Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1548: 1548

A row of shining typewriters suddenly appeared in the 7th rank battle effectiveness ranking list, presenting it in front of all the people in the most prominent posture. All the other people on the 7th rank battle effectiveness ranking list were all squeezed out.

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And the shining S +: the final comprehensive evaluation!

"Chu, Chu..." Ye Zibo's eyes widened, and the whole person seemed to be choked and unable to make a sound. His expression was even more tragic, like a ferocious clown.

Chu Han is the one who gets the seven level assessment S + comprehensive evaluation and pushes everyone down and jumps to the first place!

"Isn't he dead?" Ye Zibo roared wildly. His eyes were abnormally large and small because of his twisted emotion. His lips were white and trembling: "isn't Chu Han dead! It's not dead, eh... "

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground because of the stimulation and fainted completely.


A row of guards at the bottom were startled and ran up, but before they had finished all the steps, they all stood in shock and looked at the startling stone wall in the distance, unable to say a word.

Rumor has it that Chu Han, who died for several days, suddenly appeared and became the first person in the seventh rank battle effectiveness ranking list?!

The storm spread and opened at the moment of ranking change on the assessment stone wall. Countless people rushed out of the gate of Shangjing base and ran in the direction of the assessment stone wall. From above, it was like a torrent, gushing out.

"Come on! What happened to Shibi again

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"Keep up, go and witness with your own eyes!"

"It's said that it's still a change in the 7th rank combat power rankings?"

"Yes! Since general Chu Han has received a series of six S + comprehensive evaluations, only a few stars and zero people have taken the S + of lower order, and he is the only one who can do it above the fifth level. "

"Now he's got S +"! This is a miracle

"But it is said that Chu Han is dead? And it's been many days! "

"What's the death? Can the assessment of the stone wall deceive people? Even the comprehensive evaluation and ranking have come out! "

"Maybe it's too difficult to assess the level 7. Chu Han has been assessing these days, so..."

"Yes! That must be the case! "

There was a lot of discussion, and there were all kinds of opinions, but only one thing was absolutely certain.

That is, Chu Han is not dead at all, he is still alive!

In addition to the Shangjing base, all the people who can easily see the assessment of the stone wall have discovered this change at the first time, and all of them are in shock. If there are any people in this world who can bring miracles in this desperate last age, Chu Han alone can do it.

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To the south of the dividing line between the Sichuan base and the Nandu base, after the Southern Alliance Army headed by the Langya battle group set out, there was a lot of controversy everywhere. It was only at this moment that the startling changes in Shibi were checked that these restless voices were filled.

At the same time, an incredible force of solidarity erupted in the Confederate army.

Whether it is from different areas to come, or gradually gathered together most of them, all of us in a moment like fighting chicken blood general excitement!

"Check the stone wall! Did you see that? "

"General Chu Han is not dead, and general Chu Han has won the first place in the seventh rank battle effectiveness ranking list!"

“S+! S + again! Or the highest comprehensive evaluation from the first to the seventh order

The Langya battle group, which is on the way, is also very excited. From the leading three teams to each small team, to the battle group with thousands of people in the rear and the defense team after being broken, all of them are boiling up in an instant.

"Ha ha! If the boss is not dead, wolf tooth will win

"No.1 in the 7th level combat power ranking list, comprehensive evaluation s +!"

"The old fool force random pass boss is no longer there? Come out to me

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"Brothers of the Northern League, I'm sorry. We'll win this war again. Ha ha ha!"

A battle spirit of writing off broke out on all the wolf teeth members. He Feng was also very excited. Taking advantage of the blood, he Feng rushed to the destination with his team.

At this time, looking back at the Northern Alliance Army, the 100000 member team led by veteran Xu Xin had already been in chaos at the first time of the assessment of the Shibi surprise. At this time, they were outside a base. Just after the riot, the biggest chain reaction broke out, so that there was no time to control it.

Xu Xin stood in front of the assessment of the stone wall, pale looking at the first line of the seven level battle effectiveness ranking list. Each of the bright big characters made his heart prick.

Chu Han didn't die. He won the highest honor in the 7th rank of combat effectiveness. He was still alive, and he was living well somewhere. The war was coming. They were not only facing the Southern Alliance Army, but also facing the wolf tooth battle group with Chu Han.

That frightening, once there is a leader of Chu Han, he will be invincible!Horror, fear, countless kinds of negative emotions erupted in Xu Xin's heart, even made him want to escape for a moment

"Run! Chu Han is alive! "

"Run, evacuate! No more fighting! No more fighting! "

"We can't win, we can't win the wolf teeth battle group!"

"That's Chu Han! Chu Han! Military genius, murderer, king of the battlefield

"I regret it. Why do I want to fight against the enemy? Why can't I think about it?"

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"Run away! Escape

Countless people howled loudly, and the ranks were scattered. There were soldiers who wanted to flee the war. They did not care who was led by the veteran, or those who held guns at them, or whether they could be safely away.

They were scared silly, just a name, scared them to retreat without fighting!

"Hold on! Assemble the team At this time, Xu's letter suddenly responded and cried out.

Chu Han is not a God. He is just a man, not even a member of the mysterious family. He is just an ordinary man with high combat power and strong military ability!

A person, what to be afraid of?

But when Xu Xin shouts out this sentence, everything is already late.

The number of a hundred thousand troops is not beyond the control of several new human teams. At the moment of the news explosion, they fled everywhere. Some ran aimlessly and ran as far as they could, while others rushed into the front base to hide.

In a word, when Xu Xin's people had exhausted their power and managed to stabilize the mood of the people living in the field, only 70000 people were left in the 100000 people, and one third of them left the team and disappeared without a trace.

Among the remaining 70000 people, more than half of them were injured due to Sao's riot, and the number of dead was even more amazing. The list can't be finished

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