Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1049: 1049

The news of the great victory of Langya spread in just one morning. The whole base was in complete madness. It seemed that the whole base had never been so lively. In the end of the century when entertainment and information lagged behind, the way of people's celebration became simple and direct, that is, overwhelming celebration, and everyone was cheering!

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As the rudiment of military base, Langya base is still under construction. However, today, the base, which was originally in a frightful atmosphere, is full of children running on the road, singing new popular songs with the most publicized colors.

"Boss Chu Han, the hero of the world, who will fight with the wolf teeth?"

One sound after another, the transmission is very wide, spread out in the whole base crowd.

All the buildings under construction took a day off. Su Xing himself took the lead to exult in the base. Jiangzuo, for the first time, came out of the research room, holding hands with his wife and children in tears. The rest of the staff in Langya base who were struggling with their own affairs directly gave up their work and went to the square to celebrate with the residents of the base.

The guard team headed by Yang Tian has been busy all day. It's not a moment. It's very tiring.

The residents of the base are so enthusiastic that what they do is incredible. Either the fireworks in the East burned the house, or the house in the west is covered with graffiti. In short, everyone is celebrating crazily, regardless of the consequences.

Only in this joyful atmosphere, only a few people know that the exaggerated celebration was organized by Shang jiudi, including the vigilance team headed by Yang Tian who kept order all day.

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In Shang jiudi's office, Ding Xue wiped the sweat and pushed the door open: "the news has been all put out, those who peep secretly are estimated to have been impatient to go back and pass the news."

"Good." Shang jiudi head also does not lift: "will celebrate to enlarge a point, lets the entire base all chaos, the more chaotic the better, the national celebration."

"This..." Ding Xue tried to stop: "this is not good. Didn't Chu Han say that after the end of the war, his vigilance was the lowest, and he should abandon the celebration and strengthen the vigilance? What's more, now that it's in such a mess, will the wolf tooth battle group come back? We don't need to be ready for the return of soldiers? "

"What should be prepared? As for Chu Han's words, if someone had the courage to come and make trouble, the wolf tooth battle group already on the way back would not have been ignored." Shang jiudi faint response, just in the eyes of a touch of worry deeply hidden, telling a big lie: "anyway, Chu Han bear, what are we afraid of? Is it not time to celebrate such a victory against the weather

"Yes! Oh, I see! I will start to prepare for the victorious return of the wolf tooth battle group immediately Ding snow with joy, head also does not return to go out to continue to work.

Just after Ding Xue left, Shang jiudi looks at the table top, which is an urgent document. Her eyes are red and she is forced to endure tears.

At this time, no one knew that Chu Han was in danger. She could only use this grandiose way to draw people's attention, and could not let anyone know the real situation

The news of Langya victory spread quickly. At noon, Jianyi base received the news. Led by Lu Yi and Gu Liangchen, they took the lead to take a large number of people to Langya base, ostensibly to make a statement to show people. In fact, they were happy for a long time.

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Finally can and wolf tooth's aboveboard collusion, ah bah, is the aboveboard friendship alliance!

In the afternoon, the rest of the bases learned about this important news. There were more information channels for large bases. Almost every base held an emergency meeting. The rest of the small and medium-sized bases spread the important events of the end of the century from mouth to mouth in the explosive news leaked.

Therefore, in just one day, the victory of the Langya battle group has been widely spread throughout China. The key words are "Chuhan" and "Langya".

It's nothing to win a battle once. It's puzzling to win twice with less. Then for the third time in a row, when the huge data difference appears, Langya is almost infinitely close to the word invincible.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies, fifteen different species, all destroyed!

This is a grand feat across the century and the pride of all mankind!

As for the Supreme Commander Chu Han, he was labeled as a god level commander. There were countless people standing beside the battle effectiveness rankings outside each base, showing admiration for the huge name in the first line of the fifth rank.

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Nandu base is the fastest and largest base among all bases. Led by Shangguan Yuxin, nearly the first time he got the news, he sent more than a dozen helicopters to Langya and sent a large number of materials to Langya.

All these Shangguan Rong saw in the eyes, jealousy in the heart, but he had no other way, can only watch his daughter face Happy busy.

"I didn't expect to win." Murong Luocheng stands next to Shangguan Rong in a complicated tone.

Shangguan Rong's tone was more complicated: "even with such a premonition, no one expected that Chu Han could really win. It was unimaginable that only 4000 people, hundreds of thousands of zombies were slaughtered, and all the 15 different species were killedMurong Luocheng was stunned, and then Nana said: "at the beginning of the zombie siege of Nandu base, none of the other species came. We seemed to be completely ignored."

Shangguan Rong listen, more imbalance in the heart, but also can not speak.

"I'll go to Langya base for this diplomacy." Murong Luocheng another sentence, directly let Shangguan Rong look iron green.

My daughter wants to pay back. Now even Murong Luocheng wants to go and have a good deal with Chu Han?

What an exasperation!

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It was not Shangjing, which was the most dominant city, nor Duan, who was not clearly involved with Langya base. Instead, Chuanyu, who had always kept a low profile and rarely made a speech, made a response.

For this base, people give it the evaluation is a sentence: duty of the golden mean of sleeping tiger.

It belongs to the base that does not sing and has already made a great splash, low-key addiction, and will bring its own halo as soon as it appears!

Shen Yunlou was the one who came out this time. After all, the whole base that had dealt with Chu Han was Wen Qisheng, who did not come out of the mountain.

However, different from Nandu base, Shen Yunlou is not aiming at the alliance with great fanfare, but continues to maintain the golden mean. With a small number of congratulatory gifts, Shen Yunlou goes to Langya just for congratulation.

There is no purpose, no intention. Just go and have a look, visit and leave.

I'm afraid no one can guess what the significance of this is after all, except for several high-level leaders of the Sichuan base. It's just a vague sense of conspiracy.

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