Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1811: 1811

At the same time, in the palace of the Bai family, Chu Han also encountered obstacles on the sixth floor. There were not many Bai families on this floor, but there were still only five of them, but they were much stronger than the previous five floors. Everyone's fighting power was not simple.

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In the first round of battle, Chu Han didn't get any advantage. After the initial panic, the five members of the Bai family also found the problem of Chu Han's limited combat effectiveness, so they changed their fighting style and attacked together.

Running around the circle is no longer practical, and Chu Han doesn't want to use the explosive flame chopper too much, so he can only fight head-on.

Touch it!

The sound of fighting sounded in every place on the sixth floor. It was quite fierce. Neither side was soft hearted. Every attack was directed at the other side's fatal parts.

Chu Han kept running, because of the five reasons to avoid the space, he had to move constantly to avoid the attack, and also needed to find the opportunity to fight back.

The five men pursued each time, interrupting Chu Han's attack and turning him to defense.

"See how long you'll last!" One of them said maliciously, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

The Bai family upstairs also finally showed a comfortable smile. Chu Han brought them too much shock, but it was over.

Bai Sheng loosed his hand and held the railing tightly. His eyes were no longer tense. Chu Han did bring too many miracles, but it was impossible to fight against the Bai family.

Chu Han looks the same, constantly around the circle back, but suddenly, he found that there are only four people left in front of him.

For a moment, the alarm bell of Chu Han was loud. At the same time, a slight footstep sound also sounded in another direction.

Behind you!

Chu Han immediately found the problem, these people want to cover him up!

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All of a sudden, Chu Han went to the next room to hide.

At the same time, the five of them were stunned, but even with a smile.

"The room is smaller and he has nowhere to hide."

The words fell, five people then directly toward the room in the past, the footsteps on the corridor is no longer hidden, exposed.

At this time, Chu Han opened the door and hid behind the door. The Shura Tomahawk in his hand was raised high.

"The door is open!" A person's voice sounded outside the door, close at hand.

The white family behind him began to urge: "go in and block it!"

Then, Chu Han clearly saw a figure appear, he did not want to directly hand up the axe.


A fierce axe on this man's neck!


The Shura Tomahawk was extremely sharp. He broke the skin of this man, and cut off the whole head, leaving only one blood skin hanging on his shoulder.

The space also instantly became bloody, especially in this narrow place.

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The white family fell in a pool of blood. The white family who walked behind them did not react. They walked into the room with their feet. However, the Shura Tomahawk had already reincarnated in the air and chopped in the same direction again.

The same track, the same force, the same result!


The second white family was chopped down, like the first, his head suddenly separated.

The two bodies quickly fell together and dyed the ground red. A lot of blood gushed out and flowed everywhere.

The third Bai family stopped in time. At this time, they found that they were eager to rush into the house, but gave Chu Han, who had already been ready, an opportunity to kill two people.

The atmosphere was so tense that Chu Han didn't go out, so he just hid behind the door and waited.

Three white family members in the moment to see two companions died, but also quietly stay outside the house, dare not enter, the scene will be frozen down.

After a long time, a white family tried to use language to attack: "Chu Han, you still hurry out to die, the results are the same, you think you can hide in it for a lifetime?"

However, a few minutes of silent training is just like the sound of a silent spear.

But in the eyes of the white family, these few minutes are like years, which makes it hard to suppress the anxiety and trigger the sense of irritability.

"Are you dumb?" Finally, a white family angry angry up: "or afraid?"

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Chu Han was still and unaffected.

Another white family continued to try to anger: "you return to the furnace, did not fall to this point, actually need to rely on hiding?"

"Dare not even go out of the house, still want to break into the White House?"

"Just like your useless father, rubbish!"

Chu Han's pupil shrinks, silently takes out a bottle of medicine from his arms, this is the concentrated version of silver water.

While drinking, the sound outside the door continued to croak.

"Sure enough, hybrids are hybrids."

"Come out, let's have a look at the ability of returning to the furnace. Can't even the lowest level of the Bai family be compared with it?""They just hide and attack. This kind of combat power is not glorious at all."

As he spoke, Chu Han's look had changed. Calmness was always his pride, but there were always several things that could not be violated.

Chu Han turned around and looked at the wall ten meters away from his eyes, and then --


Kick it up!

The wall suddenly broke a big hole, a piece of dust in Chu Han broken the wall.

The white family three people heard the sound of the wall next to them, and they ran to the source of the sound in a hurry.

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"He's going to another house!"

"Chase! You can't give him a chance to escape. "

"There are so many rooms here, it's difficult to hold on to them again!"

A moment of panic, let the white family do not want to chase up, but at this time, the corridor sounded another strange sound.


The sound of a bloody shoot sounded at the last of the three, and then a "slap" sound was heard. Something fell to the ground.

Walking in the front of the Bai family, his heart was thumping, and then looking back, he just saw the huge black axe in Chu Han's hand, which was still dripping with blood. However, the Bai family, who was the last one, had fallen into a pool of blood.

Before and after only a few seconds!

Chuhan didn't leave the house at all, but took advantage of the time difference and the impulse of the three Bai family members, and walked out of the door directly behind them.

In this way, the pros and cons of a direct exchange.

There are only two of the five people on the sixth floor!

Walking in the middle of the Bai family, however, did not respond. They were still following the original moving track. When he felt what was happening behind him, a warm blood stream was spraying on his back.

The white family, who saw the situation clearly, contracted his pupils violently and called out: "run!"

But at the same time, Chu Han's second axe has been cut off!

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