Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1084: 1084

The long line went all the way from Langya base to Anluo city. On the way, the messengers were angry at the beginning, and gradually turned into dismay and unwillingness. In the end, almost everyone was shocked.

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Because the more you go forward, the road will be more and more spacious and tidy. The flat ground will be cleaned up even if you are growing wild plants. It is not like living in the end of the century.

There is no hard way to go. If you start in the morning, you can get to Anluo at noon.

What makes them even more unable to understand is the quiet and extremely fresh air around. The closer we get to the city, the smell of putrefaction will be very strong. But now the team is about to enter the urban area of Anluo. Not only is there no zombie jumping out to attack, but also there is not even a trace of rotten smell.

There was a trace of hesitation on the faces of the messengers. One or two of them looked at the city of Murong, with strong inquiries in their faces.

Aren't you the emissary of Nandu base?

Yuxin, the daughter of the leader of Nandu base, seems to have an affair with Chu Han. You are also the foreign aid of Langya. Do you want to explain what is going on?

Murong Luocheng naturally saw the look of the people, but he was completely confused about the situation in front of him. Let alone explain, he himself was also baffled.

When the envoys of the first day of junior high school came by helicopter from various bases, they clearly saw this road. Although they did not see a large number of zombies, there were also many plants and obstacles.

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But when they stayed in Langya base for dozens of days, the road changed a lot?

It can't be a two-day project. It can only be said that after they appeared at the wolf tooth base, the wolf tooth interior started the move.

With such a thought, it seems that Chu Han has been hanging their appetite. Is there a reason? Do you want them to see this amazing scene?

Murong Luocheng eyes flashing light, he is very clear with Chu Han's temperament, or low-key addiction, to high-profile is bound to make a big move!

With a faint expectation, Murong Luocheng simply put aside the previous ideas and quietly followed the team to the interior of Anluo city. He wanted to know what Chuhan wanted to do this time.

As the procession entered the city, there were more and more buildings in front of them. Many sharp eyed messengers found that on the top of the buildings entering the city, there were a large number of thermal weapons on top of them, and there were still and motionless city gate guards like sculptures.

Even in the nearby area, there are walls under construction, but for some reason, there are few people working, and they are very quiet. It seems that something important has happened, so that the project here can be put down temporarily.

Even every other distance, people can see a pair of police patrol, see shangjiudi collective after a pause salute, that skilled appearance obviously deliberately trained many times.

The envoys were all stunned. They had a new understanding of Shang jiudi's position in Langya. They originally thought that she was just a woman who stayed behind Chu han to help manage the base. But now, it seems that the situation is not so simple?

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But when they were shocked, they didn't notice that the city wall was being built. At first glance, some of them seemed to have some different big characters:

north gate of Anluo city.

Gradually, the team more and more into the city, the building density up, followed by a turn, the long line into the main road.

But just at the moment of entering the main road, there was a loud noise, and the cheers and applause of thousands of people rang out so warmly, and they kept on continuously.

All the messengers were startled, but when they looked at the other members of wolf teeth walking beside them, they were all in awe. They were embarrassed to be surprised. They had to wait quietly for the team to turn completely. Only then did they see the scene that completely shocked them in front of them.

On both sides of the main road, there are already many survivors. They are dressed in the best clothes that they can take out in the last world. They clean themselves up, hold flowers in their hands, or grasp various small gifts. They look at Shang jiudi with happy eyes.

On the main road, only a small number of vigilance teams are maintaining order. On both sides of the street, the survivors are standing outside the line. They are screaming with excitement and their hands are red. But no one steps forward and no one disturbs the order.

This scene doesn't seem to be associated with the end of the world, clean streets, zombie free cities, renovated buildings, and a large number of well-dressed residents.

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This is clearly the scene of civilization!

The messengers were even shocked by Lu chuxue, who was always in the dark. They kept looking around to find out some loopholes.

But no, this is like a completely isolated zone from the end of the century yuan. Not to mention zombies, not even a zombie animal jumped out.

How could that be possible?!

The procession is still moving slowly. In front of it is a large open space, which seems to be a square left over from the civilization era. On the square, a circular platform is set up with red carpet, and a lectern is placed in the center, which seems to be connected with a loudspeaker.At the same time, at the bottom of the high platform, there are rows of seats, which look like a conference.

Murong Luocheng was completely in a daze. He didn't know what he was going to do. He just raised his head slightly and saw a curtain behind the high platform, which was covered by red cloth.

The team gradually approached the front platform, and the messengers gradually adapted from the shock, but at this time, a scene that was unexpected to all of us happened.

I saw a little girl suddenly broke away from her mother's arms, filled with laughter, suddenly rushed to the main road, ran to the head of shangjiudi.

Hua -

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there was an uproar all around, and many survivors showed their frightened eyes, and the lively voice disappeared instantly. They looked at the little girl with pity.

Because just at the moment when the little girl rushed out, the group of members of the guard team beside Shang jiudi had instantly "click" the guns loaded, and the black muzzle mercilessly aimed at the rushing little girl.

It can be imagined that if there was a slight accident, they would immediately shoot and kill the little girl!

The little girl's mother was so scared that her face turned white, and she was at a loss for the moment.

At this time, Shang jiudi was also very quick. She immediately raised a hand to calm the surrounding members of the security team. After seeing Shang jiudi's order, the members of the security team also reacted in a flash. One by one, they aimed the muzzle of the gun at the ground, but they didn't put on insurance. They were just in case.

The little girl did not know that she had just wiped her shoulder with death. She still ran to Shang jiudi with a smile on her face. She took out a flower from her arms and handed it to her. The soft and sticky voice sounded clearly in the audible area of the needle:

"city Lord, give it to you!"

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