Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1636: 1636

Jiang Tianqing's movements were sluggish, and some of them were slow to put down their weapons. As a member of the investigation team, he rarely took part in frontal combat, so he was extremely nervous, and some of his brain couldn't respond.

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"Dead?" His voice trembled.

With the fall of Jiang Tianqing's voice, more and more black blood gradually overflowed from the eyes of this zombie leader, including the mouth, nose and ear canal. All of them began to overflow with black blood, with the peculiar rotten smell of zombies.

The smoldering explosion with perfect energy control explodes in the Zombie's brain, so from the appearance, the wound is very small, but the burst has completely destroyed the whole brain, and the brain pulp and black blood flow out of the seven orifices.

At the end of this battle, it ended quietly.

However, when the corpse of Jiang Dun was dead, he was shocked.

A second before, Chu Han was just shivering and sweating all over his body. At this time, his face was pale, but he looked like a dead man. His lips had no blood color, and his pupils were even more lax. He stood in his place like a statue.

"Brother Chu Han?" Jiang Tianqing was flustered, and even more subconsciously he shook his body.


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However, Chu Han fell so straight and fell heavily on Jiang Tianqing.

Jiang Tianqing is in a hurry. He carries Chu Han on his back and runs to the command platform. He doesn't observe the battle closely. He doesn't know what happened at the last moment. The leader of the zombie is dead. Jiang Tianqing smashes his head before leaving. But what's wrong with Chu Han?

This battle should not let Chu Han lose his strength until he faints!

In Jiang Tianqing's rush, Wangcai popped out of Chu Han's pocket and held his cheek to ponder.

It looked closely at the whole battle, but it could not tell why.

The death of the leader of the zombie was not unexpected. He was trapped by the tricks of Chu Han all the way. The defeat was not due to the lack of combat power, but rather the continuous move tactics of Chu Han.

At the moment, Wang Chu suffered from other factors, that is, he had no chance to be attacked by the outside world.

The most important thing is that Wangcai can feel that Chu Han's body is not seriously affected, let alone life-threatening.

Then why do you still look like you're in a coma?

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Wangcai was a little confused, so he could only stay in Chuhan's pocket all the way and didn't dare to leave.

The defeat of the zombie leader has a direct impact on the progress of the whole war. In the following period, from the fighting of three teams on the outer wall to the slaughter of zombies by recruits in the maze, Langya staff began to make meticulous planning.

Of course, the comatose Chu Han was sent to Langya base for cultivation at the first time, and in He Feng's strong insight, he suppressed the news of Chu Han's coma as quickly as possible.

Members of the 90000 wolf tooth battle group who are still fighting in the Nanbu base, up to most of the recruits from the general to the first level of the new humanity, do not know that their supreme commander is unconscious in the battle with the zombie leader.

Without the help of those new weapons in the outer wall, there will be no more collective deaths of tens of thousands of zombies. Even if most of the remaining zombies can't move, they can be solved very slowly. Fortunately, with the support of a new batch of materials, the recruits of the wolf tooth battle group will remain unchanged.

The high momentum of the battle continued, and everyone was maintaining the final battle to welcome the victory. He Feng from the command platform also constantly encouraged the morale. Even the three teams fighting with the high-level zombies have gradually become stronger and braver in these days of exhausted fighting.

After returning from the labyrinth war zone, master Chen did not see Chu Han. He did not know what had happened. He was arranged to rest at the command console when he was unable to hold a gun for a short time. During this period, he also fully saw how the battle changed from despair to hope, and now he is about to meet the dawn.

"Where's my boss?" The next day, young master Chen suddenly asked a question, which gave the scene a high momentum.

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Jiang Tianqing's lips wriggled for a moment without a sound. He looked at his toes with a dim look. He came back with Chu Han on his back, but he could not leave the battlefield. He returned to Langya base together and paid close attention to the situation of the commander.

Because he is the leader of the team, is a wolf tooth general, he shoulders a huge responsibility.

The helicopter with Chu Han, the only one to leave the battlefield in Nanbu, never returned.

How's Chu Han? No one knows

By the way, he Shaohan, who lied to the superior, said to the superior that he Shaohan was ready to fight first

"Oh." Young master Chen didn't have half a doubt, but he murmured: "it's very troublesome. I have to report it."

He Feng frowned, his face was not red, and his heart did not jump. He continued to lie: "after the battle of the Northern Alliance Army is over, they will immediately send troops back to the south, and then they will fight with us. In the past, chief Chu Han has drawn up an agreement."Hearing this, young master Chen has no other ideas. Cooperation with other battle groups really needs a lot of attention.

At this time, several helicopters from Duan's base, which had been stopping in the distance to watch the battle, gradually found out that the situation in the Nanshu base seemed wrong. From the one-time influx of all the zombies a day ago, now it is enough time for the tide of corpses to start moving to the destination. However, at this moment, those zombies are still crowding in the Nanshu base.

"No? Still fighting? " One was surprised.

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"The wolf tooth battle group can really carry it Another person also exclaimed, with shock in his emotion: "I never thought that they could hold on to now and not give up?"

"Maybe, it's not just about not giving up." The leader of the group spoke with some caution: "I'm afraid I still want to win."

"How could it be?" Everyone was shocked.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Several helicopters parked in the distance lifted off again, and carefully headed for the top of Nanshu base. They were far away from the base and could not see the real situation clearly. They only knew that the millions of zombies had never come out of the base once they entered the base. The only possibility that caused this situation was that the wolf teeth battle group was still alive, and the war group which repeatedly created miracles was still insisting!

No matter win or lose, no matter success or failure, this is enough for anyone to admire!

But when these people hold this feeling of admiration, a little closer to the southern military base, and gradually see the real situation of this huge battlefield, the admiration is completely replaced by unbelievable!

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