Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1015: 1015

As for Wu Lingqing's fighting power and ability, all the different races believed in him. Especially after the death of didongna's three hundred species, the rest of them could be said to have no different opinions about Wu Lingqing.

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What's more, Wu Lingqing himself is one of the highest rank and the strongest fighting force among all the other races present!

Therefore, when Wu Lingqing left, no one thought of the harm, and no one would be idle to worry about Wu Lingqing's safety. After all, if Wu Lingqing could not solve the problem, they would not worry about it.

It was because of this laissez faire that the seven hundred heterogeneous troops were so completely separated from the leader Wu Lingqing, and they were further and further apart in two completely different directions.

Wu Lingqing, who left the army, stopped after walking for a long time. His brows were tightly knit together. The expression reflected in his scarlet pupils was hesitation and uneasiness.

She did hear a trace of unusual movement, slightly but let her hair stand up, and even rushed out without hesitation!

Because she heard the baby crying!

It seems to be from a far away place, intermittent sound is subtle, so that Wu Lingqing walked for a long time, but he did not find it. He could only detect the specific location from time to time.

With the distance getting closer, the panic in Wu Lingqing's eyes became more and more intense, because the cry had become more and more obvious, accompanied by a few words of babbling.

Wu Lingqing's heart is full of strong impact, unbearable memories rush out of her brain again, making her unable to accept for a while.

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It is often said that tiger poison does not eat children, but Wu Lingqing is totally different!

Not long after the outbreak of eschatology, she ate her own daughter in hunger!

At the same time, it is this matter that makes Wu Lingqing's heart always have a knot that can't be broken. Children under one year old, especially female children, can never appear in front of her.

Therefore, when the cry of the baby girl appeared intermittently and not clearly, Wu Lingqing unconsciously ignored why there was a baby in the deep mountain, and did not even think about whether someone was deliberately lured.

She rushed out almost instantly, looking for the source of the baby's crying.

On a towering tree in the distance, Lu Bingze holds a pair of binoculars, and has a panoramic view of Wu Lingqing's galloping posture.

"It's a terrible race. The red eyes look like that!" Lu Bingze swears and swears, and then turns around to observe the direction of Daqing and Wangcai.

At the moment, on Daqing's back, Wangcai is holding Daqing's feathers with the smallest size, while the other claw is holding a piece of cloth.

"Big green, ahead." Wangcai is in charge of Daqing, regardless of whether the other party can't understand it. At least it's full of style.

Daqing, worthy of being a reverse species, quickly understood the general meaning of Wangcai, and flew away with a dive towards a branch ahead.

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Wangcai tore off a part of the cloth in his hand and shook his hand toward the branches below. Suddenly, a piece of cloth fell down from the branch of the tree as Daqing flew by.

Wu Lingqing in the rear came along the sound all the way, and soon came here. She immediately smelled a smell of blood.


The scarlet pupil burst and shot out fierce light. Wu Lingqing immediately looked up at the top, and the piece of cloth rushed into her eyes immediately.

That smell of blood is from it!

Wu Lingqing's body was shocked. After looking at the cloth strip in horror, he immediately ran to the front and continued to chase!

The cloth was obviously torn from the clothes, perhaps by animals, or by branches, but in any case, it was a piece of clothes with a smell of blood.

Most importantly, this piece of clothing, coupled with the baby's crying, is easy to associate with a series of conditions.

A baby less than a month old is taken away by birds and beasts, biting and bleeding all the way

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Wu Lingqing was stunned by her anger. Although she didn't know what she wanted to do, she just flew away faster and faster, and the distance between her and the seven hundred foreign troops was getting farther and farther. She went into the mountain forest alone unconsciously.

At the same time in the 700 different teams, it is a scene of happy.

"There are obvious traces of movement ahead." At this time, a strange race ran to report: "it should have been left not long ago. Chu Han and others must be nearby."

"Are you sure it's a moving trace?" A seventh order alien was alert and excited at the same time.

Moving trace, this is not common, they usually encounter traces are very small traces, completely unable to see the organization and the direction of movement of the person who left the trace.

Chu Han has always been very careful, so he has not been able to catch the tail of the alien race. But the moving trace suddenly appears. It seems that God has finally opened his eyes. They can analyze the specific situation of the trace and find out which direction Chu Han and others left.

As long as we can find out Chu Han, how can they still need a place to burn? It is no longer necessary to force Chu han to appear by weeding.

"Absolutely sure!" The report of the xenophobic nodded: "chase or not?""Chase!" "It seems that Chu Han is at the end of his life, or he knows that it's a vain thing to hide any more, so he has already abandoned himself and is ready to die!"

"I don't think so. Is it a conspiracy?" "We'd better wait for Wu Lingqing to come back and make a decision," another alien objected

"It's time to stop. If you miss this time, you won't be able to do it again!" Seven level of the alien do not want to give up: "say we 700 people, he Chu Han just how many people?"

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The dissidents frowned and couldn't help saying, "wait for the analysis results first, and then we won't be able to find out the specific position of Chu Han."

Seven levels of the heterogeneous, excited with people began to analyze along the traces one by one.

In the joint efforts of hundreds of different species, the trace was quickly resolved, but the result made people a little surprised.

Because the moving trace shows two completely different directions, that is to say, the trace is either the camouflage left by Chu Han, or the soldiers and horses of Chu Han are divided here.

If it is the former, the purpose is good to guess, that is to deliberately confuse different species, perhaps both directions are false, but not necessarily.

And if the latter, it is an excellent opportunity to pursue and kill the wolf teeth team!

Think of it, Chu Han's 300 people are divided into two ways. Any way, 700 different races catch up with each other is a steady rhythm. The huge difference in number gives the great advantage to the different races.

But the problem is that the facts are hidden in the dark, and there is no way to know. The choice we face at this moment will also affect the overall situation.

But at such a critical time, Wu Lingqing is not here!

The seventh order alien got a headache and decided to take a risk after careful consideration: "the soldiers are divided into two ways, 400 people chase the left one, and the remaining 300 species follow me on the right road!"

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