Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1057: 1057

Far away in the silver market, where the foreign base camp is located, the cold rain is falling.

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Chen Yutian arrived with a wound. At this time, the city full of depression in front of him was still like that when he left, which made him feel an atmosphere of disgust from the bottom of his heart.

The road is not very dirty, because the leaves love to be clean, and all dirty creatures can not appear in the places where the leaves may appear.

Even zombies don't dare to appear on the cleaned roads, they just dare to live in the deep alleys and, together with those zombies, completely divide the city into two extremes.

The whole city is gray, and there are many standard buildings on both sides, which is not much different from that of civilization. It is just a dark and decadent area, far away from the wild plants in the last ages.

Even if the rain washes the road surface, the clean can reflect light, but it can't keep the city away from the dark and bad.

"You're back, Chen Yutian." A low-level alien dressed in a black robe was sweeping the road. He was so hungry that he saw Chen Yutian show a row of uneven terrifying teeth.

Chen Yutian did not speak, just looked up at a tall building in the distance, where is the palace of wooden leaves, not everyone can approach.

"Did you hear the news?" That low-level alien close, looking at Chen Yu day revealed a look of evil intention: "you still dare to come back at this time, not afraid that the wood leaf adult will tear you up?"

This low-level and heterogeneous jealous maniac, he and Chen Yutian came to silver market at the same time, at that time his rank was higher than Chen Yutian, but only a few months later, Chen Yutian became a red man in front of Muye, and even was sent to the war site to accept the important task. Because of his disrespect to Chen Yutian, he was sent by those xenogeneic flattering Chen Yutian Here, sweep the floor.

Sweep all day and night, even if the ground is clean, even if the rain can't stop, and still can't eat enough!

Every time he ate, it was the rotten human flesh that the rest of the species threw away. It had no value at all.

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But now the news of wolf tooth victory is spreading, and all the 1000 different elite soldiers who went to Anluo city are all dead. How angry Muye is at this time can be imagined.

And Chen Yutian didn't die?

Ha ha!

Not dead, that's not far from death!

The eyes of low-level xenotransplantation are full of excitement, it seems that Chen Yutian has been torn by the leaves of the end.

Chen Yutian didn't care about the alien words in front of him. He touched his face soaked in rain. The black cloth on his face was already wet through. At this time, the outline similar to human was revealed.

"You've been transformed?" The low-level alien soon discovered this, and his face of astonishment soon flickered with reluctance and resentment.

By what?

One thousand and five different races all died in the two wars. Only three of them survived. Chen Yutian was one of them. One of the other two lost his hands and feet, and the other lost his life and root.

But what about Chen Yutian?

In addition to bleeding wounds, but also stand on their own to the silver Market Street, and even metamorphosis!

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This sense of imbalance is unacceptable to low-level aliens!

By what?!

Chen Yutian took a look at the strange one who was startled in front of him, frowned and ignored, and walked forward directly.

"Stop Such a blind attitude made the low-level alien extremely unbearable. He quickly stepped forward and wanted to kick Chen Yutian down, and his mouth was full of incessant scolding: "how dare a defeated soldier come back? You don't have to do it. I'll deal with you directly! "


Chen Yutian flashed past, and at the same time, he broke his hands and pressed the head of this low-level alien. His body suddenly showed a strange shape. His head was low and facing the ground, as if his neck was about to be broken.

"Weak, you are not qualified to talk to me, let alone execute me." If Chen Yu is weak, he will fall behind -


The neck of this species was broken in response to the sound, and a corpse fell in the rain, washed away by the cold rain falling from the sky.

After killing a xenogeneic in an instant, Chen Yutian suddenly turns his head to some extent. Then he shrinks his pupils, and then lowers his head deeply. There is no voice, no language, and no other action. He lowers his head so deeply without saying a word.

In an alley of the street, under the eaves of the house, there are two different species. One is normal, the other is more than two meters tall, and the other is more than two meters tall. It is obvious that there is a distinction between master and servant.

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After a long time, the alien standing in front of him walked out of the eaves and left the shadow zone. A face completely unintentional to human beings appeared.

It's the king wood leaf!

The giant alien immediately followed, and a huge umbrella held up his master completely.

"Yes." Chen Yutian lowered his head and said only this word.

"Nothing to explain?" Asked the leaf.

Chen Yu in the heart of a tight, he does not know how long the leaves appear here, but also do not know at this time the other side calm breath, the other side's inner anger in the end how much?"Failure means failure. There is no need to explain." Chen Yutian said this sentence, then quietly waiting for the leaves to fall.

"Oh? You are different. " If Muye thinks about it, he can't see any emotion at all. It seems that the loss of fifteen kinds of elite soldiers is dispensable to him.

Chen Yutian looked up in a moment of consternation. He didn't expect that the leaves would be so calm. Did he get angry?

Just as soon as he looked up, Chen Yutian was surprised to find that the wood leaves at this time could not see any exotic appearance, and even his eyes seemed to wear colored contact lenses to completely cover up the red.

Black pupil, black hair, human skin, everything seems to be a normal human standing in front of him!

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"Lord Muye? You? " Chen Yutian's astonishment is not acting. He really can't imagine why wooden leaves appear in such a way.

"I'm leaving silver for a while." Wood leaf faint voice: "when I am not in, silver market management by you to take over."

Chen Yutian's pupil shrinks, completely stunned.

Muye didn't ask anything, and let him take over such an important position!


Leaving the silver market?

Seeing the shock in Chen Yu's eyes, Muye lifted his mouth and said, "I like your place because you are more like a person than any other species. Before you come back, two different species have come back. They are also survivors of the war, but I killed them all, because I hate useless explanations."

"Failure means defeat. Chu Han is very strong. Everyone knows that there are not so many reasons. Besides, when I sent you there, I knew that few people could come back alive."

Muye said these words, with a sense of wisdom in his eyes, and then glanced at the huge alien behind him: "ADA, did I hear what I just said? The silver market is under the control of Chen Yutian, and those who refuse to accept it will be settled by force. "

"Yes." The thick, not normal voice came from the big, heterogeneous mouth, with respect.

The diameter of the leaves passed Chen Yutian's side and disappeared on the road. Chen Yutian and the giant alien stood in the rain, and the umbrella stood on the top of Chen Yutian's head at this time, showing the status.

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