Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1147: 1147

"Grandma, what a frightful leg! There are a lot of my fellow countrymen in it. They are all locked up here because of their mistakes. " Wangcai patted his small chest with great fear.

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"The land of sanctions, it turns out that this is the place of sanctions!" Chu Han was also greatly surprised: "this is too cruel, unexpectedly built such a large-scale prison to punish those mysterious family members who have made extraordinary things?"

"Cruel! So whose idea is this? It is the tomb of the mysterious family, but it is impossible for the mysterious family to establish such a prison? " Wangcai couldn't think of it and said, "I'm going to imprison my own people, unless I'm in my head."

"It seems that there are still unknown secrets about this place." Chu Han was also deeply impressed by Wangcai's words, and then shook his head and said with a wry smile: "even the mysterious family can't escape the fate. How powerful were the people who made this place of sanctions?"

"But it's a little unscientific." Wangcai touched his chin and said, "that's who locked them in?"

As soon as this was said, they both felt a chill. They were able to lock the whole family members of the Xiao family in this place and let them suffer torture and death. Isn't the person who makes such a move completely superior to the mysterious family?

Who is it?!

Unable to draw a conclusion for the time being, Chu Han can only give up this confused thinking and move down with the fastest speed. Finally, two days after entering Yanggu, Chu Han's feet are on the ground, and his legs are a little weak.

Wangcai also finally breathed a sigh of relief: "finally arrived safely, what is next? Jiang lingruo, the weapon they got, didn't come from the tomb above? "

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"The people who came in before should not have known that there is another cave in this deep hole unless they are mysterious families." Chu Han stretched for a moment, and his body answered.

It was all the experience of the previous life. Before a large number of new humans came to explore Yanggu, no one would know. So Chu Han could seize the opportunity and gain so many benefits here.

As for the next journey, it is a little dangerous

Chu calmed down and looked around him. He saw eight passageways extending from the eight directions of the inner wall. The entrance was square and three meters high, which was very impressive.

"There are words on it!" Wangcai points to the eight doors.

Chu handing stood in the center, his eyes looking at the words on the eight doors, and gradually revealed a trace of dangerous breath.

"My God Wang Cai exclaimed, pointing to those words in dismay: "these words..."

"White and high." Chu Han pointed to the words on two of the doors and said: "this is the surname of the mysterious family. Inside these eight gates is the main Tomb of their family. That is to say, the place we passed before is also a tomb, but the prison thousands of years ago is more appropriate."

"The rest?" Wangcai quickly looked at the other six doors.

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Chu Han pointed to the character he had seen not long ago and said, "this door should be Xiao. The rest, one is Rothschild and the other is water."

"Not fish?" Wang Cai asked after a Leng.

"Yu Yongnan has said that the fish clan is only a branch of the Shui clan, and it is obvious that their clan is much weaker than other mysterious families. Therefore, I guess the Shui clan is one of the most important mysterious families." Chu Han decided to answer.

Wangcai nodded, then said, "but these are all words, roscheld?"

"This is what I can't think of, is it?" Chu Han shook his head, and his body was still in place. He glanced at Wangcai and said, "it's a pity that we don't know what your race surname is, or we can go in and make a breakthrough. According to the theory of race, the danger in this tomb should not hurt you consciously."

"Do you mean you're not going in?" Wangcai can't help asking.

"I don't want to go in!" Chu Han's face was irascible: "you know, in the last life, few people who have entered these gates can come out alive. Anyway, I didn't go in. I don't know what's in it."

"Shit, this is the bottom! Do all the people who come into the Yanggu go back the same way after they slip around? " Wangcai can't help but be dumb.

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"Of course not. The entrance is a one-way street. You can't go back to the original road. There are caves in the underground world, and there are roads below. It's also a road to the exit." Chu Han looked at his feet: "I guess it should be the people who built the tomb, leaving a way for themselves."

"I see." Wangcai suddenly realized: "the people who built this Yanggu can't be the mysterious family themselves. They are so high above the earth. People all over the world have to kneel and lick. Their faces must be made by someone. Even if the builders work for the mysterious family, they have to leave a way for themselves. These are unwritten regulations of tomb builders?"

"More than that!" Chu Han chuckled: "they also stole many treasures of the mysterious family, but unfortunately in the end, they still can't fight the mysterious family."

"What do you mean?" Wangcai blinked.

"If you can get out alive, you'll know." Chu Han didn't want to say more, but said with a trace of apprehension: "he promised Yuyong man that he must enter a door. The things they want are in it, but there are many dangers in it. I may not be able to get out if I am independent."Wangcai slapped his forehead: "I knew what the" water "looks like in that strange font. Now we can't recognize which gate it is. What should we do now? You say that there is danger. We can't go in and have a look at it? Isn't that life lost? "

It was so close to the exit that Chu Han's baby greatly stimulated Wangcai. This made Wangcai not interested in the several doors in front of him, and didn't want to risk himself. It's OK to have information, but the problem is that there is no information.


In this case, Chu Han's expression is delicate, without warning suddenly step out of step, diameter toward a door.

"Hello, Hello, Hello!" Wangcai was shocked: "stop! We don't know whether this gate belongs to aquarium or not! It's better to take a long-term view! "

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"No more." Chu Han's expression is plain: "this word is water."

"How do you know?" Wangcai didn't believe it.

"I've seen it at the back of the fish girl." Chu Han's language is amazing.

"What, when?" Wangcai is stupid.

Chu Han touched his nose: "at that time, she didn't have any clothes on. She swam naked, and her body was small and thin. I looked at her waist a little more. After all, she was a mermaid and had a natural waist. The word was engraved on the back of her waist, but not on other mermaids."

Wangcai was speechless. After half a sound, he vomited out a sentence: "you look really carefully."

"That is!"

"I'd rather be obscene than obscene."


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