Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1025: 1025

Chu Han's sudden appearance not only made Xiao Kun completely stunned, but also stunned by the five black mang team members nearby. In addition, there were other black mang team members who kept approaching. They were shocked that they and others were dreaming.

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How did they meet boss Chu Han?

What happened while they were away?

The black mans team's route is not along the main road, nor is it the direct road between the safe base and the base, but the completely sparsely populated mountain forest, bypassing the zombies and human beings.

Therefore, along the way, heimang was completely in a state of no news. He didn't know the situation of Anluo City, and he didn't know that Langya was fighting against other races.

Even including the major deeds of Chu Han in this period of time, the black mischievous team also knew nothing about it. They just disappeared for a period of time, trained desperately on foot, and then returned with a new state of almost everyone's advancement.

At the same time, they just happened to enter this area, coincidentally heard Gao Shaohui's voice, sneaked over at a fairly close distance, and then found the alien species lurking here.

Since they are different, and they are in the area of Anluo City, Xiao Kun will certainly not let them go.

So it's the mode of assassination!

So all this is a coincidence, coincidence to let Chu Han and Xiao Kun feel incredible.

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"Fifty have been killed." Not forgetting Chu Han's question, Xiao Kun immediately adjusted his state and replied, "not only are all the members of black mans here, but also the last three people are nearby. However, due to their lack of combat power, I let them stay a little farther away, protected by ten black mans members."

Chu Han nodded, Xiao Kun's practice is very comprehensive, that's easy to do, black Mang's hands already had 50 alien lives, and he and Xu Feng killed several more. At this time, the number of personnel of the five teams had surpassed that of the other species. Only one should be surprised and could act immediately.

However, the only thing that Chu Han cared about was the location of Wu Lingqing!

The reason why he chose to assassinate Xu Feng in the first wave was that he wanted to destroy some of the people of different races, and the most important thing was to find the place where Wu Lingqing was.

It's not a joke that the big alien of the seventh level peak is not a joke. When she doesn't respond to it, she must suppress it and let her lose the first opportunity, so as to ensure that the next action goes smoothly.

"Continue to assassinate." Chu Han said to Xiao Kun.

"Yes Xiao Kun nodded and continued to act without saying a word.

Next, Chu Han fumbled forward again, intending to focus on the direction of Wu Lingqing.

At this time, Wu Lingqing, who was still in the same place, was staring at Gao Shaohui not far away. She bit her teeth and made a major decision.

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"Your honor." Suddenly, a clear and beautiful voice sounded in this silent area. Wu Lingqing opened his mouth to Gao Shaohui in a high voice: "we have no intention of offending you, so please don't disturb our action."

This is Wu Lingqing's biggest concession. She is bound to win by killing Langya and grabbing Chu Han!

As for the existence of Muye's fear, Wu Lingqing is not very clear about it, so her fear is only for a moment. She believes that she and the young man in front of her will not make trouble if the well water doesn't invade the river.

But everything is developing towards the direction that Wu Lingqing did not expect!

As soon as she wanted to discuss with Gao Shaohui, Chu Han and all the members of the team suddenly beat their hearts except for other species. Then, the corners of Chu Han's mouth slowly rose and showed a meaningful smile in the direction of Wu Lingqing.

At the same time, Xu Feng stopped his assassination and slowly approached Wu Lingqing.

Gao Shaohui is the only one who doesn't know why. After hearing Wu Lingqing's voice, he is stunned. He thinks about it and asks, "girl, are you a zombie or a different species?"

Anyway, it must not be a person. If it is a person, it must be a member of the wolf tooth battle group. If it is, how can the people of the wolf tooth battle group not know him?

He has been around Chu Han for a long time. Almost everyone in the wolf tooth battle group has seen him constantly talking about Chu Han, and everyone is very curious about him.

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So at the very least, Gao Shaohui can ask some questions, and this question comes from his heart.

But Wu Lingqing, who heard this question, didn't think so. Gao Shaohui even asked her whether she was a zombie or a different species. Isn't it a blatant shame!

Anger in Wu Lingqing's eyes highlighted, so that her voice immediately sharp: "I can tell you boy, you'd better leave here immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Gao Shaohui eyebrows a pick, all of a sudden unhappy up: "I rely on? I'm so old that no one dares to talk to me like that. What are you? "

Chu Han, whose body is getting closer to Wu Lingqing, can't help laughing. At this moment, he has met Xu Feng and is constantly bypassing the rest of the alien species to Wu Lingqing.

Good Gao Shaohui, continue to communicate with Wu Lingqing!

"What am I? Your tone is really not small. I'll give you one last chance and get out of here Wu Lingqing's anger in her eyes has already reached the peak. Her wound is faintly shaken open and bleeds again. She really wants to jump out and kill this man."Oh Gao Shaohui touched his nose and said, "I want to have a look. What can you do with this rubbish?"

"Looking for death!" Wu Lingqing suddenly stood up and decided to fight Gao Shaohui with a big drink. At the same time, because he had held back his anger for a long time, he was inspired by Gao Shaohui.

But at this time, there was no sign.

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A black light and a golden light flashed by, and the two wounds suddenly appeared on Wu Lingqing's back, and the bloody wound spurted out blood with acid smell.

At the same time, Chu Han's voice was shouting: "action!"


In the grass suddenly appeared numerous black spots, faster and closer, a large number of team members suddenly jumped out, toward the front of the heterogeneous on the weapon.

The members of the black mans team joined the big stream operation for the first time. After meeting with the other four teams, the two sides did not even greet each other with a surprise, so they started to cooperate with each other by tacit understanding.

Only Wu Lingqing, who was injured in an instant, turned back in disbelief. At the moment, in front of her, Chu Han and Xu Feng surrounded her.

"You?" Wu Lingqing was shocked. She didn't expect that Chu Han had come here. At the same time, her pupils shrank and she yelled: "action!"

Wu Lingqing is calling for a different species, but when she falls down, she finds herself surrounded by an isolated black space!

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