Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1742: 1742

After Langya base suffered great damage, a group of teams came to rescue the base. When they saw the scene of the post-war, they were still in fear for many days.

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The recovery of the base is only part of it. More importantly, it is the collapse of a lot of intelligence and wolf tooth's defense ability. Now everyone knows that all the defense systems of wolf tooth are useless in front of the mysterious family.

Langya cemetery is intact, and the bones buried here are still sleeping. Lu Wencheng puts a bunch of flowers in front of a tombstone and looks at the stone tablet full of words in front of her. She can't speak for a long time.

The name of the owner of the tombstone is engraved on the top and middle of the stone tablet -

Gu Liangchen.

There are more small characters at the bottom of the name than the people nearby. It seems that they are almost unable to squeeze in. Even the old craftsman who carved the tombstone constantly lamented that the unknown major general had such a legendary life, and it was a pity that he died young.

"Lieutenant general." A man at the huge tombstone opened his mouth to Lu Wencheng: "the first box of the name of the major general is already occupied."

Lu Wencheng didn't lift his head: "it's engraved in the rank of lieutenant general. He's already a lieutenant general there."

"Lieutenant general Lu." At this time, a person came to report: "ready."

Lu Wencheng nodded and turned to the gate, where a large number of people and members of the Langya defense team had gathered. These were the few troops in Langya territory.

A large part of the reason why these people gathered here is that Gu Liangchen's deeds were finally exposed.

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A person who has been hiding in the dark and has made countless contributions to wolf teeth is only known by the world after his death, bringing the glory of his life into the coffin.

So a lot of people gathered here and spontaneously sent Gu Liangchen for a ride.

The cemetery was opened, and groups of people lined up to enter. This was one of the few times that Langya opened the cemetery to the public to mourn the hero. The scene was spectacular but quiet.

People lined up in front of Gu Liangchen's tombstone, put down a bunch of flowers, carefully remember Gu Liangchen's life, familiar with the deeds of this major general who had never heard of before.

Then, starting from the first tombstone nearby, they followed the path one by one. Each time they passed a tombstone, they would bow deeply and read the words carefully to remember the heroes who died for the wolf teeth.

Every time the wolf tooth cemetery is opened, the scene is the same, and even many people cry bitterly for a long time after leaving the cemetery, and their relatives may still be buried in this cemetery.

Looking at such a solemn scene, Lu Wencheng couldn't help but turn her head and couldn't bear to look again. Only when he deliberately left, he saw a member of the intelligence department trotting along.

Lu Wencheng stepped forward quickly: "what's the matter?"

The member of the intelligence department was panting, but his eyes were shining and he said, "the news from the secret department is that Cao's research institute can make a breakthrough!"

Lu Wencheng's pupil shrank violently and immediately went back. At the same time, he quickly ordered: "call on a hundred people to set out immediately to help the dark Department break down the Cao's Research Institute!"


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Soon, all the helicopters left by Langya took off. Lu Wencheng led his own team and took 100 elite of the defense team with him, and went to Cao's Research Institute.

"For the last time." When she was about to arrive, Lu Wencheng said solemnly in the walkie talkie: "location?"

"One kilometer to twelve o'clock. Everything is ready."

Lu Wen Cheng was nervous and said, "where is the dark part?"

"Trying to hand over." The voice of a member of the intelligence department came from the walkie talkie. Soon after two "didi" sounds, the voice sounded again: "after the handover, the door of Cao's Research Institute opened one minute later, and there was no enemy inside."

Lu Wencheng was very excited and her eyes were shining: "good. This time, we must rescue all the people!"

A minute later, Hula!

All the helicopters landed, and the elevator from the underground of Cao's research institute came to the ground on time. Lu Wencheng tightly grasped the sabre, and the 100 elite defenders behind him were all well armed and strode to the elevator.

Although there was no news of the enemy coming from the members of the inner secret department, they were still fully armed, and the task was particularly important.

The elevator went down one layer at a time, enough to show how deep the Research Institute was built. Soon Lu Wencheng and others arrived at the bottom of the ground, and two members of the secret department were waiting.

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"Why is the sky red in the last days?"

"Tomato, you tomato."

After the quick code connection, the two members of the secret department were very excited and saluted Lu Wen Cheng with not very standard military ceremony.

Lu Wen Cheng replied with anxiety: "if you want to go back, you should take them out first."

A member of the secret department quickly walked in front of him to lead the way: "the lieutenant general will come with me. We have selected a group of people in advance to make them ready. The others do not know the situation, so they will take them away by force."

"Well, you'll split up into two teams and take the people out." Lu Wencheng arranged it quickly, and then she looked around in a hurry: "where is Mr. Chu?"As soon as he said this, the member of the dark Department in front of him suddenly changed his face and said, "I'm sorry, the target is not here. He has been taken away by Roger!"

Lu Wencheng was shocked and suddenly realized that something was wrong. At the same time, a sense of frustration and helplessness welled up in her heart. All of a sudden, she seemed to have let out her anger and her voice suddenly dropped.

"Other people's situation, how is Hu Menghao?" He asked again.

"Hu Menghao is the object of our protection. Everything is OK. I'll take you to see him right away." Members of the secret ministry quickened their pace and took Lu Wencheng and others to the depth of the Research Institute.

Soon the front door was opened and a young man in a wheelchair appeared in front of Lu Wencheng. It was Hu Menghao.

Lu Wencheng just wanted to say something, but suddenly she was stunned and stammered: "you, you are..."

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This is the first time that he met Hu Menghao. He knew that the other side had a double leg disability, but he did not know that the other side was so strange.

In front of him was a long table with all kinds of research vessels on it. At this time, Hu Menghao filled them with a kind of green liquid, and there was a large package beside it, which was obviously what Hu Menghao was packing to take away. At the same time, the whole research room was empty and ransacked by him.

"Take these with you. Come and carry them for me." If you don't mind, I'll be destroyed by Lu Menghao for an hour and a half

Lu Wencheng was startled. Thinking that the researcher was weird, she rushed forward to pick up the large package and stood outside the door waiting.

Soon Hu Menghao came out in a wheelchair, carefully closed the door and wiped his sweat. Then he raised his eyes and looked at Lu Wencheng: "OK, let's go."

Lu Wencheng didn't dare to stay any longer. All the elite defenders had brought others to the ground. At present, only he, Hu Menghao and two members of the secret department were left.

Hu Menghao urged everyone to speed up. Lu Wencheng didn't know why at first, but when they just came to the ground -


There was a dull noise, and it exploded in the ground.

Then "boom boom" for several consecutive times, a series of dull sound explosion!

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