Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1589: 1589

On another battlefield near the dividing line, the battle here has come to an end. The first two groups of 50 members of the mysterious family were ambushed, and before they could come up with a plan, they were shunted and surrounded by 3000 wolf tooth battle group, which was well prepared. They were all killed by a fierce chase.

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In this way, the last group of 50 members was exposed in front of the former mysterious family members in the remaining battles, as well as under the eyes of Gao Manqiu and Bai Yuner, who were watching the war from afar.

These 50 people obviously didn't expect to see their companions being beaten into this miserable picture. Combined with the bodies of those members of the mysterious family who died on the ground, they were shocked and flustered.

Fighting is inevitable, and the dignity of the mysterious family does not allow them to think of retreat at this time.

After fighting for several hours, the wolf tooth battle group also entered a state of exhaustion. Although the cooperation was still close and there was no loophole, the strength and speed of the battle group decreased significantly.

There was no suspense in the battle between the two sides, but the last battle also entered the final stage of struggle. The number of casualties of the Langya battle group increased rapidly compared with the previous two campaigns. He Feng still stood at a high command and constantly filled in the loopholes.

The sound of fighting resounded on the battlefield. The defense team was responsible for the evacuation of the wounded. Looking at those elite members of the Langya battle group who were carried out of the battlefield one by one and stayed in the rear dying, the hearts of many people were extremely heavy.

This war is undoubtedly very beautiful, and it is a heavy blow to the mysterious family. However, on the huge tombstone of Langya, many unfamiliar names will be added.

This is the history of the wolf tooth battle group, and it is also the glory they have come all the way, but this glory carries the lives of countless people.

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Five hours later, the battle ended, and all members of the mysterious family died. When the last peripheral member of the mysterious family fell down and could no longer breathe, the member of the wolf tooth battle group who cut off the main artery of the other side held up his broken weapons. His whole body was covered with blood and his teeth were clenched. He was so muddy that he could not see his facial features clearly, but only his eyes Extremely transparent.

"Great victory!" He growled, delivering such a message to all on the battlefield.

"Great victory!" Countless people raised their weapons and cried out.

They were disabled, wounded, or tearful, but all of them celebrated the most historic moment.

Many people couldn't see it. Even chief Chu Han was not present, but the cheers of victory could not stop.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Gao Manqiu saw a touch of movement, and then he became calm and distant again: "it's strange that Chu Han is not here."

Bai yun'er also frowned. Obviously, he was a little strange about Chu Han's absence, but he said another thing: "you lost."

Gao Manqiu was stunned and took a deep look at Bai Yuner. Then he turned around and left. But before leaving, he left a sentence: "if you want to pull Bai you down from the position of Bai family and become the master of the whole Bai family, you, as the head of the mysterious family, should salute me when you see me as the goddess."

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Bai yun'er didn't return his head and calmly replied, "I'm not interested."

Gao Manqiu left the pace of pause, the corner of his mouth hook up a meaningful smile, and then disappeared.

After confirming that Gao Manqiu has left, Bai Yu has the courage to speak. He looks at Bai yun'er curiously and says, "little sister, if master Baiyou had known Gao Manqiu was a goddess earlier, would he not have retired? We're not going to get into all this crap. "

Bai Yuner looked at him funny: "even if Bai you doesn't give up marriage, you can't marry him with Gao Manqiu's temperament. The goddess is just scheming and can hide her identity."

Bai Yu thought about it carefully, then nodded: "it makes sense, but can we really leave the earth and return to the starry sky?"

Bai yun'er smiles and touches Bai Yu's head: "the goddess has appeared, returning to the furnace as a free inheritor."

Bai Yu's eyes lit up: "did little sister know something in Yin Yang Valley? Is the goddess the successor of the furnace

"She?" Bai Yuner shook his head and said, "she was just an accident."

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Although Bai Yu didn't understand all of them, he also understood a little. He nodded his head and said, "it's really an accident that he can awaken his blood to a level even though his blood is getting thinner and there is a ban on the earth."

There are levels of blood. The reason why Luo Sheng has always said that people on earth are inferior is that most people's grades are only F. while the reason why Jiang lingruo and Xu Feng and other talent level players are extremely strong all the way is because their blood level is higher than that of ordinary people, which is E.

As for the mysterious family, the peripheral members of the Luo family have blood levels of D, while those of the orthodox family are C. for example, members of the lineage are B.

Bai yun'er is a bit special. Although she is a mixed race, she should have only grade D, but her blood level has reached C, which is consistent with the orthodox blood. After returning to her ancestry, her blood level has become B, which is equivalent to her lineage.

In other words, after returning to her ancestry, she reached the condition to open the double gene lock.Because in addition to the natural advantages of orthodox blood, another condition to open the double gene lock is that the blood level reaches B!

In addition, the other Xiao Qi, who is both a mixed blood and a atavist, is also a B just like Bai Yuner. However, the Xiao family has already declined and only Xiao Qi is alone, so the other three families don't care about her.

It is this kind of indifference that makes the mysterious family unexpected.

The reason why Gao Manqiu is different is that a huge accident occurred in her blood level, reaching a.

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This is an accident from the beginning of the coming of the end of the world, but the Gao family hid it. It was not until Gao Manqiu appeared outside for the first time not long ago that it was known. Especially when the lineage of the major families saw her, the suppression of the blood level could not be overstepped.

This is also the reason why Gao Manqiu is called the goddess. In the whole four mysterious families, no one can beat her. Even the patriarch should salute her when he sees her, let alone the Bai family who has retired from marriage.

The crushing of blood level has already made their status gap very big!

As for the other four main entrances, in addition to the never seen main entrance of the furnace and the sanction family as ordinary people, the blood level of the two clans is frightening. All lineages are a, and all family members are B, which directly covers all the mysterious families of the four side doors.

It's just

Water and fire are also forbidden on earth, and this kind of prohibition also makes them have high blood level, but their combat power is limited.

From this point of view, Chu Han, whose blood level was f before, was really ordinary and ordinary. However, the transformation of his lineage at that time was worthy of raising his level to e, which is the same as Xu Feng and Jiang lingruo. Otherwise, he would not have been able to beat Luosheng, even with the help of the goddess of Shui nationality and the Shura Tomahawk made of Xingneng stone

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