Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1043: 1043

At the end of the Forked Road, the smoke diffused everywhere reflected the fierce war here, the blood and pungent smell of gunpowder were everywhere, and the sound of fighting was resounding and heartbreaking on this small road.

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The growing number of bodies makes the area look particularly bloody and brutal.

Yingfeng still maintained the style of assassination, with the team approaching step by step, walking on the road covered with corpses, which seemed to be showing off in silence.

However, the situation of the four teams at this time is not optimistic. They have no way to go back, and the only way out is to fight to death.

But in all the advantages are gone, no matter how efforts are in vain, the number of four teams at this time is only 100!

This is the biggest hit since the formation of the wolf tooth battle group, and it is also the largest loss of personnel since the formation of the wolf tooth group.

It can be seen that this one after another campaign, to wolf tooth how much damage!

Li Bifeng's arm was half useless at this time. His face was covered with blood. He turned to Xu Feng and grinned at him. His smile was open-minded, but with a touch of unwillingness and vicissitudes. His garrulous voice kept whispering. This is probably the last sentence of Li Bifeng's life. He was beaten by words, killed by one punch and one by one. His violent attack and voice were shocked Whether it is the enemy or the wolf teeth, they are all shocked.

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After a brief silence --


"Kill these tortoise grandsons!"

As soon as all the members of the wolf tooth team rushed forward, they killed Li Bi in a crazy way. No one paid attention to any strategy or win or lose at this moment.

Have seen the outcome of losing, then fight for death!

The enemy was suddenly rushed in by the wolf tooth members, and the members of the shooting team were greatly damaged. Once a person regardless of his life, what he did could only be described as crazy. One of the members of the wolf tooth team had been cut off his legs, and his short body was still fighting with his arms.

Yingfeng didn't expect that the desperate wolf teeth team would stimulate the mode of fighting for life at the last moment. Everyone seemed to be crazy. They killed and killed an enemy in the crowd without any rules. No matter how high they were, they attacked the dead.

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Shadow seal cold hum: "dead support just."

It's true that the number of people here still has a big advantage at this time, and how many people in the wolf tooth team still have?

It's less than a hundred!

Sooner or later, it will be destroyed. However, the number of people on his side will be greatly damaged. However, Yingfeng doesn't care. He only wants to achieve his goal.

At this time, not knowing that Xiao Xiao has died, Ying Feng doesn't think that Langya still has the possibility of turning defeat into victory. With a sneer, he wants to hide and assassinate the high-level members of the wolf tooth team one by one.

"Your opponent is me." At this time, Xu Feng's golden spear in his hand directly blocked Yingfeng's way. His eyes were full of killing intention: "I've seen your head for a long time!"

Shadow seal a Leng after disdain a smile: "only a seven level early."

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The fight between the two started immediately, and the fight was inseparable in this small field, which made a large area of broken branches of trees.

Just when the two sides started a fierce battle, and the number of members of the wolf teeth group decreased sharply, a huge sound suddenly rose up. The loud bang of "bang" strongly interrupted the actions of all the people present, and even Xu Feng and Yingfeng were forced to stop.

The sound was so loud that it suppressed the deafening fighting on the field.

"What sound?" Yingfeng was shocked and shocked: "it seems that Is it a gun? "

At the moment when everyone was stunned, a dense black spot appeared from the rear. A group of people came quickly, with a roar that shocked both sides.


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"Wolf tooth here, who dares to make a mistake?"

"Kill them!"

"Damn it, let me have a good time to look for it. How can I fight in such a corner?"

"Gao Shao Hui te is Lu Chi!"

Before that huge sound, it is under Chen young master's impatience in the distance of a lethal sniper gun, did not kill people, only a deterrent.

The five hundred new humans led by Mr. Chen finally arrived at the battlefield!

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