Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 310: 310

At the Shangjing survivors' base, helicopters were parked on the platform. A group of returning soldiers came out from inside, which was different from other returning troops. The soldiers were dressed neatly, and even the number of personnel was not reduced. A pair of military boots were clean as if they had never been out of the door.

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"How many casualties?" The soldier's eyes strange to ask this sentence, the heart is to guess that this group of people will not have not carried out the task at all, walked around directly on the way back home?

"Well, one." The soldiers are walking in front of them.

"Alone?" The usher was surprised, and then quickly changed his face and said with a very flattering smile: "congratulations on the return of the great victory. This casualty data can be recorded in the annals of history!"

A group of soldiers were all embarrassed and moved forward. Because it was not a big battle, they arranged rest first after their return, and then counted and reported the war situation. They really didn't want to explain the real situation here. It's very humiliating!

However, this group of people did not want to say that the people who heard the conversation had raised their ears. After all, the news began to leak out when they heard the number of army casualties returning from abroad. After all, the number of casualties was definitely worthy of great worship and gossip. Soon, unconsciously, the whole base began to spread such a message: Anze The major general's army killed the enemy in Anluo city and returned home with only one casualty.

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Members of the military regard this news as an honor. The evolutors who have no military position and are close to the military are regarded as capital to show off, and gradually spread outward. The people who perform their duties in the whole base are also regarded as gossip except food. All of them are showing that they know the fastest news.

Look, they already know the result before the results are released, right?

In the end of the world, when the number of human beings is getting smaller and smaller, the number of casualties has always been a barrier in major campaigns and various survivor bases. Now that it is known that there are only one casualties, how can we not vigorously publicize it? Even though the actual situation has not been announced, it is not important, it is just a matter of mentioning.

As a result, this evil trend expanded and swelled. At last, it was out of control. Even Anze, who had been killed by Bai Yuner's fist, became a new star hero of Shangjing base. His popularity was even worse than that of Zhuang Hong.

The huge conference room in the base is still a big round table and the familiar big men. They sit around the table and look at the latest war reports in their hands. The war with the zombies has never stopped, and the first battle against the alien species has become the focus of this meeting.

"Major general Anze's team has come back, and there will be a report on the results in a short time. I heard that as many people went out, as many people came back, they won a great victory." Zhuang Hong opened his mouth with a smile and looked at the chief commander with a little provocation in his eyes.

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Although Anluo city is not a big city, there are quite a lot of zombies. According to the news reported by Longya, different species can control zombies. In fact, those zombies are not included in the list. Zhuang Hong has long had an opinion on the commander-in-chief. It is not obvious that the number of zombies can be controlled by different species Push his men into the fire?

However, Zhuang Hong did not object to the operation. On the one hand, it was the personnel arranged by the commander-in-chief, no matter who was from any faction. On the other hand, Anze was just a piece of Zhuang Hong's chess piece. Frankly speaking, he was a member of the fringe and could be abandoned at any time.

However, what Zhuang Hong didn't expect was that as soon as those teams arrived, there were a large number of messages spread, and there was only one casualty, and they won a complete victory. At this time, the commander-in-chief's Secret game was completely destroyed. How can Zhuang Hong not be happy?

Everyone saw Zhuang Hong's manner. Many people laughed and said good words. General Zhuang Hong added another war talent under his command. All of a sudden, the sky of the capital base was unstable again.

In the face of the ambiguous eyes of the people around him, the commander-in-chief just sat in the first place with a cool look. He did not see Zhuang Hong's provocation.

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Luo Ming is angry, but the old man who is very similar to Luo Xiaoxiao is picking his teeth and saying: "tut Tut, I don't know if the task has been completed, so much effort has been made."

"What do you mean, Mr. Luo?" Zhuang Hong changed his face on the spot: "major general Anze has led the team back with a great victory, which is a very obvious thing. But I heard that when they arrived, even their clothes were very clean and tidy, how could they not complete the task?"

LuoMing didn't lift his eyelids, and drank his mouth leisurely: "I remember that there are two tasks assigned to Anze. In addition to exterminating the group of heterologous species, is it necessary to look for Chu Han along the way? I came back so soon. Did you look for it or not? I won't ignore the military orders directly? "

As soon as he said this, Zhuang Hong's face suddenly turned black. Luo Ming did it on purpose!

"I said Luo Lao, don't deliberately pick fault for the good thing of big victory." Seeing that the situation was wrong, the others rushed out to round the court, but the words they said were obviously to Zhuang Hong: "if Chu Han wanted to come to Beijing long ago, there was no need for the military to send someone out to look for him. He didn't show up at the moment, so he must have bad thoughts. Is it possible that we still ask him to come to Beijing? Where do we put our faces? ""Yes Another person immediately added: "I think Chu Han's business should be put down. We have general Zhuang Hong's leadership in our base. We are not afraid of those zombies at all!"

"Not to mention it." The third person also began to insert their own opinions: "major general Anze's achievements this time can be regarded as a miracle. There is no need for us to fight for a Chu Han. As soon as the achievements of Anluo city are announced, Anze must be a rising star in the base. In order to establish heroes, I think he is more suitable than Chu Han."

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"Not bad." Zhuang Hong nodded his head with satisfaction, and looked fearlessly at the first commander in chief and Luo Ming next to him: "Chuhan is not from our base, but Anze has said that it is better to set up heroes and firm human beliefs, or to control talents in their own hands."

"All human beings are one family." The commander-in-chief's voice was faintly angry: "it's not only the Shangjing survivors' base, but are you excluding other survivors' bases? What about the people and China? What about humans? "

Speaking of the back, the commander-in-chief's voice already had the anger that was about to break out.

After the outbreak of the last century, China's population of more than one billion has rapidly decreased. From 20% at the beginning to now, even 10% of the target has not been met. However, the number of zombies is increasing, and it is impossible to kill them. However, Zhuang Hong said such a remark at this moment. How can we not make the commander-in-chief angry?!

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