Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1143: 1143

As the two men went to the side to make complaints about their money, they became less frightened. But they were curious. "So at least four people have entered Yanggu and got weapons. Why are we late? And their weapons. I feel that they are similar to your Shura Tomahawk. The guy who helped you build the axe is not simple! "

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Chu Han frowned: "Ye Mo is no longer in this world, but in many ways, I have noticed that the weapons of Shura Tomahawk and Xu Feng are very similar, at least in principle. But after all, they are not from Yanggu. They are still different."

"Tut tut!" Wang Cai blinked and said, "the man who lured you to take the axe was Xiao Qi. Is it that ye Mo has something to do with the Xiao family?"

"God knows!" Chu Han doesn't speak any more when he is backward. It's hot and stuffy here. He thinks too much about it and his head hurts.

Finally, after walking a certain distance, he clearly felt that the temperature had dropped at a certain point, which made Chu Han feel comfortable all over.

"Cool! This Yanggu is amazing Wangcai was surprised.

Chu Han is a strange hook in the corner of his mouth: "that is the Yin Qi of the ghost. Are you cool?"


Wangcai was scared to speak.

"Ha ha!" Chu Han burst out laughing: "eat and sleep, play Wangcai!"

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"Shit! You lied to me? " Wangcai is furious.

"No kidding. Don't you think about it?" Chu Han looked innocent: "Yanggu is a graveyard. Why should we use the name of Yanggu? Is Yin Gu more suitable? Here is the underground, close to the center of the earth. The heat is normal, but why is it suddenly chilly? "

"Harmony between yin and Yang..." Wangcai said these four words almost in the smallest voice.

"That's OK. I guess it's using the Yang of the earth's heart to suppress something terrible here." Chu Han's face was fixed with a crossbow, and then when Wangcai's whole body did not dare to drill out again, he pointed to the front with a bad smile: "come out, we're here."

"Where is it?" Wangcai rushed out.

"To the grave." Chu Han has a secluded opening.


Wangcai is scared back again!

At this time, at the end of the passage, in front of Chu Han, there was a huge cylindrical depression. It was the same as the underground vertical tunnel in the underground secret test base of Nandu base. However, the one presented in front of Chu Han was larger and more magnificent. From the plane view, the diameter reached the degree of kilometer.

If you look down, you'll be scared to death. It's too dark to see the bottom. It's dark. Even if you jump down, even a ten step evolutor will die on the spot!

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At the same time, this is also a familiar place where Chu Han has been here. The vertical tunnel below is flat and looks like a huge well. But in fact, there is a deep internal passage every other distance in the seemingly smooth inner wall, and the end of the passage is similar to that seen in Nandu base.

At first, Chu Han thought that this was a cage. The tools of torture and the dark prison ground were too much like cages.

But after hearing what Yu Yongnan said, Chu Han knew that he was wrong. At the end of each passage, there were tombs with people buried here thousands of years ago?

Or prisoners?

After all, those instruments of torture are real!

With such a huge project, it is specially used to imprison the people who built the Yanggu and the main emissary. I really can't figure out what they are thinking in their minds!

But all this is Chu Han's conjecture. Only when we go back to the millennium can we understand what the situation is.

After Chu Han took out the rope and nailed a hook firmly to the ground, Chu Han jumped directly and moved down flexibly and quickly.

The first 10 meters underground Chuhan directly skips the pipe, and the second 10 meters underground is the same as before. Only after reaching the 100th meter in such a rapid way, did Chu Han begin to explore laterally, looking for the not obvious bulges or pits.

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In the depth of a hundred meters in a place, Chu Han groped for a point, then forced a kick, and then immediately said: "Wangcai, get ready."

Wangcai followed Chu han to explore the underground of Nandu base. Now he was familiar with the road. As soon as there was a passage on the inner wall, he jumped in. However, Chu Han didn't follow him for a long time.

Wang Cai, who had been waiting for a long time, looked around at the dark passageway and called out, "Chu Han?"

At this time, Chu Han was still hanging outside like spider man. His feet were squatting at the entrance of the passage. His voice was full of hatred for iron and steel: "do you understand? Why are you so stupid! It's not convenient for me to unfasten the rope and put it on again, so I'll wait here. You go in and get something


Wangcai turned his head and said, "take something? I? Alone? "

Chu Han nodded seriously and seriously: "you! A woof

"No! Chuhan, I'm afraid Now Wangcai didn't want to face any more. He took Chu Han's leg and began to cry.Bang!

Chu Han forced to kick Wangcai and kicked it directly into the channel: "afraid of a ghost! There is a white bone in it. There should be a weapon next to it. Take it out to me! "

"White bone? Ah, ah, white bones Wangcai yelled louder.

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"Work quickly!" Chu Han undoubtedly interrupted it: "there are hundreds of graves to dig below!"

In Chu Han's desperate urge, Wangcai walked in with a bitter face, shivering constantly as he walked along, and muttered "heaven and earth" at the same time, which made Chu Han's mouth twitch.

Finally, after waiting for a short time, Wangcai almost ran back, with a big knife in his mouth, and threw it in front of Chu Han with a bang. Then Wangcai hung on Chu Han, shaking with fear.

This sword is not a weapon with color like Xu Feng or Jiang lingruo. It is the most common weapon of yin and Yang valley. However, even the most common one, it looks fine, thick and sharp.

The most important thing is that even after a thousand years, this weapon is much better than those cold weapons outside. It is not rusty, and it can send out shivers after a little wiping.

This weapon, Chu Han plans to distribute it to the wolf tooth battle group!

"Put it in dimensional space, next." Chu Han ordered, without saying a word, began to look for the next point.

So in the next time, Chu Han is responsible for finding some, and Wangcai is responsible for robbing tombs.

With more skillful and numb action, Wangcai gradually became less afraid. He found weapons and practiced his way. He cooperated with each other without interruption. He used the fastest speed to visit the next 100 meters deep passageways, and obtained hundreds of sophisticated weapons, which can be called a fortune!

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