Mei Gongqing

Chapter 174: 174

Wang Hong said here, smiling and quietly looking at Chen Rong.

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In the moonlight, he stood with his hands in his hands. His smile was light, his eyes were clear, and he could not really say how leisurely he was.

However, Chen Rong has known him for a long time and understands that when he looks at her in such a quiet way, it is when he examines and ponders her mind.

At the moment, she smiled irrefutably, looked at the darkness in the distance, and said as if nothing had happened: "Your Majesty, this is to allow me to have my own child."

She is telling Wang Hong that the Emperor gave the beautiful young man to have children....... When a woman has children, she usually has everything. From then on, we can not be afraid of loneliness and no longer be lonely. Since is, also may not have the man to accompany.

Chen Rong's voice is quiet, with gratitude, just like in this sentence, there is no meaning.

Wang Hong smiles like a crescent moon, and the smile is slightly invisible.

He turned his head and looked at the distance between heaven and earth.

It was a long time before he said, "Your Majesty is very kind to you." He wanted to make his voice calm, but when he said it, he was more or less angry.

Chen Rong hears the unhappiness in his tone, and is very happy. He wants to laugh, but he doesn't dare. She pursed her lips and said softly, "yes." When she arrived here, she smiled brightly and turned to Wang Hong and said happily, "Your Majesty has given me a thousand acres of good farmland and such a good house. This time, I'm building a Kangcheng here, and I'm quite settled. "

In the moonlit night, Wang Hong's mouth is slightly raised, which is a smile.

Chen Rong reached out and brushed her hair on the temples. She was a little elated. Looking ahead, she said wistfully, "there is a field, there is a Chuang Tzu, and then there is a child...... My Chen's Arong finally got what I wanted. "


Wang Hong's voice is a little low and a little heavy. He squints his eyes and looks at Chen dangerously.

Chen Rong didn't look at him. He didn't know his face was bad. She nodded, briskly, proudly, "yes. In my whole life, I will finally get what I want. " She tilted her head and laughed clearly. "I thought before that, in this life, I can marry an ordinary and simple poor man, support him to accumulate some money and give birth to some smart children, and then I can be satisfied. Qilang, you don't know. When I was idle, I thought about how to keep my husband's heart and let him not want to take a concubine. "

At this point, she smiled at herself.

Lower his head, Chen Rong uses a bamboo pole to paddle across the water waves. In the moonlight, after a circle of dim ripples, Chen Rong smiles with eyes bent. "For a while, I thought I would never do it. I didn't expect your majesty to be so kind to me. Now, although I can't enjoy the happiness of my family, it's wonderful to have a farm and a child. It's really wonderful. "

She turned to Wang Hong, and again to him quietly, it was too quiet, with cold eyes. However, Chen Rong didn't care when she was having a good time. She blinked at him. Naughty and charming, she came up and whispered, "Qilang."

She bit her lips and smiled shyly. For a long time, she wanted to open her mouth and smile again.

Lower his head, Chen Rong wriggled his hands and said, "Qilang, you should do one thing to me, OK?"

As soon as her voice fell, Wang Hong said coldly, "no good."

When Chen Rong was stunned, she looked at him in amazement and cried softly, "I didn't even speak."

Wang Hong said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "you just want me to promise that if you are pregnant with my child, the child will follow you. It has nothing to do with me."

In Chen Rong's admiration, a little depressed expression, he smiled, and with a flick of broad sleeves, he said lightly: "I think it is the first lineage of Langya Wang family in the past hundreds of years, and it has been repudiated before it appears!"

His voice was as soft and light as ever, but it was cold. Chen Rong did not dare to speak, so he quickly closed his mouth and turned his back to him.

Although she is facing her back, she still smiles happily and her eyes are bright. Obviously, the appearance of this moment, or excited, for their own future, or full of passion.

Wang Hong saw this, pulled at the corners of his mouth, took his hands, looked in the opposite direction to her, and said lightly: "Chen's a Rong, you have to die this heart."

Chen Rong looked back in amazement. In his puzzled eyes, he smiled and said coldly, "no matter now or in the future, a man near you, come here, I will kill one!"

He looked back suddenly, stared at Chen Rong tenderly, stretched out his hand, and brushed the dust on her sleeve gently.

youyou said: "therefore, in your life, there will be no heir to your family!"

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He threw his words here, and before Chen Rong could be angry, his chest was full of fire, but it was more and more burning. He took a few steps forward, stood at the head of the boat, and without turning back his head, ordered: "row faster!"

The voice was heavy with anger.

Chen Rongxian is daze, she almost said: I never thought, in addition to you, but also let other men close to me.

But there was no exit, not only no exit. When Chen Rong thought of the man's hardness and ruthlessness, his heart was filled with hatred.At the moment, she tooted her mouth and slapped the bamboo pole against the water.

With the splash of water, the boat rushed fast. In an instant, the spring of sleeve wind had been thrown far away.

Wang Hong doesn't speak, and Chen Rong doesn't speak. For a while, only the sound of water splashing, and the sound of bamboo pole moving in the water, mixed with the sound of insects and animals.

Wang Hong was very angry. After standing at the head of the boat for a while, he suddenly reached out his hand and clapped heavily in the void. He said: "damn!"

This drink scolds, let Chen Rong look up to him.

Back to her Wang Hong, in the moonlight, Jun's face is a little green. He grinds his teeth, and says in a hate voice, "it's all this stupid gentleman!"

Chen Rong puckered his lips and tried to reply to him, but finally he held back.

At this time, Wang Hong stepped out a few steps, crossed Chen Rong, and untied the next tightly tied wine urn beside the collapse of the boat's tail. He raised the urn and gave it a mouthful.

Hearing the sound of "cooing" into his throat, Chen could not bear to say, "stop drinking." She rushed forward, grabbed the urn and cried, "this is in the river. Do you want to drown?"

Wang Hong allowed her to rob the urn, but he didn't look at her, just turned his back and pouted.

At this time, Chen Rong's low and gentle voice came, "how is your illness? The river has a big stroke. Don't hurt yourself. " After a pause, she advised, "let's go back."

The man ignored her.

Chen Rong saw that he didn't return his head, and was still sullen like a child. He couldn't help muttering: "it's not necessarily easy to get sick...... I really don't cherish myself. "

The man with his back to her is still motionless.

Chen Rong blinked, and Wang Hong sneezed.

Chen Rong was stunned. He sneezed two more times.

Chen Rong hurriedly came forward. She pulled his sleeve and said softly, "is it cold? Let's go back. "

The man didn't look back, just when she pulled tight, he pulled his sleeve.

I felt the hesitation in his actions, and heard the appearance of his two sneezes. It was a little angry and funny. She stretched out her arms and hugged him so much, trying to make him warm, Chen Rong said softly: "Qilang, the river wind is too strong, it's easy to catch cold.

Wang Hong ignored it.

Chen Rong has no choice but to drag him back. This time, it was easy to drag him. Drag Wang Hong to several places fixed by the iron chain, and press him on the collapse. Chen Rong looks around, but does not find his clothes, so he has to continue to warm him from behind.

The man in my arms is sneezing again.

Chen Rong's heart was uneasy. He sat down on the collapse and put his head in his arms. As he warmed him with his own body temperature, he rowed back with his other hand. Chen Rong complains: "how can you not even bring a servant?"

The man didn't speak, but quietly fell in her arms. Under the moonlight, the eyes closed gently showed a line of vulnerability and helplessness.

Chen Rong lowered her head and gently printed a kiss on his eyebrow. Just after the kiss, she thought of the hateful place of the man in front of her eyes and said angrily, "obviously, it's bad, domineering and pretentious, but when she's sick, she looks like a child."

The man moved and retorted in her arms, "I don't even have a nickname, I haven't grown up."

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Somehow, hearing this, Chen Rong burst out laughing. Laughing and laughing, she couldn't help but laugh more and more.

At this time, Chen Rong stopped laughing and quickly raised her head: she heard the sculling sound,

raised her head, narrowed her eyes and looked at the place where the sound came from. Gradually, at the end of the field of vision, there are several boats.

"Here comes someone!"

Chen Rong whispered to Wang Hong, her voice alert.

Wang Hong didn't answer, but the boats came straight to her.

Chen Rong sat up straight and did not stare at those people for a moment. In a blink of an eye, several boats were gone, and before Chen Rong could speak, a loud voice came, "but Langjun?"

It's a little familiar.

Chen Rong is thinking, the man in her arms, Qingrun leisurely opened his mouth, "come here."

As soon as the voice fell, several rude men shouted, "it's Lang Jun!" They rowed a boat and leaned over in three or two strokes.

When he was close to Chen Rong's boat, Wang Hong stood up. Several teenagers surrounded him, but Chen Rong was still a little confused. They put on Wang Hong's robe and planned to hold him and lean towards the boats.

Wang Hong did not move, he turned around, threw a robe, gentle way: "put on." It was not until Chen Rong put on his robe that he reached out and took her hand and walked towards the huge boat.

As soon as the two men came, several giant boats lit torches at the same time. All the men put torches at the head and tail of the boat. For a while, only the sound of the burning torches was heard in the night sky.

At this time, Wang Hong had a light smile, clear eyes, and his behavior was full of his usual sophistication and wisdom. More importantly, he didn't sneeze any more....... Chen Rong looks at him suspiciously, but thinks that the man is so proud that he won't play such a trick in front of himself, so he doesn't think about it anymore.At the same time, several strong men made the boat go fast, and the water flowed into white lines, extending to the horizon one by one.

Walking, is looking at the scenery Chen Rong suddenly cried: "wrong way."

She called out to the strong men, "in the wrong direction."

Jiankang is in the southeast. It can be seen from the Big Dipper that the boat is sailing against the current in the northwest.

Chen Rong's cry was not heard.

Chen Rong was stunned. He turned to look at Wang Hong. Facing the light of the fire, his handsome and noble face, Chen Rong cried, "it's true that he has gone in the wrong direction." She pointed to the sky and said, "look, the Big Dipper is over there. We should go in the opposite direction to get back to Jiankang."

In her previous life, she ran with ran min. Ran min, a general, must be proficient in the geography of the sky and time. In order to have a common language with him, Chen Rong also knows one or two of these basic knowledge. It can be said that she is more knowledgeable than most of the nobles in Jiankang city.

Maybe her eyes were too sincere and her tone was too confident. Wang Hong turned slowly.

He is leisurely and clear, like the eyes of the snow mountain peak, looking at her quietly.

With a smile, he looked at Chen Rong in a dignified manner that only a superior aristocrat could have, and said, "there is no wrong way."

In Chen Rong's eyes, he said elegantly, "we don't need to go back to Jiankang."

Say it, and don't look away.

Chen Rong is greatly shocked, she cries low: "what?" Biting her lips, she asked again, "you, what did you just say?"

Wang Hong reached for a glass of wine from the collapse and sent it to Chen Rong. With a light, casual smile, he said, "don't panic, we won't go back to Jiankang tonight."

"Then where is this going?"

Chen Rong leaned forward slightly and asked angrily...... At that time, she did not find that she had no feeling for this noble and elegant manner. She, from the subconscious, no longer feel humble, no longer a look at others, then bowed her head, others a word, then even dare not open the mouth.

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She didn't notice, but Wang Hong did.

He quietly looked at the angry countenance and said, "go to Nanyang." When it was settled, he said softly, "the direction we are going to now is Nanyang city. There is a carriage waiting for you to walk along this waterway. "

Chen Rong grinds his teeth and says in low anger, "what do you say?" Her voice trembled with rage. "Is this going to Nanyang? Who is going to Nanyang with you? " When she said it, she couldn't help crying out: "Wang Qilang, please make it clear to me! I, when did I promise you to go to Nanyang? "

In her glare, Wang Hong took a sip of wine. Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Chen Rong was so angry that he reached out and grabbed his glass.

Wang Hong didn't mind if his glass was robbed. He lay back and looked at the bright moon. He replied, "I know your Majesty's man best."

I didn't expect that he would mention the emperor. Chen Rong could not help holding down his anger and listening.

In her eyes, Wang Hong said, "he is a little impulsive when he is doing things. When he is impulsive, he would like to finish things all at once. He doesn't have long sex either. After a month or two, anyone will be in the corner. "

He turned to Chen Rong. In the moonlight, his eyes were clear and smiling. "Didn't ah Rong understand? He's too much in your business now. I want to take you to Nanyang to avoid disaster and come back in a month or two. "

Chen Rong is angry.

Wang Hong looked at the angry face, grinning her eyes into crescent moon.

Staring at his smile, Chen Rong was angry and hateful. She grinded her teeth and grinded them again. She couldn't control them any more. She jumped up and grabbed his throat.

Strange to say, she jumped up like this and held his key tightly, but those big men didn't see it, not only ignored it, but also turned around one by one.

When Chen Rong's fingers were closed and his teeth were grinded, Wang Hong could not help sneezing.

Chen Rong hates extremely, she clenches her teeth to shout: "don't pretend, I won't be cheated again."

Answer her, or that a sneeze a sneeze sound.

Unconsciously, Chen Rongsong opened his hand around his neck and looked down at him.

When she just bowed her head, the man under her burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that he choked and coughed. Even when he said something, he coughed and laughed, "ah Rong really loves me."

Chen Rong is very hateful. As soon as he lowers his head and bites his neck, he just approaches and hears the man smile and say, "Hey, don't bite your ears. Last time you bit on your shoulder, it took me half a day to explain. This time I will bite your ears. I have no words."

Chen Rong was so angry that she gasped and screamed, "I'm not playing with you!" She gave him a heavy push, with her back to him. Her eyes were red with rage.

At this time, her back a warm, but it is a man arm around her. He hugged her and put his chin on her hair. He gently urged, "why should I be angry?" He smiled low. "You are stubborn, you love me, you are angry, you know you can't escape me, you have to struggle."He put his arms around her back, shook her, and muttered softly, "I don't like this faint king. I don't care what he does. Why is he so interested in your affairs? Bah! And to you the beautiful young man! One day I will be angry and kill this meddlesome Hun Jun! "

Chen Rong knew that after a long time, he still wanted to do it. Now I want to laugh and feel angry.

In an instant, Chen Rong thought, "if your majesty can't remember me, it's a good thing.". At least, he won't take back the reward....... For the emperor, she was still afraid of his moodiness. Today, when she was with him, she was sweating a few times. The fear of accompanying the king like a tiger was rooted in her heart.

What's more, now that it's done, it's useless to be angry.

Chen Rong thought about it and put off his anger.

She reached out and pulled open the man's waist clasped hand and asked, "are you really in Nanyang?"

"Nature." He fastened her more and more, and his voice was lazy. "There are so-called cunning villains. I bought some farm stores there."

Somehow, hearing this, Chen Rong suddenly felt a little cold.

Wang Hong smiled at Chen Rong, who had a straight back, and continued: "now that Hu people have shifted their goals, Nanyang city is a safe place, they want to see if spring ploughing is over."

He came close to Chen Rong, blew a breath in her ear, and said with a low smile, "do you think so?"

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Chen Rong ignored him.

At this time, the man behind him sighed low and murmured, "there are some jewels buried in Jiankang, this is the second cave. Where should the third grotto be located? "

He turned to Chen Rong and smiled, "where does Qing Qing think the third cave is good?"

"I don't know," Chen said in a flat voice

The man touched her waist for a while, and said to himself, "it's impossible. Then Nanyang's farm property can be recorded in the name of one person, Jiankang's Chuang Tzu, another good friend's name, the third cave. Whose name is it to be recorded to insure? "

At this point, he turned to Chen Rong and asked, "who does Qing Qing think it's better to write it in?"

Chen Rong puckered his lips and said lightly, "I don't know."

Wang Hong laughed and said in a wheezing voice, "Qing Qing is really not intelligent. He doesn't know what it is."

Chen Rong suddenly chuckled.

Looking back at him, she had a beautiful smile and a soft voice. "Qilang is really a famous person in the world...... If you care so much about the copper smell, you will not be afraid to insult your reputation? "

Wang Hong grinned with white teeth. He reached out and pulled out the river. Smiling, he said, "this ah Rong doesn't know...... When a big man does things, he doesn't worry about success. He worries about failure first! Only when we master everything in our hands and see everything clearly, can we deal with things calmly when the emergency comes. Only when we want to enter, we can enter, we can retreat if we want, we are not afraid of people and things. This is also the demeanor of a famous man. "

He spread his hands, released Chen Rong, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and smiled softly, "such a bright moon, such a beautiful woman, ah Rong, play a song for my husband."

As soon as his voice fell, a strong man held the piano box and put it in front of Chen Rong.

When Chen Rong was angry with Wang Hong, he immediately replied with stubborn neck: "no mood, don't want to!"

Wang Hong was not angry at all. He smiled leisurely and said, "Qing Qing is not in a mood. He is in a very good mood for his husband."

After that, he sat up straight and took the piano from the strong man. As soon as his slender fingers were raised, a string of piano began to play.

As he said, his piano music is full of carefree, self satisfied and complacent.

Hearing this, Chen Rong couldn't help but look back and gouge out a fierce look at him.

Wang Hong didn't see it.

His eyebrows drooped and his eyes narrowed. His face was elegant and elegant. It was noble and free from dust. The clear eyes, as if not stained with dust.

As if awed by his light, the three or five point fireflies gradually fly and approach, and dance around his hands.

At this time, a strong man said in a soft voice, "Gee, it's so late, how can I sail?"

Chen Rong turned to look, sure enough, in another river, turned to a little light, a fixed eye, is also a boat.

The sound of the piano came out leisurely.

Almost suddenly, in the boat, there was a clear, middle-aged voice, "where is Gao Shi playing here? Outstanding moon and breeze, how to have the joy of ocean? Unfortunately, the sound of a zither is rare in the world. However, there is frivolity in happiness. "

In such a still night, the voice was loud.

Wang Hong did not raise his eyebrows. He stroked his hands gracefully, and the sound of the zither faded.

Casually raised his head, Wang Hongqing said with a smile, "this gentleman is biased. The beauty is in her arms, happy as she wishes. Her music is so beautiful that she is happy. "

As soon as he answered this, the man was stunned and laughed.

???It's more than six thousand words, asking for pink ticket reward. This month I am really diligent, tears, I have been moved. (to be continued, please log in , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! )

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