Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1171: 1171

Chu Han has just arrived. He has been a servant all the way. It is not because Yanggu exit is close to Langya base. In fact, the two places are very far apart. On the way, Chu Han encountered a helicopter which stopped at a certain place. It seemed that he was transporting some materials and did not know which base it was. So Chu Han, who was eager to return home, hijacked the pilot and forced him to do so Fang sent him to Langya base.

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As for the series of troubles after the hijacking, it was the business of other bases. Chu Han, who was so high up, didn't care at all and didn't even think about it.

But when he appeared in his own base and had not had time to observe the great changes of wolf tooth base two months after he left, he was confused by the strange situation in front of him.

He Feng, who has always been calm and low-key, broke his tongue for the first time, or even Chuhan in full view of the public.

Please, he is at least the head of a base and the top commander of the wolf tooth battle group. He also has the title of general outside. Although we don't pay much attention to him in his own family, he Feng calls Chu Han his name directly in private, but this is the first time that he does not give him face.


What's going on here?

In the face of Chu Han, who is obviously in two Zhang's bewilderment, after a brief silence, he Feng immediately entered the state and began to preside over the overall situation.

"Ding Xue, present all the information! What about the intelligence department? Have you finished analyzing the urgent intelligence? Young master Gao, next is a secret meeting. Please avoid it first. Logistics Department, how about the material preparation? Shangjiudi City Lord, the zombie attractant of those bases will not be distributed. After the meeting, the chief will make a specific decision. Each team leader counts the combat effectiveness of his team. Don't eat it, young master Chen. You are required to report the military supplies of the shooting team immediately! "

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He Feng explained a lot, then turned to look at the dull expression of Chu Han, the exit yelled: "what are you still in a daze to do! Get to the top of the table and have a meeting

Chu Han was stunned. He didn't see him for two months. What big event happened that forced He Feng to this point?

After Chu Han drove the duck on the shelf, he finally sat down, and the meeting room had been cleared. Within five minutes, everyone had finished the initial preparation work. Ding Xue put a thick stack of information in front of everyone. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Chu Han, and he Feng also sat down and spread out a huge map.

"I haven't washed my face, I haven't eaten yet." Chu Han sat in the first place, stupidly opened his mouth, and the first sentence he said was this.

What he said was true. How could he hold a meeting as soon as he came back? Could he please run such a long way outside and be very tired. He also got the big secret of Yin Yang valley. Before he could pretend to be forced, how could he be forced to the first forced meeting?

What event is more important than Yinyang Valley?

When Chu Han thought so and was full of complaints, a scene that he didn't expect suddenly happened.

See Shang jiudi mercilessly stare Chu Han one eye, way: "now is not the time to let you play a temper!"

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Chu Han's neck twisted, almost eyes were startled to stare out, this seems to be shangjiudi's first time to talk to him like this? Before every time he came back, shangjiudi was not gentle as water, even if Chu Han wanted to work, her eyes also had a trace of grievance?

Now What happened to Temo!

He Feng also at this time hate iron is not steel choked Chu Han: "eat and sleep later, you first solve the work on hand!"

After that, he Feng put a document just presented by the intelligence department in front of Chu Han with a poor tone: "I believe that with your ability to resist the weather, you can read it in five minutes and grasp the key points. We have not made progress for half a month. Please give us a breakthrough."

Chu Han was stunned. He glanced curiously and looked at all his people without a word. He murmured in his heart and looked at the documents in front of him. The whole conference room was quiet and terrible. Everyone blinked and waited for Chu Han. There was only a few seconds of page turning in the room.

Sure enough, five minutes later


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Chu Han closed the data and sat at the first place without saying a word. He put his hands on his chin. He was obviously thinking. At the beginning, his confusion and helplessness were swept away. His aura was transient, and a wise and steady spirit gradually came out. His dark eyes were like stars, which seemed to have a whirlpool inside, which made people fall into it once they looked at each other.

Even if he just sat there, even if he didn't say a word, Chu Han at this time undoubtedly attracted the attention of all people. The God level commander on the battlefield, once in a state, would make everyone scared!

The atmosphere in the conference room also did not know when to change, the previous depression has disappeared, replaced by a burst of pride and fearlessness from the inside out.

He Feng, sitting at the head of Chu Han's head, has a pair of eagle eyes. No matter how bad they were before, no matter how difficult the difficulties they are going to face, he firmly believes that the crisis of Langya will be solved as soon as Chu Han appears at the door.As long as Chu Han is here, there is nothing to be afraid of!

All the people did not speak out, all staring at Chu Han, waiting for him to speak.

Finally, after not long quiet, Chu Han's eyes closed for two seconds. When he opened again, he was already full of sharpness!

"Silver city is a heterogeneous base, the battle of pouring nests." Chu Han's voice sounded in the hall, not loud, but everyone heard clearly: "in the two months since I left, I didn't expect that they made this decision!"


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In Chu Han's mind, there are inevitably some. After all, at this time of the previous life, the old people's League did not make this decision, and in this life, there was undoubtedly a significant historical deviation.

"When you were away, I arranged for young master Chen to go to Beijing for a meeting, but they failed to hold the zombie attractant. Now they have confirmed Langya's decision to provide zombie attractant by voting." He Feng frowned and said: "according to the report of young master Chen, it was put forward by one of the mysterious families, and the veteran League on the scene was forced to be helpless."

"It's just the attractant in stock, not the formula. They'll just give it." Chu Han nodded and didn't care. Instead, he began to focus on another aspect: "can you find out which mysterious family proposed it?"

He Feng nodded and handed over another information from the intelligence department: "it took a lot of money to find out that the last member of the three mysterious families was the white family."

All the people on the scene breathed for a moment. They were not stupid children. They could smell out the unusual link that should have been avoided. The white family obviously had to deal with wolf teeth!

Chu Han was not surprised with a chuckle: "sure enough."

[as some channels can't see the single chapter notice I sent, I'll explain here that I was sick two days ago and asked for leave. I'm sorry that I failed to update the chapter! I've read all the messages in the comment area. About the behavior of killing me with a reward if you don't agree, cough I want to say, come on, kill me! Well, thank you for your concern and understanding! ]

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