Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1477: 1477

A message from the Yangfeng base quickly covered all the bases. Everyone was shocked by the content of the news. Meanwhile, the third accident of Chu Han leading the black mang team was also identified!

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Just after a meeting held at Langya base, several representatives returned to their respective bases. Before they could settle down, they were shocked by the sudden war report. Almost everyone almost fainted.

Sichuan base immediately held an emergency meeting, a group of people reappeared the scene of the day, almost scolded Chu Han bloody.

Wen Qisheng and Shen Yunlou sat in their positions without saying a word, but they were obviously stimulated by the news.

At the same time, everyone couldn't figure out what Chu Han wanted to do?

And presented in front of the public, the tragic situation of Yangfeng base is even more lamentable!

After returning to Duan's base, Duan Jiangwei almost didn't fall from his chair because of the battle report. From the beginning of the nest dumping war to now, he almost lost the general's appearance. Now he only thinks that when will this pile of broken things come to an end?

And Langya base

"Ha ha! Boss, good cow! Even Yangfeng base is hard to escape. Black mans is really fierce today. I'm afraid it will become the first of the three teams in one jump Lu Bingze is laughing in the base.

One side of Xu Feng was not angry with a cold hum: "for the sake of resources, I don't speak. If those resources are all killed for me, you two teams may not be thrown into which ravine to reorganize!"

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"Just be jealous." Lu Bingze raised his chin: "I'll point to the rise of heimang, to rectify and rectify you, kill feather! Do you really think that the fighting power of Sha Yu is invincible

"Isn't it? You'll be careful. What a hero you are Xu Feng is not willing to be outdone.

"I said Can you two stop talking too much? " Jiang Tianqing, next to him, rolled his eyes, and then patted the battle report on the table: "I think this is not a small matter. Please wait, and he Feng will have to come to us for a meeting soon..."

Jiang Tianqing's words have not finished, a person suddenly walked into the room: "generals, wolf tooth held an emergency meeting, please be sure to be present in three minutes!"

Jiang Tianqing showered his hands: "look, are you coming?"

Five minutes later, all the high-level and battle group generals of Langya base were present. This was the largest and most comprehensive gathering since the Qing Chao battle. Of course, Chu Han was not present.

After receiving the news, the shepherd commander and LuoMing appeared at the fastest speed. The two old men were also shocked by the battle report of Yangfeng base, and were confused about the action of Chu Han.

As the representative of Chu Han and the current leader of Langya, he Feng is sitting in his position with a serious and silent face. In front of him is the battle report. The shocking words on the top of him constantly stimulate his nerves.

"Well! Here we are, let's begin? " Lu Yi took the lead in making a voice and looked at the three people on the theme.

He Feng nodded and turned his eyes to the commander-in-chief and LuoMing.

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"Led by He Feng, we are really old and can't keep up with your young people's ideas." Luo Ming shook his head helplessly and patted the battle report on the table, saying that he was quite speechless.

The commander also nodded: "analysis and analysis, your officer, what exactly is this way?"

He Feng was silent for a few seconds. Then, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in the room, he looked at Lu Wencheng, the director of the Ministry of information: "has the intelligence come out?"

Lu Wencheng, who was sitting in her seat, turned a blind eye to the people. She kept brushing and tidying up the documents, and said, "give me another minute. The situation is complicated. It's not what we see on the surface."

On hearing this, everyone was stunned. Except for Mr. Chen, who was still eating drumsticks, all the smart people present smelled a trace of unusual.

A minute later, Lu Wencheng stood up with sweat and said, "OK, I'll be brief."

The commander-in-chief and Luo Ming both had a twinkle in their eyes. After a look at each other, they were very interested in wolf tooth.

Is it true that something is hidden?

He Feng waved his hand: "tell me first, is the matter of Yangfeng base because of Chu Han?"

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Lu Wen Cheng stopped and said, "yes, it's not."

This will be heard in the presence of all the confusion.

He Feng also felt headache, waved his hand and said, "that will directly present the secret intelligence."

"Yes." Lu Wen Cheng took a deep breath and said: "the status quo of the base announced by Yangfeng base is true. It is true that nearly half of the soldiers in the base have been damaged and more than 30% of the survivors have died. The statistics of casualties are too large to imagine."

Hissing -

a breath of cold air sounded, and everyone looked at each other.

"It's more fierce than the battle of pouring nests to make such a big noise overnight."

"The boss is so awesome. I'll take it."

"Now black mans is a disgrace before thorough blood washing!"

Hearing people's exclamations, Lu Wen Cheng gasped from the corner of her mouth and said, "when we report the bad news of the base last night, it's not the hands of our boss and heimang that the bad news of Yangfeng base last night.""Yes?" Everyone is in a daze.

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Lu Wencheng didn't say too much. She told the truth in a few words, and finally concluded: "so, this incident happened because of the appearance of our boss, but it was not the disaster caused by our boss. In addition, from my own standpoint, Zhao Yangfeng is really stupid!"

The last word said, Lu Bingze was the first to not resist, and chuckled.

He Feng passed by with an eye knife and said, "there is still a heart to laugh. It is not good for us to deliberately release such news from Yangfeng base. We are now under enemy attack. I'm afraid we will be targeted by all bases."

"Just find out the truth and the truth?" Jiang Tianqing blurted out: "this is really not our boss's pot!"

At this time, Luo Ming shook his head and said, "I can see clearly that the wind blowing base is trying to make mistakes and put such serious mistakes on Chu Han. It's really hard to do!"

"Why not?" Xu Feng did not understand: "facts speak louder than words! If it's not black Miscanthus, it's not. I say, how can black Miscanthus be so powerful that it scares me

"Easy to say!" He Feng snorted coldly, then looked at Lu Bingze and said: "your Shenyin is good at playing public opinion. Lu Bingze, you come to tell us the consequences of this matter."

Lu Bingze scratched his head: "in fact, it's very simple. Even if we debate, no one will believe it. Because before the accident of Anding base and Shangjing base, boss Chu Han led the black mang team to kill the four sides. Now what happens to any base, we can associate it with our boss. After all, he said he wanted revenge in Shangjing Even more to the mysterious family

"Yes! That's the key! " He Feng took over the talk and said seriously: "everyone will believe that the accident of Yangfeng base is the work of Chu Han! Including all of us present after receiving this news, did not subconsciously doubt the authenticity? It's too much like Chu Han's frantic counterattack. What's more, it's a fact that Chu Han went to Yangfeng base that night! "

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