Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1040: 1040

The second sixth order new human had already reacted at this time. Seeing Chu Han, who rushed to his front door, he immediately raised his knife with a big drink and reminded the rest of his companions who were in a daze.

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Chu Han has already rushed over, don't kill it quickly?!

Wangcai on the tree was another fright. He watched the crowd scattered by Chu Han begin to gather again. He couldn't control so much. He became bigger and jumped down, biting the pants leg of a new sixth level human.

Although it and Chu Han quarrel and quarrel, hate to start fighting, but if Chu Han died, it will directly sleep or even disappear.

The gain is not worth the loss!

“!!” The sixth level new human was shocked, and the three views were constantly refreshed.

Where's the giant rabbit from?!

At this time, Chu han paid no attention to the situation around him. His eyes focused on the nearest sixth level new human, and his Shura Tomahawk was humming again, sending out a very bright black light.


When two weapons collide with each other, a burst of dazzling electric light and flint is rubbed out, which also indicates the complete start of the war!

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Bang bang!

The sound of weapons fighting is constantly ringing. The sixth level new human on the opposite side is indeed not built. It is obvious that he has received extraordinary professional training. Under several attacks of Chu Han, he can take every move. Even his body shape is just a few steps backward, and his strength is even more unexpected.

You know, although Chu Han was seriously injured, his physical strength was the sixth level peak, and he also had the blessing of strength, speed and precision. The general level six new human could not be satisfied in his hands.

But in front of him, everything is on the top of the sixth level peak. Both physical fitness and fighting have risen to the best position in the sixth level.

Damn it!

Chu Han's heart a burst of dark scold, which come from such a group of experts?!

Unfortunately, his talent can only maintain balance with level 6 at this time. Is it necessary to choose this time? Do you want to give up the relinquishment and upgrade to level 7 directly?


Suddenly, Chu Han's pupil contracted violently.


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I depend on him how to forget this!

He was fighting with Chu Han. He resisted Chu Han's attack. Waiting for his companion's help, the sixth level new human suddenly fell into a daze. Then he watched Chu Han's feet move sideways. Suddenly, he left the battle circle and ran towards Wangcai not far away.

This horizontal shift is very exquisite. The new human suddenly saw the gap between himself and Chu Han. If he was given another two years, he would not be able to make such a random shift and leave the battle circle in such a tight battle.

The rest of the people saw that Chu Han didn't fight in the middle of the road, and they couldn't care so much about it. They caught up with him directly!

But Chu Han was in a hurry at this time. Without saying a word, Chu Han kicked away the new man who was bitten by Wangcai. Then he jumped up and jumped on Wangcai's back. His fury and excited voice pounded into Wangcai's mind: "go! You're fast! Circle for two minutes


Wangcai started running without saying a word. The huge rabbit carrying Chu Han kept circling around this area, making the nine new humans dizzy.

Only after running several steps, Wangcai responded: "what's the situation? Why don't you fight? Wait for black mans to come? "

"It's too late for dark." Chu Han quickly found out the recycling fragment from the dimensional space, and at the same time told Wangcai: "Laozi will upgrade the recycling system now!"

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"Damn it! How did you think of it? After upgrading to 20%, I can restore the memory function! Hurry up Wangcai is also excited. Unconsciously, his pace is getting faster and faster. He brings up a burst of dust on the ground and chokes a group of people who are chasing after him.

"But what about this thing?"

"Damn it, I'll do it!"

After a burst of scolding, Chu Han's body suddenly shakes. At the same time, this piece of furnace returning fragment in his hand is also a tiny blue light spot, which rushes into Chu Han's body in an instant!


Chu Han's consciousness was confused for a moment, as if he was hit by a huge information, and then his body was obviously feeling a burst of strange and relaxed.

"Recycle fragment activation, recycle system upgrade..."

The composite sound of that damned furnace returning system is still not prompt, which makes Chu Han's dizzy head tingle. His urgent mood drives him to scold the system in his mind: "damn Wangcai, are you wordy?"

"That's not Laozi's voice!" At this time, Wangcai's eyes flickered with other things that Chu Han could not understand. It obviously recovered to 20% of its memory and remembered something.

At this time, Chu Han's consciousness had been slightly sober. He had no time to check the panel of the furnace return system, and directly asked Wangcai, "tell me what functions I can use now?"

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"Congratulations." Wangcai's tone is with a smile, but unexpectedly calm. A subtle complex smile appears on its face: "you have opened the injury recovery function."Chu Han was overjoyed: "quick! Here it is! Old! Son! Cure! Hurt

"Seven days." Wangcai understands Chu Han's character and tries his best to introduce the complex injury recovery function: "that is to say, you can only use this recovery function once every seven days, and since the function of the furnace return system is only upgraded to 20%, your injury can only be recovered by 20%. When it is recovered in seconds, in addition, the regenerative points consumed are 10000. Do you want to use it?"

Chu Han was stunned by the 20% stingy data and the sky high price of 10000 points of return points. After a long time, he gnashed his teeth and said, "give it to Laozi!"

20%, which is better than nothing. Although he has more than 10000 points, he has many younger brothers and killed many zombies. In particular, the number of zombies slaughtered by the wolf tooth battle group has reached as much as one million, and people with different loyalty can also bring him different points rebate.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Han's recycling points are too many to use up. He has been stingy and useless. He hopes that one day, the recycling system can develop different functions, so that these points can be better used.

A flash of blue light flashed in Wangcai's eyes, and then Chu Han saw a series of countless data jumping on the panel of his own recycling system.

Then his seriously injured body suddenly relaxed a lot, the twitching legs and shoulders faintly stabilized, and the pain zone was not so painful, but it did not completely disappear.

Sure enough, it's 20%, but it's a lot better!

At this time, Chu Han's head was completely clear, and the Shura Tomahawk in his hand was tightly held on his side. His dark pupil reflected a wild color: "Wangcai! come back! Kill one of them

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