Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1434: 1434

He Peiyuan, a legendary figure of the present generation, knows nothing about the members of the mysterious family.

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But at this time he Peiyuan appears here, Bai Xuan in the initial brain failure, also finally responded.

No wonder!

No wonder the hunter alliance is so powerful that it doesn't even fear any mysterious family. If there are members of the sanction family, who dares to attack?

Bai Xuan, who realized this point, once again soaked his back in cold sweat. It's hard to imagine how much he challenged the authority when he acted with Luo Yi and ye Zibo before that!

"Young master Bai, you sit down and talk. How can I tell you so well when you are on your knees?" He Peiyuan still looks like an old man, but he is so calm in any state, which is the real terror.

Hearing this, Bai Xuan quickly got up and sat on the sofa straight, with a serious expression on his face, just like a pupil.

Seeing this scene, the king hunter didn't know what to say. He looked at he Peiyuan curiously. First, Gao Shaohui, then Luo Yi, ran away. Now Bai Xuan was as quiet as a chicken in front of he Peiyuan.

What is the origin of he Peiyuan brought by Chu Han?

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The scene was quiet for a while, only he Peiyuan was quietly drinking tea.

King hunting, as a middleman, took the lead in making a voice: "what do you want to do here, young master Bai Xuan?"


Bai Xuan was agitated and restless. He didn't know how to answer. What's the difference between such a straightforward question and a question?

What are you doing here?

Originally, I wanted to occupy the so-called neutral Hunter alliance or let it disappear in the world, but at this moment, how dare Bai Xuan have such courage?!

"Well, we white family big white worry, interested in Hunter alliance, want to cooperate." Bai Xuan quickly moves Bai you's name out, and then carefully looks at he Peiyuan.

However, he Peiyuan didn't mean to answer the question. He still drank tea in no hurry and looked curiously at the indoor facilities from time to time.


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Bai Xuan is puzzled all of a sudden, what does this mean?

The king hunter also took a puff, so he said to Bai Xuan, "I am the founder of the hunter alliance, and also one of the hunters in the hunter alliance. Do you know all these?"

White Xuan Leng Leng nods: "know."

"That's easy." The king hunter said with a smile: "our Hunter alliance was announced to the public at the beginning of its establishment, indicating that the hunter alliance is an absolutely neutral force organization. It does not participate in any race war, only hunters and missions."

Bai Xuan is a bit tongue tied. This is indeed the name of the hunter League. He anxiously said, "we can invest..."

Hunting king raised his hand and interrupted Bai Xuan's words: "you don't need any family support."

Bai Xuan was stunned, which reflected that the hunting king said before was race, but after that it was family.

"The hunters in the hunter alliance can be human beings or different species, and they can also have super intelligent zombies that make us unable to detect whether they are human or not. Of course, if the reverse animals of extreme evolution reach the same intelligence as human beings, we will not reject them."

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Hunting king said this startling words, let Bai Xuan startled and surprised.

"Heterogeneous? Zombies? Also, reverse evolution of animals? " Bai Xuan looked at the king of hunting in shock. He couldn't imagine how complicated the world would be after these hunters were named?

"As I said, the hunter alliance is absolutely neutral and does not exclude any race." The king of hunting said a smile, but in fact, he was also tucking away at heart. All these decisions were made by Chu Han and did not know what to make complaints about.

"Bang", Bai Xuan sat up in shock and doubted that he had heard something wrong!

"But non human life can't appear on the battle power rankings, so there's no animal hunter in the hunter league right now." The king hunter said an extremely unrealistic setting, and then said with a smile: "you also know that our Hunter alliance has a wide capacity, so we should also improve the identification of hunters. If senior hunters don't want to reveal their real identities, they just need to prove that they have a ranking in the general list of combat power."

"So, in fact, many of the top hunters in the hunter League have real identities, even if I don't know." The king of hunting said something dry. After drinking tea, he continued: "for example, the king's tyrant with the highest task completion rate, the most mysterious emperor's Luosha, and the most popular meiyanluo, these people are the hunters who are on the general list of combat effectiveness, and we have no right to ask about their real identities."

Listening to such a remark, Bai Xuan was completely shocked: "it's a comprehensive but incomprehensible system. With such a management, you're not afraid of trouble? The hunters... "

"The hunters are not my subordinates." The king hunter laughed again and stressed: "as I said, the hunter alliance is absolutely neutral. It does not belong to any organization and is not attached to any forces. It is just an open platform. Anyone can join in or leave. The flow is absolutely fair."After hearing this, Bai Xuan couldn't speak for a long time. He found that he underestimated human beings. Such a system and such open management made the hunter alliance step by step to the height of several major bases, and even had the potential to surpass.

Fortunately, as the hunting king said, the hunter alliance is completely neutral, even without any organization. It is free to come and go, and there is no compulsion to take orders. Only in this way can more and more people gather here.

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"How do you maintain absolute neutrality?" Bai Xuan suddenly asked a very silly question.

"Before your mysterious family came to visit us, relying on a few big hunters within the hunter alliance and the launching of the nest dumping war, no one was able to catch us all." The king of hunting said with a slight smile, and then he Peiyuan, who was next to him, said: "but after you come to the door, it is up to him Peiyuan, the elder of the hunter alliance, to settle the matter."

"Elder?" Bai Xuan was surprised.

He Peiyuan, who was mentioned, put down his tea cup and looked at Bai Xuan with a quiet smile: "the sanction family is absolutely neutral among the mysterious families, and will never bias anyone. As one of the elders of the hunter alliance, do I have the right to maintain the absolute neutrality of the hunter Alliance?"

Hua --

Bai Xuan's forehead overflowed with sweat. He lowered his head and said, "I understand that the hunter League is indeed an absolutely neutral and fair place."

The reason why the mysterious family is powerful but unable to dominate mankind is precisely because the sanction family maintains neutrality in the middle, which has been the case for more than a thousand years and will be the same in the future.

Now he Peiyuan, who is a sanction, is standing here in the hunter League. Then the hunter alliance is a neutral organization, which can not be shaken by anyone in the end of the century.

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