Mei Gongqing

Chapter 237: 237

In the last three days, everyone's Pink tickets will be wasted. I'm jealous of others, so I'd better throw them all to my new book Qing Ben Feng Liu. Ha ha ha.

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the wine and vegetables have been put on the cloth.

Here are a few people, everyone's whole meat and wine to eat.

In fact, without Wang Xuan's orders, all the guards will check the wine and meat carefully.

In a flash, Wang Xuan's own wine and meat came up.

Stretch out the chopsticks, take out a piece of wild boar meat which is cooked in the mouth. Wang Xuan puts it into his mouth.

Almost at the entrance of the meat, he noticed sensitively and stared at himself with a bright eye.

Slowly, Wang Xuan took out his handkerchief from his arms, spit out the meat and threw it gracefully to one side.

Wang Xuan's appearance is so beautiful, which naturally attracts people's attention frequently. At the moment, his small movements are clearly reflected in the eyes of all.

Among the consternation, Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand lazily and said, "take him!"

He's referring to the shopkeeper behind the counter!

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A word spits out, the shopkeeper's big surprise, swish a few times, two guards do not hesitate to stand up, stride to the shopkeeper's side, one picked up his skirt. Seeing that he wanted to shout, another guard took out a tablecloth and put it in the shopkeeper's mouth.

Wang Xuan said coldly, "in a quarter of an hour, I want to know who has ordered him!"

He didn't mention the boar meat that might have problems with that Ding, so he directly convicted the shopkeeper.

Seeing him like this, all the people in the tavern looked at each other, but also showed a color of intolerance.

Carrying the shopkeeper into the back guard, he soon came. When the shopkeeper fell in front of Wang Xuan, a guard came over and whispered a few words to Wang Xuan.

Listen to listen, Wang Xuan's face sank, and the angry flame was floating in his eyes.

After a while, Wang Xuan waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "let's go."

Although the people are still hungry, there is obviously something wrong with the food, so there is no need to continue eating. With a wave of his hand, Wang Xuan, including Chen Rong, stood up.

When he got on the carriage, Wang Xuan ordered, "hang the family sign."

As soon as the guards were in awe, they replied, "yes."

It was almost the moment when the sign of Langya Wang was hung. The noise around, the laughter around, all stopped. Countless onlookers became awed and admired at this moment.

And behind the crowd, a young man fell to the ground with a soft plop and a trembling voice: "the legitimate vein of Langya Wang family?"

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The two guards quickly picked up the young man. After a while, a middle-aged guard whispered, "the man in white is the seventh king of Langya. The beautiful young man is the eldest son of the seventh king."

As soon as the words came out, there was no sound from left, right or right.

For a long time, the young man said hoarsely, "they didn't know it was big brother..." Just when he said that, he thought of the shopkeeper who had fallen into the hands of Wang Shi of Langya, and then he lost his voice.

With a whoosh, the young man turned to a handsome and elegant young man, and said to the pale man in a hurry, "brother, run. Leave here, to Jicheng, to Luoyang! Can he reach into the territory of the Hu people after his seventh reign? "

Listen, the young man shook his head. At this time, a middle-aged man said, "no use."

The middle-aged man said: "in those days, our people just said that they would like to buy doctor Guanglu with ten thousand gold. Wang Qi pulled out all the underground secret halls to build Kangcheng. That time, the secret hall lost 70% of its energy and has not been completely restored."

After a pause, he said, "the old doctor Guanglu didn't marry him, but now it's his eldest son who is offended. Moreover, both the royal family and the Langya Wang family have high hopes for Wang Qi, the eldest son of their own. Even if he let go, the Langya Wang family would not let go. "

The middle-aged can't go on.

As a matter of fact, everyone has nothing to say.

They looked at the young man in unison.

This young man is their young master. He is a little gifted and very popular.

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In the eyes of all the people, the young man looked at the distant carriage of Langya Wang with a pale face. In his eyes, there was a burning and painful flame, and his handsome face was full of despair.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "I really admire you."

For a moment, he stared at the distant carriage. The young man smiled miserably and murmured, "why should he be Langya Wang?"

After a long stay, he closed his eyes and said, "tonight...... Die of illness! You accompany me until he is satisfied. "

When he said this, the fist of his right hand was tightly clenched. Over and over again, he read: "Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan..." As if reciting repeatedly like this, you can brand the beautiful youth into eternity.

The carriage went out like a city.

Wang Xuan drove the carriage to Wang Hong's side and said things in a low voice: "father, such humiliation, son must be washed with blood!"

Wang Hong answered, he said lightly: "they will come to accompany."He looked at his son, smiled and said, "don't you just wait for them when you put on the family sign?"

Wang Xuan's beautiful face is full of anger. He grins his teeth and says, "that guy, that guy is obviously a man. He still...... Father, this is hateful. I will sweep them! "

Wang Hong smiled lightly. "It's your business."

He pulled down the curtain.

Chen Rong in the carriage, looking at his son's angry figure, said in a hate voice, "that underground dark hall is too hateful. It's really hateful!" She looked at Wang Hong and asked, "can't it be destroyed?"

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Wang Hong shook his head and said in a low voice, "when the Empress Dowager was humiliated, it did not cause the dark hall to perish. When you were met by them, I took the token as the price, except for Jiankang city...... A Rong, in today's world, nobles are living in a dream. Behind the secret hall, there are real aristocratic families and royalty. If they don't go out, they can't go out. "

He held Chen Rong's hand and said, "but after this, Xuaner's identity will spread underground as fast as possible. People who want to move him in the future will think about it. "

The next evening, a group of strangers found them. They presented a skull in a wooden box and countless gold and silver treasures. Wang Xuan thought for a long time and let them go.

However, until they left, Wang's people in Langya were still investigating. For them, it was necessary to find out whether the person who moved his mind towards Wang Xuan was the one who killed him. It's about family dignity. No one will let others fool.

On this day, the team came to Jiankang city.

Ten miles away from the city gate, the mighty reception team is full of officials.

Looking at the figure in the distance, a fat man in his forties came together and said with a smile: "prince, it's a great joy for Qilang to come back. It's said that Xuan Xiaolang has a high demeanor. Do you know if he is married? "

Another white and handsome man came over and said loudly, "xuanxiaolang is in Nanshan. How could he be engaged? Wang Gong, Chen family is willing to marry again."

On this side, a eunuch's voice came out in a shrill voice, "you are all beauties selected from thousands of miles. Since the Empress Dowager and her majesty reward you to Wang Qilang, it is your task to please him and win his favor. Remember, if you can become the concubine of the seventh king of Langya, you can protect your family's wealth. If you can give birth to a son for the Langya Wang family, you can protect your family's wealth for the third time! "

In the bright eyes of all the beauties, the eunuch accentuated his tone, "but the ugly words are in the front. If you are driven out by him, the day when thousands of people in the red chamber rest on thousands of people to taste is your future." He said in his voice, "do you understand?"

"I understand," said the ladies

The eunuch said that the consequences of failure were terrible, but the women didn't think so. They just came out of the palace and understood that they were the best in the world, both in terms of talent and beauty. Unless he was not a man, he could not escape. (to be continued. If you like this work, welcome to the starting point( )Vote for recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support, is my biggest motivation. )

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