Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1766: 1766

In a flurry of panic, Chu Han's coordinates are getting farther and farther away from Wangcai's sensing range.

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"It must be some high-tech product. Only Tianzhao 3000 can catch up with this speed." Wangcai said in surprise.

"Go Gao Shaohui did not say a word, picked up Wangcai and jumped to Tianzhao 3000.

They chased Chu Han all the way, and finally caught up with Chu Han. In contrast, Chu Han's speed was not as fast as Tianzhao 3000.

Just at this time, Wangcai suddenly stopped: "wait, he stopped."

"Stopped?" Gao Shaohui looks confused.

He had no idea what was going on. He could only turn his vision to the bottom, but only saw a vast ocean.

Wangcai also frowned, below is the most common ocean, nothing, nothing floating up.

"Tianzhao 3000 waterproof?" He asked suddenly.

Gao Shaohui shakes his head: "the former defense, but long-term shelved in the isolated island, this function has been greatly inferior to the former."

Wangcai looked anxious: "is there any way to detect what?"

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"Checking." Gao Shaohui in the sky 3000 screen to draw what, soon after suddenly surprised: "there is an island."

Wangcai said inexplicably, "where is the island? Below is a sea blue

Gao Shaohui's expression is also surprised: "in the sea, there is an island in the sea, under the water."

Wangcai was stunned and looked down again, not only gushing out a very strange feeling.

Then, not long after, it said in surprise, "it's moving again, in the direction of ten o'clock."

Gao Shaohui hurriedly drives Tianzhao 3000 to catch up, and adjusts the speed to the same level as the moving speed of Chu Han below.

"Eh?" At this time, Wangcai widened his eyes and called out in an incredible way.

Gao Shaohui frowned: "what happened?"

"I've just felt something, but it's gone." Wangcai lenglengleng answer: "it may be an illusion."

Gao Shaohui immediately lost interest, casually asked to continue the topic: "what do you feel?"

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Wangcai word by word: "assessment of the stone wall."

"Puff -" suddenly choked, Gao Shaohui began to cough desperately, shocked to ask: "assessment of the stone wall?! It's down here?! "

"Yes! Again Wangcai jumped to his feet and was shocked: "now it's gone, only one second."

Gao Shaohui narrowed his eyes and began to think: "you mean that the stone wall appears intermittently. Is there any deviation in your sensing ability underwater?"

"No Wangcai firmly affirmed: "no matter under water or in fire, the closer you get, the more obvious the breath of the stone wall will be. I can feel it, let alone this strong feeling."

"How can that be intermittent?" Gao Shaohui is puzzled.

Wangcai shook his head: "I don't know."

They are silent, and at the same time, they mobilize all the information in their minds and think about this strange problem. Especially, the stone wall of the assessment seems to be the same as the coordinates of Chu Han!

In this way, after a period of time, Tianzhao 3000 stopped again with Chu Han, and it was a short stay, and the same appeared an island.

After repeated several times, they both found a rule that every time the coordinates of Chu Han stopped, there were isolated islands below, and the stone wall would also be exposed for a second, and then disappeared.

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It's like playing hide and seek with two people.

Wangcai had already lost his patience and kept scolding and nagging in the cabin. Gao Shaohui also had a gloomy face, because it had been two days since they had been following each other for two days, and they had not yet gone out of the deep sea!

at this time, the valley of yin and Yang was already surging.

In Yanggu's cemetery, people from all walks of life have already visited the whole cemetery. Except for the eight gates tomb, no one dares to break in, almost all other places have been swept.

Bai Sheng, the patriarch of the Bai family, even took people into the black palace. However, for some reason, he ran out in a panic and ran into the Luo clan leader and several elders who happened to come.

The two sides said hello with a smile, then they left each other and chose a different way to leave, but in the same way, both sides also sent one person to keep up with each other.

Luo's followers were soon found to be directly crushed by an elder of the white family.

The White's followers followed for three days, leaving marks all the way. The third day, they were found by the Luo family and killed mercilessly.

This pattern of smiling on the surface and selling approval secretly is not uncommon among the two families. It is also the consistent way for the four families to get along with each other for thousands of years.

Bai Sheng has no words for the members of the Bai family who did not come back. After touring the area of the selected road, Bai Sheng directly turned around to track down the Luo family. Along the way, Bai Sheng followed the Luo family quickly.

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There is no danger in the cemetery. Most of them are beautiful scenery, but all the mysterious family members who enter the cemetery are cautious and extremely cautious.There is no patriarch or elder of the Gao family. All the elites follow Gao Manqiu. Compared with Bai and Luo, Gao Manqiu and others are more like wandering around. Many places are just passing by with strong purpose. It seems that they are looking for something.

Xiao Qi, with Dan Huang and Chu Yuntian, went straight to a place as soon as he came in. It was a cliff area. There were cliffs in the cemetery, which was not common. What's more, under the cliff, it was the exit of Shui People's tomb that Chu Han had been to before!

It seems to be waiting for something. Xiao Qi just stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the calm water below. Then he took two people to hide in the nearby trees and bushes for several days.

The younger generation of the mysterious families such as Bai you and Roger, who were the first to enter Yanggu, wandered around like headless flies. No matter what they found, they put them away directly. After a few days, everyone carried a pile of things, perhaps incomplete supplies or damaged weapons.

Jiang lingxuan, who entered alone, was in an unexpected place. He was inside the black palace!

With the guidance of he Peiyuan, a former sanction, Jiang lingxuan naturally passed through the space above the eight gate tomb. However, when he was different from everyone else, he did not cross it directly, but when he reached the floating board in the middle, he suddenly jumped to the left, and suddenly another floating board appeared under his feet. All the way up, he carried him to the top of the top.

It's just less than 10 meters high. Standing there with a flashlight, there's nothing. It's just an ordinary rock top.

But it was the top of the rock. After Jiang lingxuan took something out of his arms, he suddenly made a strange sound of "boom" and opened a passageway. In the channel, dim light flickered, illuminating the steps that were extending upward.

Jiang lingxuan stepped in without saying a word and walked up the steps.

After he entered, the passageway was closed and the floating board disappeared again

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