Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1457: 1457

Just as commander Mu and Luo Ming were talking, two riots broke out in the last part of the battle team with song Xiao.

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In an instant, several heads were splashed in the air, with the blood splashing down everywhere. It seemed that two extremely strong new humans were killing!

The commander-in-chief and Luo Ming thought that it was impossible to infer who was coming with less information.

Song Xiao's eyes flashed: "is it the support of the hidden part of wolf teeth?"

All the dead are soldiers from Shangjing base Who encircle and exterminate song Xiao's three men. From the surface, it is obvious that the other party is not a hostile force with wolf teeth. At this time, in addition to members of the black mans team, there are only dark parts!

But soon, this idea was immediately denied by song Xiao, because at this time, in the track route killed by the opposite side, two figures have emerged in Song Xiao's vision.

Two machetes in the air spread out a track, each time the hand, accompanied by several people's death, and do all this is only a man and a woman two very young teenagers.

It's just the beginning of the king and sin of the former tiger teeth team!

This moment is not only song Xiao, shepherd commander and Luo Ming are both shocked, but the next second, let them ecstatic sound.

"Grandfather! Grandfather shepherd Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly ran out of the crowd and cried.

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"Little?" At the same time, they can't protect them when they are nervous.

The people on the scene were especially excited after they found Luo Xiaoxiao, especially several base executives who were in chaos on the high platform.

"It's Luo Xiaoxiao! Get her Exclaimed the statement.

"Catch the little girl quickly, as long as you get Luo Xiaoxiao, everything will be carefree!"

"Catch Luo and evacuate. Come on! Everyone give up fighting and go to Luo Xiaoxiao's place

One by one, the soldiers on the scene suddenly turned the wind and all of them went in the direction of Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Xiao, go and join up with Mr. Song!" At the beginning of the crime, he decisively made a sound, and then his body turned. The bloody machete in his hand attacked the crowd in front of him.

Junzhi also changed his action immediately, appeared at Luo Xiaoxiao's side, and then escorted him to song Xiao, Mu commander and LuoMing step by step.

"My sister and I are holding it. You can get on the helicopter. Duan Jiangwei can't come in vain!" He spoke very quickly, and then turned around and went towards the crime of fighting in the crowd.

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A series of response actions of the two people were so fast that people couldn't catch up with them, and even the shepherd commander and others had no time to speak.

"These two children..." The shepherd commander's heart was sour.

"Grandfather! Grandfather Luo Xiaoxiao can't control his mood at this time. He threw himself into LuoMing's arms and cried: "I thought I would never see you this dead old man again!"

Luo Ming at the beginning of the excitement, directly by Luo's small words to the impact of no, he was not angry way: "are not polite at this time, dead old man is you can call?"

"Grandfather! Get on the helicopter Song Xiao, however, made a decision immediately. He grabbed the rope thrown down by a helicopter and put it into Luo Xiaoxiao's hand: "don't cry in a hurry, go up! Grandfather, you are also quick! I am the last

The words fall, song Xiao once again body a turn, in the hand of the dagger mercilessly, suddenly will a nearly close enemy throat partition!

At this time, he has been covered with blood, perhaps also injured, but at this moment, he has no hesitation to put himself in a man's position, and wolf teeth stand in the same line.

Luo Xiaoxiao, who was crying in LuoMing's arms, also quickly stopped her emotion. Knowing that if she didn't climb up first, the three people behind her would not move, Luo Xiaoxiao quickly climbed up the mountain.

At least is a member of the front wolf teeth preparation team, Luo Xiaoxiao still maintains good physical fitness, and soon boarded the helicopter.

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Duan Jiangwei, who received him from the top, held Luo Xiaoxiao into the engine room. Then he looked down with his fiery probe. The next one was the commander-in-chief.

When these people were evacuating at a high speed, junzhihe was surrounded by fire and heat. There were enemies everywhere. A large wave of high-level new humans rushed in one after another. At the beginning of sin, who had resisted for the longest time, he already had several wounds on his body. His bloody appearance made people feel bitter.

After discovering this trend, the black mischievous team immediately changed its strategy without saying from Chu Han. While killing, they were heading for the direction where the commander was surrounded. They must escort several people away first!

Song Xiao alone to deal with the crowd under the helicopter, arms and legs have been all very deep wounds, a deep visible bone, but he did not step back, wave after wave of forward enemy forces to kill back.

Seeing this scene, the commander-in-chief and Luo Ming are biting their teeth and climbing quickly. Song Xiao's growth amazes them. But at the same time, the two elders also know that song Xiao already has the dignity of a man. No one is allowed to trample on what he wants to do.

So at this time, the only thing commander Mu and LuoMing can do is to get on the helicopter quickly, or song Xiao won't stop at all!If you want four people to send here continuously, only speed is fast!

At this time, Chen Shao Yeh, who was far away from the sniper position, gave up dealing with fan and began to use the terrible hit rate of one shot and one blow to the head to support song Xiao.

Seeing this scene, Chu Han, who was far away from the high platform, walked quickly towards song Xiao. He knew very well that there would only be more and more enemy troops. Shangjing was not the stability that they destroyed overnight. This is the largest base in China. Even if the troops mentioned on the surface were insufficient, it was a reference based on the possibility of sending troops.

In fact, the strongest base in Shangjing is their own base guard army!

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Think about it. With such a large base, so many regions, so many top-level officers living here, and often visited by mysterious family members, how can the guarding ability of the base in Beijing not be strong.

It is unrealistic to try to solve this problem. What Chu Han wants to do this time is to tell the world a fact and let the black mischievous team officially come on the stage.

But when Chu Han just stepped out with one foot -


He found that young master Chen was no longer bothered. She locked her Brahman and suddenly pulled out two short knives from his back and faced Chu Han in front of him: "die!"


In a flash, the Shura Tomahawk and two short knives collided, and the two suddenly broke out in a very strong battle wave, leaving a surprising air wave.


Everything around him was blown hard, and there were flying dust and debris everywhere, which directly let Ye Zibo, who was nearest to them, spat out blood and flew far away.

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