Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 346: 346

"What the hell are you talking about, motherfucker?" Duan Hong was so angry that he killed Chu Han on the spot.

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"Duan Hong! What do you do? " Several other soldiers who didn't leave immediately came forward to drink. Chu Han was a third-order evolutor. They already knew that Duan Hong scolded Chu Han immediately.

"He scolded me for being such a rubbish!" Duan Hong's eyes were red.

The cold light in Chu Han's eyes flashed by, and soon he said innocently to those soldiers: "no, I just left half a nest for Wangcai to eat on the road."

This sentence is very deep. Everyone thought that Chu Han was named Wangcai. They just thought that Chu Han wanted to eat half and keep half, but Duan Hong didn't understand it at all. He heard the previous sentence clearly. Chu Han was challenging him! But now without a certificate, the military is standing on the side of Chu Han. He wants to vomit blood.

"Duan Hong, don't look for trouble." One of the men in the army gave a warning and stopped.

"I -" Duan Hongdun was so choked that he couldn't swallow it and couldn't spit it out. However, he turned his head and saw a touch of fun in Chu Han's eyes.

Duan Hong's desire to kill has risen to the extreme. Now he is only a second-order evolutor. These stupid soldiers don't know their identity. When they arrive at the destination, he must kill these people and feed them to the dogs.

Lu chuxue's eyes twinkled with suspicion, and the woman's intuition told her that "Wangcai" was pretending to be stupid! But soon she was smiling, which was interesting. She was an arrogant but not simple second-order evolutor, and a third-order evolutor who pretended to be stupid all the way.

"Did you scold me just now?" After eating the Wangcai of Wowotou, Chu Han's pun was reflected.

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"Oh, you're smart." Chu Han admits that he has no sense of guilt.

"I said why you are so good today. I can see through you, Chu Han!" Wangcai is suddenly completely blown up by Chu Han's words, and uses its name to turn a group of people around and not to say anything, but to curse people with puns.

"Well, it's not a big deal to lose something." Chuhan smiles and communicates with Wangcai, which is boring all the way. In addition to driving Duan Hong crazy, he also plays Wangcai most interesting.

"Wool! If you scold Duan Hong, why even me? " Wangcai is not going to back down.

"Because you can't scold me, silly boy."

It's hard to get rich.

At this time, just to explore the situation of the change of Nan back, his brow tight frown: "did not find any special circumstances."

"Is it different?" Exotic events have spread across the major survivors' bases, and the army has received news.

"I called everyone out and observed it." Gainan shook his head: "did not see the existence of people in line with the heterogeneous situation."

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"That's a strange thing!" A group of people suddenly pondered, but also increased their vigilance, this is obviously abnormal.

The survivors in the rear also fell into panic because of the people who disappeared for several days in a row. Many people accelerated their pace and followed closely behind the team, deeply afraid that the next person who disappeared was themselves.

As usual, there were twice as many people staying at night.

At night, several campfires were lit at the campsite. Every resting place was guarded by soldiers of the evolutionists. The night was very quiet and terrible, only the cold wind kept blowing.


Suddenly, a sudden sound suddenly appeared outside the tent somewhere.

"Who!" A group of night watchmen ran towards the sound source with guns in their hands. In an instant, the people who had been guarding at various points ran clean.

This is a tent of an ordinary family of three. After a group of people came, they saw a frightened couple running out of the tent in untidy clothes. Outside the tent, a little boy was timidly holding several steamed bread in his hand, and a withered branch was cut at the foot.

"What's going on?" A soldier looked at the three men sternly.

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"Wow -" the little boy cried with fear, and his voice was loud and bright.

"Stop crying!" There was a cold light in gainan's eyes. The little boy in front of him said that he was not small, at least 12 years old. At that age, he would cry when he stole food. It was disgusting.

"Back to the post -" Gai Nan's voice has not dropped.

"Ah Suddenly, a cry was heard in another place, and the voice directly covered the cry of the little boy in front of him.

"Bad!" Change Nan big startle, hastily take a person to that place but go, at the same time his heart incomparably anxious.

If they are usually not so impulsive, but at this time when the number of people is not enough, they are worried about the various factors of their companions and emergencies, which lead these people to forget that there is still such a thing as a diversion. The real place of the incident is not in the tent of the family of three!

A group of people clattered and ran away in an instant, leaving only three people outside the tent.

As soon as the soldiers left, the couple who came out of the tent suddenly came back to their senses, and then looked at the little boy who was no longer crying: "you, who are you?"At this time, the little boy didn't have the timid expression before, his face was cold and resentful. The white steamed bread in his hand was directly thrown on the ground, and a dagger flashed with cold light suddenly pulled out of his pocket. His action was extremely skillful and stabbed the couple in the past!

When a group of soldiers ran to the location of the source of the cry, they were shocked to see a group of survivors gathered together, and a man in the middle was curling and rolling with a look of stomach spasm.

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"What's going on?" This changed Nan is really angry, two voices are such small things, the result not only caused the crowd panic, but also hurt them to run back and forth.

"Yes, do you have any stomach medicine?" The man asked out of breath on the ground, and his forehead was full of cold sweat: "I have acute gastritis."

"No stomach medicine!" Change Nan's face is blackened, unless it is life-threatening in the last world, or that will waste back packing stomach medicine?

"Not good!" Suddenly, a soldier blurted out. All the way he frowned, he finally remembered something. He said to gainan: "there was something strange in that place before. I remember that couple didn't have children!"

"What?" Gainan was completely fooled, and quickly led the people back to the original road again, but when they rushed back to their original place, they were very surprised at the scene in front of them.

Chu Han stood between the little boy and the couple. The little boy was lying on the ground and spitting blood, while the couple was completely sluggish and at a loss.

"Brother Wangcai, this?" Gainan didn't know what was going on. A group of soldiers couldn't understand the cause and effect.

"Ah! You are back The woman in the couple screamed, pointed to the little boy on the ground and said, "he wants to kill us! He has a knife in his hand

The little boy who vomited blood did have a dagger in his hand, which was shining cold.

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