Mei Gongqing

Chapter 130: 130

Wang Hong's eyes narrowed slowly. He smiled softly, stroked Chen Rong's lips and stroked it. He approached her and said, "ah Rong doesn't know me...... I don't like being forced. " He looked at her tenderly, with a soft voice, just like the spring breeze passing through his heart. "Looking at a Rong, I'm more happy. What can I do?"

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He looked at her affectionately, his index finger pressed on her lips, and turned back to the collapse table.

After a while, the piano sounds leisurely.

At this time, the golden light of the setting sun was dyed on his brow and eyes, and the evening wind was blowing over the flowing white clothes, which made it clear that the big blood stain on his chest was shocking. However, no matter how he acted, or how he looked, or how leisurely and elegant he was, it was the piano sound, which was as clear as ever.

Slowly, Chen Rong lowered her eyes. She pulled at the corners of her mouth and walked towards her carriage.

Just a step out, a servant girl of the Royal Palace came over. She went to Chen Rongfu and whispered, "girl, please allow your servant to add clothes for you."

Chen Rong stops and nods.

The handmaid stepped forward lightly. She put on Chen Rong's white dress, then untied her hair, combed her hair a little, and then pulled it up again. Then she wiped the dirt off her face with a towel.

But a quarter of an hour, just rolled two rolls of face on the ground, has been decorated a new, clean as before.

From the corner of the eye, Chen Rong Piao to two maidservants kneeling beside Wang Hong, bandaging the wound for him.

When Chen Rong took another step, the royal guards around her and Wang Hong began to disperse. Instantaneous, scattered around, has been curious to look at the eyes here to brush together.

In these eyes, Chen Rong strides to his carriage. Pingru is staying by the carriage. Seeing Chen Rong approaching, she hurries to meet her. She looks at Chen Rong's white clothes, looks at her again, and carefully asks, "girl, general ran has just come?"

Chen Rong didn't answer her, but climbed into the carriage. Soon, her command came from the back of the carriage, "if you wash for me."


It's late at night.

The bright moon is like washing, and the white clouds are like cotton wool coming and going leisurely.

In the early morning of the next day, the voice of a servant girl came from outside, "can the girl be there?"

"Flat if hurriedly answer a way:" in

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The maid said with a smile, "it's been a long time."

"Yes." Ping Nu hurriedly answered with joy and urged Chen Rong, "girl?"

Chen Rong opens the curtain of the car and looks at the maid. "Please tell Lang Jun that a Rong is not in good health and will not pass today."

As soon as she had finished speaking, the servant girl covered her mouth and smiled. She said happily, "my husband expected that the girl would be ill. He told the servant to tell the girl that a good doctor was ready. If the girl could not move, he would ask the guard to come and invite her."

The guard came to invite you? Isn't this coercion? With a smile, Chen Rong said, "why labor guard? He is determined to let a Rong go. A Rong dare not refuse. "

She jumped out of the carriage, spread her arms with a smile in the wide eyes of the maidservant, shook her sleeves, and said, "look, when I hear your husband's invitation, my discomfort is gone."

The maid was still staring at her face.

But at this time, Chen Rong had already stepped on the wooden shoes and walked towards Wang Hong's carriage. At this time, the morning wind is very good. Chen Rong is walking in front of her. Her slim waist and cocked hips give her a touching and charming figure.

The handmaid looked at it, but she couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that the girl is very different from other girls?" Obviously, she is gaudy here, but her behavior and smile, but there is a kind of freedom.

Chen Rong ignored.

After a while, she came to Wang Hong 's carriage.

Glancing away, the handsome Tsinghua University, such as the man of the silver moon, is sitting on the collapse, looking at a silk book attentively.

Chen Rong glanced at him and slowly climbed into the carriage.

As soon as she sat down, Wang Hong whispered, "let's go."


With the wheels rolling and the smoke rising, the motorcade began to set off.

Chen Rong looks at Wang Hong again. Today, he is wearing a white dress with a high collar. The pleats were embroidered with light gold silk to show the wings of the Phoenix, which set off his whole person's incomparable elegance.

See his eyebrows and eyes slightly gathered, the corners of his mouth light, dimples faint, which like the wounded?

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Looking at him, Chen Rong takes back his eyes.

At this time, Wang Hong's light laugh came from one side, "a Rong is OK, I don't think it needs a doctor."

The laughter was gentle and gentle, but how could Chen Rong listen to it was full of ridicule.

Chen Rong blinked and said slowly, "when ah Rong heard that Lang Jun was going to send a guard, how could he be upset?"

She was satirizing him for intimidating herself.

Wang Hong chuckled.

He raised his head slowly.

He tilted his head, a wisp of hair fluttering in front of his eyes. With a smile, Wang Hong said softly, "a Rong."Chen Rong looks up at him.

Wang Hong said with a low smile to Chen Rong, who had a light expression on his face: "now, ah Rong is very moving."

Listen to his tone, look at his expression, it seems that yesterday's conflict, yesterday's various performances of Chen Rong are just changing ways to please him, just changing names to attract his attention?

Chen Rong pursed her lips, and she turned her head decisively to look out of the carriage.

As soon as she turned her head, Wang Hong stopped talking. Chen Rong glanced at him and saw that he was writing a few fast books, but he didn't know what he was writing?

At this time, a carriage was approaching.

After the carriage was close to Wang Hong's, it stopped immediately. Then, Luo Zhi and Huan Jiulang were helped out of the carriage by their maids. They stepped on Wang Hong's carriage, which stopped automatically, and sat down on the collapse table opposite Wang Hong.

As soon as they sat down, Huang Zhi let out a strange "Goo Goo" laugh from his throat. As he smiled, he said to Huan Jiulang on one side, "Jiulang was not here yesterday. It's a pity. It's a pity."

Speaking of this, he leaned forward and stared at Wang Hong's neck seriously. He said, "Gee, how can Qilang put on such a high skirt dress in such a sunny day? Can't you see anything on your neck? "

Wang Hong looked up and whitened his eyes. He continued to look down and read.

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Huan Jiulang, on one side, said in his sharp voice, "don't laugh any more. The world is cold and thin. All the foolish men and women are worthy of respect."

After that, Huan Jiulang stood up, and he made a deep bow to Wang Hong. Then he turned to Chen Rong and made a deep bow to her.

When he did this, he was serious and respectful.

Huan Jiulang hasn't sat down here yet, and the Qi beside him can't help laughing.

Just then, Wang Hong said, "come."

A guard approached and called out, "Langjun?"

Wang Hong's eyes were locked on the silk book, and his head was not raised

As soon as the order came out, the guard outside answered, "yes."

This is a word, Luo Zhi repeatedly shook his head, wow strange cry, "do not rush do not rush, we go, go by ourselves." They cried and laughed. They didn't even sit down, so they jumped out of the carriage and ran.

Although they had gone far, the strange smile continued to spread.

Wang Hong frowned slowly.

He put away the silk book, turned to a guard and shouted, "chop the horse!"

At one command, the guard replied, "yes."

After that, the guard took out his broadsword and rushed to the carriage where he was sitting.

At this moment, the laughter from the carriage has attracted many people's attention. When these people saw the guard coming like a whirlwind, they couldn't help screaming.

The scream of the crowd, which shocked the spirit of the carriage, then he stretched out his head.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he went up to the guard's big knife. At the moment, Huang Zhi cried out, shrunk his head in a hurry, and cried, "it's too bad!"

As soon as Huang Zhi called, Huan Jiulang also held out his head. So, in the strange voice of Huang Zhi and the urgent voice of Huan Jiulang, the guard rushed by. When he passed the carriage, the cold knife in his hand fell like lightning!

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"Hua -" the blood light rose to the sky, and the running horse's head fell to the ground. At this time, the carriage is still moving along with inertia.

At present, several guards of the Huang family and the Huan family rushed in a hurry. More than a dozen hands reached out at the same time, stabilizing the horse drawn carriage.

In the carriage, Huang Zhi, who was determined by the end of the shock, was still shouting, and Huan Jiulang, who was ill, was even cursing with his hands on his chest.

In this kind of bustle, the royal guard stopped running for horses and explained solemnly to a crowd of curious eyes: "the horse of the Luo family is ill. In order to prevent the disease from infecting the horses, someone has to do this."

After that, he drove his horse close to the carriage of Luo Zhi, leaned over his head, and said to the two people who were shouting loudly and bitterly: "you two know that my husband is not happy, but they want to use a knife on his wound. Are you happy now?" Speaking of this, he said in a low voice: "Lang Jun just said that he and the two brothers, both brothers, should bear the same pain and guilt...... If you are happy, you can speak louder. "

A word spits out, two people of the long Huan immediately become silent.

After walking for a day, a fork finally appeared in front of him. When the guards came to ask for instructions, Wang Hong still asked to leave the team.

So, under the protection of five hundred guards, a dozen carriages stepped onto the fork road.

Of course, pingru and others are also among them.

Gradually, Nanyang city has been more and more far away.

Chen Rong opened the curtain, looked at the direction of Nanyang City, and thought to himself: in the past life, Nanyang city had never been in the hands of the Hu people, I wish this life was the same...... It wasn't just Nanyang city that had her servants and field shops. Because Jiankang is a stranger place than Nanyang city.

In a flash, five days have passed.

On this day, the weather is fine and the winter sun is shining on the earth warmly. Looking at the light green on the yellow road that the carriage ran over, Chen Rong said softly, "spring is coming."She looked at Nanyang city again, and suddenly said to Wang Hong, "Qilang, there is no fireworks in Nanyang City, so murongke wants to give up the siege?"

Leaning on the collapse, Wang Hong, who was looking at the silk script in his spare time, raised his eyes and said lightly, "he left early."

Chen Rong put his heart down and turned to her. She said softly, "I think so." How could Wang Hongdi walk away without saying anything? What's the matter? He will arrange it before he leaves, which will make murongke have to retreat.


ah, there are only 20 pink tickets left from the last one. Let's help Mei.. (to be continued, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! )

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