entire heart. The second he made eye contact with Ria, her heart stopped like it did five years ago. The guy averted his gaze immediately but Ria's gaze was on him until she walked past the gang.


Pongal - is an Indian Festival celebrated every year at the end of second week of January or the start of third week of January. It is a festival celebrated for three days.The first day is for thanking the sun god for helping the farmers in agriculture. The second day is for thanking the cows. The third day is for appreciating family, relatives and friends

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