Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1403: 1403

When the second group of 1000 men entered the battle, compared with the first group of 1000 men who had spent a lot of time adapting to the rhythm, the speed was much slower. It is more obvious that the road forward is more serious than that of the stagnant one.

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But as soon as this situation came out, before waiting for the second batch of 1000 people to worry, Chu Han took the lead in saying, "don't hurry to kill, just adapt to it for ten minutes."

At the beginning of the first group, the speed of the first group was also not fast. All the people were getting better and better in the process of fighting. If the second group of 1000 people wanted to maintain the attack speed just now, it needed a gradual process. The macro control was clear to the spectators and the onlookers. The Alliance Army in the battle could not understand it. Only by controlling the overall situation, Chu Han always raised it Wake up.

Soon, in the control bureau where Chu Han gave orders at any time, 1000 people in the second batch gradually separated from the awkward state, and 40% of the main coalition forces cooperated with the members of the wolf tooth battle group. More and more people began to adapt to this mode of small team cooperation, rather than the no brain attack of single combat. In contrast, once the best state is reached, it can be done in the same time The number of zombies killed is more and more stable!

After the second group of 1000 people entered the state, the advancing speed of the front began to accelerate, and the whole battlefield began to move towards the other side of the road, showing a slow but not negligible bulldozer style.

When the second group of 1000 people were familiar with the adaptation and entered into the best state, many of them also showed fatigue. Chu Han ordered in time again, so as before, a five minute strong attack and the third group of team members came forward, so the cycle entered the process.

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The whole road has been opened up a new road by the 5000 people in this constant car battle mode. The zombies are being chopped one after another, and a large number of fresh corpses appear on the road. The troops in the rear, whether they are waiting for the battle or those who have been replaced to rest for four rounds, are constantly stepping on these corpses They came to enter the battlefield, 5000 people were moving forward, killing a group of zombies, and moving forward for a long time.

As for the feather killing troops who rushed into the zombie group to kill zombies at the beginning, they did not stop to solve high-level zombies in the process, and even crossed a long section of the war zone.

When they killed nearly 2000 high-level zombies and opened a very long distance from the large forces in the rear, they began to look back for the large troops and enter the half-time break. This turning back caused many low-level zombies below the fifth rank to be attacked by the zombies in front of them. They attacked the zombies in front of them and left a lot of hollowed out spaces.

This is the only strategy to deal with this mass of zombies at present. The high-level zombies will be killed by the feather killing troops, and the low-level zombies will be solved by the large forces in the rear, and the front will be pushed forward a little bit.

Under the leadership of Chu Han, the Alliance Army entered a virtuous circle in this way. The 5000 people who fought against each other continued to advance forward. At the end of the day, the two thousand main allied forces perfectly adapted to the rhythm of the Langya battle group.

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The zombies were also slaughtered everywhere in this increasingly fierce and tacit understanding of the massacre. The whole front was pushed forward for a long time. In a short time of half a day, the army killed nearly 50000 zombies.

The evacuation road protected by the investigation team can be seen everywhere with corpses of zombies and paved a whole road. In the black rain, the rotten blood of zombies mixed with the rain and melted into the soil on the ground. The only place where the evacuation road was pushed by the large forces turned into a rectangular rotten blood swamp.

This rapid and exciting record, coupled with the almost frenzied state of the wolf tooth battle group, has brought the 2000 Main allied forces into a frenzied and belligerent rhythm.

When the army was about to enter the middle of the road, suddenly, there was a huge change in the area where low-level and high-level zombies were interspersed.

A large number of high-level zombies suddenly came into Chu Han's eyes, and they quietly hid behind the low-level zombies within the scope of five meters.

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The number of them is terrible. All of them are above five levels. They perform the same actions and expressions as low-level zombies, and even make the same hissing and roaring that can't be distinguished. They fully cover up their characteristics as high-level zombies.

It seems that they want to keep getting close and mingle with so many different zombies to give 5000 people a heavy blow.

When Chu Han was acutely aware of the group of high-level zombies five meters away, Xu Feng and a small number of feather killing team members also smelled an unusual smell.

"What is that? High level zombies? How can there be so many! " Xu Feng was surprised.

One side of Li Bi crazy is a exclamation: "and still suddenly came out, what is the matter?"

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The sudden appearance of the situation caught many members of the feather killing team unprepared, and also made Chu Han feel a great pressure. The number of high-level zombies mixed in the zombie group was amazing, but they could still get close so quietly that they were only noticed by Chu Han five meters away. In addition, the majestic black rain affected people's vision and senses, If not for Chu Han, a few members of the feather killing team were extremely keen, I am afraid they could not really find this sudden situation.The special zombie who opened people's minds seemed to know how to adjust tactics to cope with the fierce Vietnam war situation of their large army as the war situation changed.

"Reconnaissance team, go around on both sides and report the situation ahead at all times!" Chu Han gave the order at the first time.

The members of the reconnaissance team leader, who had entered the resting state and mixed with the large army and kept killing zombies at will, immediately took action after the order was given. Two hundred people were dispersed into two groups, one left and one right, moving carefully along both sides of the road, groping for their way forward along the extremely difficult road.

Immediately after that, Chu Han issued another order, which no one understood except the members of the wolf tooth battle group: "kill the feather in line, and the people behind will enter the gear stranding mode!"

Then he strode forward and entered the front line of the battlefield to face the first battle of the group of high-level zombies with the feather killing team. However, he had no time to explain the inexplicable command and the gear strangling mode to 40% of the main forces.

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