Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1463: 1463

Chu Han, who had simply finished taking medicine at the beginning of the crime, regained his calmness and asked, "Why are you in Shangjing base? He Feng thought you were gone. "

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At the beginning of a girl's crime, don't be too reluctant to talk, and you don't know what you are sulking at.

Jun Zhi responded and replied: "before the Qing Chao battle, my sister and I noticed something wrong. At that time, the current situation in Beijing has not been exposed. Everyone has put their energy on the battle, so they have neglected some things. Fortunately, my sister and I hid first, and then we have the opportunity to help Luo Xiaoxiao hide. Only in this way can we be today Get out of the city in chaos. "

Hearing this, Chu Han frowned: "before the Qing Chao battle, what's wrong with Shangjing?"

Jun looked at Chu Han seriously and said, "Yi is dead."

Chu Han was stunned at first. After a long time, he responded. Who is this person: "a member of the former dragon teeth team, the direct subordinate of He Feng?"

Jun nodded: "yes, he stayed in Shangjing like us all the time and didn't leave. The staff of Longya and Huya were transferred last time. A few people were hard to leave because of their fame. Yi is one of them."

"How did he die?" Chuhan asked after a pause.

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"We suspect that it was the hand of Brahman when he killed him." The way of the king.

"Where are the Dragon teeth?" Suddenly Chu Han thought of a man, the former dragon teeth team leader.

"Missing." "The king of doubt did not shake his head."

The atmosphere was silent, and no one spoke for a while. Only after a long time, Chu Han ordered: "young master Chen and Jiang Tianqing take the wounded to Sirius No.1 and return to Langya base."

"Boss?" Chen young master a Leng, hurriedly nervous way: "why I also want to go?"

As soon as Chu Han said this, he obviously wanted to take the black light to other places.

Jiang Tianqing was particularly reluctant: "brother Chu Han, master Chen will do nothing except sniping. Long distance travel will affect the progress of the team. However, I am not the same. I have only advantages and no disadvantages to your actions."

This boasted himself, and by the way, he trampled on young master Chen, which made the fat man beside him extremely dissatisfied and immediately confronted Jiang Tianqing. The scene situation quickly developed into a quarrel between the two wolf teeth team leaders.

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See a scene of laughter, Jun and sin at the beginning of both eyes, and then pursed his mouth to stop.

Chu Han naturally saw the look of the two twins, and immediately opened his mouth: "the sum of the king's sin was incorporated into the black mang team."

The eyes of all the people at the scene brightened, especially for the two additional players. They were the happiest members of black mans. First, there were very few members with combat effectiveness at that time. Secondly, they all saw the ability of Jun Zhihe and sin Chu. They all saw that it was very strong.

"You two don't make a fuss. Take your men and set out at once." At this time, Chu Han looks at young master Chen and Jiang Tianqing who are still quarrelling.

The two men were silent. They knew that the decision made by the boss would not change them. They could only clean up and prepare to leave. What would Chu Han do next and where black mans would shine brilliantly, it really had nothing to do with them.

After seeing young master Chen and others leave on Sirius No.1, Chu Han, with the remaining 30 black mang troops, set off in a fast pace to the south, and directly shuttled through the weed infested areas in the wild. When they met with wild animals, they killed them on the spot, not to mention zombies and exotic species, let alone burned them after killing them!

So in this way, Chu Han and black mischievous troops in the capital after the base, they suddenly disappeared in the public view.

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at Langya base, before the Langya battle group on the way back to the motherland had not arrived, the first one who came by helicopter was the commander-in-chief and others who nearly suffered an accident in Shangjing base.

Shang jiudi, who had already returned to Langya to deal with various matters, came to meet him in person. All the high-level people of Langya gathered on the tarmac of the base. After receiving the news from Duan Jiangwei, the high-level people of Langya who had a lot of ideas expressed various policies.

"What important person should we meet in person?" The most unpleasant thing is Yang Tian, whose face is as black as the bottom of a pot: "I have to patrol every day. If the level of the people who arrive later is not high enough, I will beat him up whether Duan Jiangwei is a general or not."

Lieutenant general Lu Yi, the leader of the Jianyi base affiliated to Langya, was also a little angry: "do you know how tired I am when I come here? Fortunately, I haven't gone far before. I've come back and forth in the end

Shang jiudi frowned and looked at two people: "say less two words."

"I said sister-in-law, I am not wrong!" Yang Tian is not satisfied.

At this time, several helicopters above were already landing. The helicopters marked with Duan's Base logo all went to the tarmac of Langya base one by one, and this was the first time that they had a chance to stop on the inner apron of Langya base. Before that, except Langya, the rest of the base helicopters could only park outside.

Shang jiudi at this time deflected his head, and then rushed to all the people at the scene with cold words: "get ready. For a while, either respectfully greet or rush up to beat Duan Jiangwei. Everyone should be more alert."This is too straightforward, so that the scene people almost did not laugh, of course, the most is to prepare for action.

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At this time, in the cabin of a falling helicopter, Duan Jiangwei looked at the surrounding scene with a sigh: "this is my first time to come to the apron."

Song Xiao next to him showed a look of pity: "wolf teeth inside the exclusive channel, you have not tried once?"

Duan Jiangwei said: "I want to join Langya directly. I just know that it is so convenient to stop the machine. As for the previous rules and regulations, who made it? If you come from Duan's base, you have to be careful to find a place to stop. Oh, no, the correct way is to be careful if you step into the wolf tooth territory. If you don't pay attention, you will get the first score Leave

Song Xiao laughs. After the helicopter stops, he opens the cabin and faces the commander-in-chief and other humanitarians: "I go down first. When they see that it's their own people, they won't start the attack mode. If my grandfather gets off first, it's estimated that some people will not be able to react. They'll rush up and beat up a wave first."

"What? What? " Luo Xiaoxiao was a little excited, but also did not understand what the situation was. It was her first time to come to Langya base, and also the first time to get in touch with the forces under Chu Han. Everything made the little girl very curious.

Luo Ming knocked Luo small head: "you Chu Han brother is not in, excited fart."

"What do you know, smelly old man!" Luo Xiaoxiao was directly upset.

But at this moment, song Xiao has stepped off the helicopter, his appearance, immediately let everyone on the scene stunned.

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