Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1369: 1369

The scouting team of the wolf tooth battle group was extremely fast. After only half a day's operation, several people had come back to report some situations. One of them was the details of the detection in the center of silver city.

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"Find the mark, boss!" A member of the reconnaissance team came up and reported the shocking news.

At this time, Chu Han was staying in a room to look at the map. He Feng was the only one nearby. When he heard the news, they were both in the same place for a while.

"Well, I'm scared, too! There are people in the hidden part of our wolf teeth in the silver market? I rely on the dark part. It's a good force The member of the reconnaissance team was very familiar with Chu Han, and now he did not hide his shock.

However, Chu Han stood up at the moment and pinched the man's arm in surprise: "where did you find it? Specific location! "

At the same time, he is more excited to grasp the side of the Shura Tomahawk, a pair of personally to see the posture.

The members of the reconnaissance team were startled by Chu Han's excited appearance and quickly told the coordinates. Just one second after the voice dropped, Chu Han's figure had disappeared, and the whole person ran out like a gust of wind.

The members of the reconnaissance team stood at a loss in the wind, and he Feng was stunned. The excitement was quite different from Chu Han's usual appearance.

"Don't worry about him. Now you can put most of the scouting on zombies." He Feng, who came back to God, spoke calmly.

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The member of the reconnaissance team was more sluggish, but he immediately turned around to convey the message. The reason was not the scope of their reconnaissance team's thinking. The officer had the chief's consideration, so they just had to follow suit.

At this time, Chu Han, who was running towards the downtown area of silver, kept shuttling on the road that could be hidden. At the same time, he was always paying attention to whether there were alien species jumping out of the road, and at the same time, he had to suppress his inner excitement.

It is the first time that Chen Yutian left a mark in the core area of Yinshi.

To know that after such a long time, the other party has not contacted him, it is easy to misunderstand that Chen Yutian has died. After all, in such a city, life is usually not guaranteed.

Chen Yutian is Chu Han's Secret chess in silver market for a long time. Now he suddenly appears. How can he not be excited?

The restoration of contact at this time can immediately make Chu Han analyze two points:

first, there is a loophole in the supervision area of the king of alien species, which gives Chen Yutian the opportunity to leave a secret sign to make an appointment with Chu Han. The possibility of Chu Han being discovered in the past is very small.

Second, since we can contact Chen Yutian, the reconnaissance team can stop the operation in the core area of silver city directly, instead, we can focus on the geographical location of the zombies.

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Either of these two points is great news for the Allied forces at this time!

However, Chen Yutian's identity was not visible, and most people could not accept the existence of such a special companion. Therefore, Chu Han did not make a statement and even went to meet him in person.

The place where the dark part mark appears is in an alley in the central area of silver. There are few other kinds of alien species here. If you look up, you will see the windows of the king's residence. You should know that the king of alien species is extremely unwilling to be watched over. However, any alien who dares to pass by here will die suddenly the next day.

As for the reason why Chen Yutian chose to meet with Chu Han here, naturally, it was because the king of the alien race was no longer in the silver market. What he wanted to avoid was just the sight of other species. Therefore, this most dangerous place is the most hidden and safe at present.

When Chu Han carefully avoided the alien species who walked around from time to time, Chen Yutian had been waiting here for a long time.

"Boss." Chen Yutian is also very excited to see Chu Han, who has completely transformed into a human being, with a rare blush on his face.

The first time I saw Chen Yutian's human appearance, Chu Han almost didn't recognize it. At this moment, he was surprised: "you are so young, so original?"

I'm sorry, it doesn't look like Chen Yu.

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Chu Han stopped joking about the young man and looked around: "is it safe here? I've come to see a lot of different species. It's hard for me to resist killing them. "

As soon as it came up, it exposed the nature of the remnant. Chen Yutian, who was also a different species, trembled and replied, "there are many different species here. You can't do it casually, or you will all run out."

"Don't worry, unless you kill people." Chu Han said this, but people are more worried.

Chen Yutian has no words to say, can only directly enter the main topic: "the king of different species left the silver market."

Chu Han a Leng, some surprised: "why?"

Chen Yutian shook his head: "I don't know, but I guess it should be the thunder town in Southwest China. I heard that someone from the mysterious family has come?"

Chu Han looked at Chen Yutian in surprise: "boy, you know a lot!"

Chen Yutian was embarrassed again: "I have been acting as the agent of the king of foreign races for a long time. He left the silver market and I took care of all of them. When you led the team to kill from the south at that time, the response of the group of heterogeneous chaos or I stirred the muddy water!"Chu Han was surprised to pat Chen Yutian on the shoulder: "I haven't seen you for several months. You can mix with me! But in that case, why didn't you meet me earlier? Was the king not in the silver market

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"It's a long story..." Chen Yutian smiles bitterly and tells the strange situation of a da one by one.

"Mu Tian?" Chu Han was surprised: "how can it be? Isn't Mu Tian a new human being

"This is also where I can't think of it. But the alien ADA only reacted to the three names of the king of the alien race, the eldest brother, and Mu Tian. Moreover, his reaction to that trial was very strong." Chen Yutian analyzed: "if it's not mu Tian, I really can't think of who it might be."

"Since they are not here, let's not mention it for the time being. Let's get things done." Chu Han quickly opened his mouth and began to work out the details of the operation with Chen Yutian: "do you have any friends in different species? Don't let my army come here and kill all of you."

Chen Yutian was also frightened in a cold sweat: "no friend, don't kill me. I'm afraid to see the Alliance Army now. Tens of thousands of foreign species in the western war zone are all dead. It's too frightening."

"Ha ha!" Chu Han gave a bold laugh.

The two immediately exchanged information, and determined the approximate time and location of the attack. After dark, the two quickly separated. Chuhan returned to the southwest, while Chen Yutian went back to the place where different kinds of people gathered and started to prepare. It took a lot of effort to gather the different species or deceive them to the attack site set by Chu Han.

If you want to complete a sudden battle that can reduce the casualty rate of the wolf tooth battle group to the minimum, you must use all kinds of means. After all, for Chu Han, the life of every member of the wolf tooth battle group is very important.

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