Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1399: 1399

"Oh! Retreating allied forces? " With a sneer, Xu Feng said, "the main force is not only 5000 people left, but 3000 people are subtracted from the wolf tooth battle group. There are only 2000 people left in the main force of the sixth World War group!"

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Liu Yuding was shocked: "two thousand? That's the main coalition force with a total number of 30000! "

"There's nothing strange about it." The sneer on Xu Feng's face was even more obvious. He did not conceal his spitting on a series of plots before and after the nest dumping War: "different species have the assistance of the general strategy department. Who do you want to destroy is easy? Tianyang base was completely destroyed in a moment

"Tianyang, all out?" Liu Yuding, who had just learned of this situation, was shocked on the spot, and then suddenly responded and asked, "general Jin Yangbiao?"

"Die in battle." Xu Feng answered coldly and coldly. The golden spear in his hand kept moving. One shot was inserted into the head of a fourth order zombie.


Liu Yuding's brain was confused and out of control. Unlike Xu Feng and others, Liu Yuding graduated from a military academy in the civilized era. He was also a formal military officer who worshipped the army. He had met several veteran generals in China several times before the outbreak of the end of the world. He was more aware of these people's strong and successful life experience.

Among them, Jin Yangbiao is the most impressive. His life is full of legends. Even in his later years, he has the power of dragon and tiger. At that station, a group of young people in the town dare not speak, and their aura is no less powerful than that of the veteran group.

But is such a person, unexpectedly so suddenly died in the battle of pouring nests?

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Liu Yuding seemed to have an unreal feeling: "how, how can it be? The power of Yang Biao in Tianyang base is invincible

"No one is invincible. How many people do you think will be able to resist when the king of the alien race takes the initiative?" Xu Feng said, with a murderous eye.

"Xeno King Pro automatic hand?" Liu Yuding had an earthquake.

"Chu Han has said for a long time that there is a problem with the general strategy department." Xu Feng mercilessly shook the black blood on the golden spear in his hand and said: "the other side is directly colluding with the king of alien species!"

Liu Yuding was silent. At present, only 2000 of the 30000 troops in the main force survived, which has already explained everything.

"So Wang Chen?" He spoke faintly.

"Don't worry, the boss has chopped him to death." Xu Feng suddenly made a sound.

"Chop to death?" Liu Yuding's brain crashed again. What is this?

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"Ah, yes, chop to death." Xu Feng frowned and replied, as if he didn't know why he would chop thunder. Many people have seen it with their own eyes. That move is really a bull's-eye.it not only killed Wang dust, but also chopped several helicopters with a flash of lightning

Liu Yuding's mouth suddenly crazy · draw: "so mysterious thing does not conform to the setting."

"Whatever he is, the boss is full of miracles." Xu Feng grinned and then said, "I know you were lucky enough to get the guidance of Jin Yangbiao in military training, and you have a good relationship with him."

Liu Yuding wryly said: "after the war, the Tianyang base will no longer exist, right?

Xu Feng's smile was strange: "you are pessimistic. I have to tell you a very strange news. Jin Zeyu, the son of Jin Yangbiao, and his 1000 elite soldiers did not come to fight."

"Ah?" Liu Yuding was stunned and didn't understand for a long time: "escape the war? It's impossible

"I'm afraid I'm trapped in the valley of yin and Yang." Xu Feng's eyes with a meaning of unknown smile, "as long as he is alive, Tianyang base will not disappear."

"Then we'll go on?" Liu Yuding asked in a voice and looked at the zombies in the road ahead.

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Xu Feng's spear in his hand flashed with gold, and a violent energy wave was about to burst and open: "kill

"Good!" Liu Yuding also put down a lot of worries, raised his long knife across his chest, and fought against the huge number of zombies.

the 5000 people in Chu Han were still advancing step by step in the rain, led by the wolf tooth battle group, and soon met the investigation team coming from the war zone ahead.


When a group of investigation team members saw Chu Han, who had not been seen for many days, and faced the familiar faces of the wolf tooth battle group again, their eyes turned red with excitement, and people familiar with each other immediately came forward.

"Damn it, Er'an, I thought I couldn't see you!"

"Get out of here, you're the second egg. You're the second egg!"

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"Shit! You want to fight, don't you? "

A group of soldiers who fight or fight all day long express their feelings in such a way that people can't bear to look directly at each other.

"How is it going?" Chu Han didn't have time to chat with the gang. He immediately looked at the deputy leader of the investigation team.

The deputy leader of the investigation team seriously replied: "the number of zombies is at least more than 100000 or even more. The whole evacuation road has been blocked. Except for killing out, Duan Jiangwei, who just heard the news from the rear, rushed to the front of the team. Hearing this, he couldn't help opening his mouth:" no, generally speaking, there are certain arrangements for the corpse tide. This is countless corpse tides. We are groping for them The law of coming out! ""It is because of the irregularity and the difference that we meet, it is the super zombie that opens up the mind and spirit!" At this time, Chu Han made a cold voice. There was no trace of emotion in his expression, and his face was full of killing intention: "I'm afraid. That smart super zombie arranges the zombies so that he wants to block up here to deal with us!"

Duan Jiangwei was shocked: "how high is that intelligence?"

"Oh! Who knows? " Chu Han sneered and looked at the dark road ahead with very low visibility in the distance. In the continuous black rain, he looked particularly bleak: "the black rain is mixed with virus, maybe the zombie will improve his ability because of this!"

Such a speculation, all of a sudden let the excited investigation team and other people gathered together to quiet down, and the people around felt a great pressure.

It would have been dangerous enough to encounter such super zombies with mental power. If they could improve their ability at this crucial point, and there were so many zombies surrounding them together, how difficult would it be for them to break through the only obstacle of evacuation?

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