Mei Gongqing

Chapter 253: 253

Fanwai has also updated 89 million words. It's written. Suddenly, I found that this foreigner can write forever

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In fact, I'm very guilty. Two days a chapter, so slowly more, so stubborn in the single order list, I'm embarrassed to think about it. Think about one change a day. Two books are in progress at the same time. In addition, there are some small problems in physical condition, and the energy is not continuous. Keep hanging like this, can't it go on forever?

If you want to go, you want to stop. I want to tell you something, or is fanwai over like this? Tears, can't always write at the speed of a thousand words a day, all the time that the four best children get married and start a family? Why don't we just stop and open another new book? (to be continued. If you like this work, welcome to the starting point( )Vote for recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support, is my biggest motivation. )

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