Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1579: 1579

Luo Ming looks at Chu Han getting closer and closer, and finally wakes up at the last moment and salutes.

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Luo fan next to him pointed to Chu Han. She finally guessed the purpose of Chu Han in shock. She wanted to make a voice to remind people, but no matter how she danced and glared at Chu Han, she looked like a crazy person.

Luo Ming looked at Luo fan in disgust and wanted to chop her to death on the spot, so he could only yell: "wanton! Don't you salute me when you see an adult? "

Then he rushed to Chu Han and said, "I'm sorry, this is the outer member of the Luo family. Because he has blood relationship with a member of Luo's family, he is too arrogant to know whether to die or not."

The purpose of Luo Ming is very obvious. When he meets the orthodox members of the mysterious family, and the current Vatican's performance is so bad, he naturally wants to say something that will affect his future identity.

Chu Han has been silent, after hearing Luo Ming's words, his mind suddenly becomes active.

Ouch? God help him!

The outer members of the Luo family are not at peace?

Thinking of this, Chu Han's heart leaped, but his face was still that cold expression, as if everything was not in the eye, said: "I am chasing this woman over."

Hearing this, both Luo fan and Luo Ming were shocked. Their minds were different, but they were all controlled by Chu Han's words.

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Chu Han didn't want to give them a chance to guess the reason. While turning around and looking around, Chu Han said casually: "she led 50 people to pursue the defense team of the wolf tooth battle group, but it failed completely and 40 people died."

After hearing this, he saw that Chu Han was so careless and indifferent to the people around him that no one doubted his noble identity.

Luo Ming looked at Chu Han in shock: "dead? What's more, the defense team? "

Luo fan is more shocked. She simply can't think of how those who pursue first will die?

Die in the hands of the wolf tooth battle group?!

Chu Han sneered, glanced at the pale Luo fan, and continued: "I came from the dividing line. I saw all the dead bodies of the peripheral members. I didn't walk long before I met this woman. I should be one of the peripheral members of the team, Luo fan?"

Speaking of this, Chu Han looked directly at Luo fan for the first time. His tone was calm, but his momentum full of superiors was released: "now, can you explain why they are all dead, while you are doing nothing in the distance. When you see me coming, the first reaction is to escape?"

All of Chu Han's words were nonsense, but luofan did not have any ability to refute. The rest of the family members who heard the words doubted him.

In particular, Luo Ming suddenly burst into a rage and roared at him: "what do you mean?! You want to betray the Luo family? "

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Luo fan shook his head and pointed to Chu han to refute it. Unfortunately, she couldn't make a sound. The current situation seems to be unable to help the orthodox members of the mysterious family.

Luo Ming was stimulated by the actions of luofan. At the same time, he also observed the cold light of Chu Han's eyes when he pointed at him.

So Luo Ming suddenly put out a big kick behind the knee of Luo fan. Luo fan Ben consumed too much during the whole afternoon's running, and his breathing was disordered. So he didn't stand steady with this kick, so he knelt down in front of Chu Han.

Chu Han looked down at her without any reaction, but the moment of Xiao Kun's death flashed through his heart.

The woman in front of her was the one who led to the death of Xiao Kun, one of the fierce generals of wolf teeth

Luo fan was extremely unwilling and even about to spit out blood. She didn't expect that everyone believed in Chu Han's identity. Even Chu Han didn't even report his name. She was kicked by Luo Ming, a white fool, and knelt down in front of Chu Han!

This is the ultimate humiliation for her noble status!

The most exasperating thing is that Chu Han looked at her with this kind of eyes, as if she knelt down for granted.

After a look, Chu Han looked away calmly and looked at Luo Ming: "the war on the dividing line is over, the Northern Alliance Army has been defeated, and the Southern Alliance Army has begun to attack the north."

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He didn't say anything to luofan kneeling on the ground, let alone how to deal with it. It was because Chu Han's indifference that made Luo Ming and the rest of the Luo family deeply believe in his identity.

The orthodox blood of the mysterious family is noble and abnormal in itself. Of course, he does not care about the life and death of such people as ARVAN.

They always care about the overall situation. Just like Chu Han, the focus of his words is directly on the outcome of the war.

Luo Ming was surprised and said, "the Northern Alliance Army has failed? Isn't it just a week ago? Then we are not here... "

He was a little alarmed. In the original plan, two hundred of them were going to rush into the battlefield of the dividing line from here to give the Southern Alliance Army, especially the Langya battle group, a surprise attack, and let the Northern Alliance Army better win the war and let the army led by Shangjing kill all the way to the southernmost side.

But in just a week, the Northern Alliance Army lost?Even in the case of a large number of people!

Chu Han chuckled, as if he didn't put the winning or losing on the dividing line in his eyes. He said, "if we lose, we will lose. The human leaders we want do not care whether they are from the north or from the south."

Hearing this, all Luo's family were stunned, and Luo Ming faintly felt wrong.

Luo fan suddenly raised his head, his eyes were shining, and his heart was even more joyful. Chu Han was exposed!

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But what they didn't expect was that Chu Han's next words made his identity stable in the most noble blood of the mysterious family.

He said: "the people we want to kill are always Chu Han, and the forces we want to eliminate are only Langya battle group. Now the battle on the boundary line is over, and the team of Langya battle group has also chased here. In this mountain forest, Chu Han is also there. What a good opportunity?"

Luo Ming nodded and gave a big sigh of relief: "adults don't blame us for not appearing on the boundary line."

Chu Han looked at him. "No wonder," Roger said. "I has the final say. I am here to decide the freedom of the Lord. I came here because of the battle on the demarcation line, and the Northern Alliance failed. The wolf tooth brigade and Chu Han lived well, so they were led by the commander of the clan.

After that, Chu Han arranged the Cufflinks as if no one else did, regardless of whether they agreed or not.

Luo Ming saw the jewel on Chu Han's cuff link. He was impressed by the jewel on the spot. He immediately bowed his head and took all the members of Luo's family respectfully: "follow your instructions."

Luo fan is completely disheartened, Chu Han successfully mixed into the Luo family camp, this is not to all of them to die?

This is the commander of the opposite wolf tooth battle group!

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