Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 357: 357

"Is there a battle effectiveness ranking list of Shibi nearby?" Chu Han did not give Lu Bingze any response after finishing his speech. He directly strided into the restaurant where the family members were roaring.

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If the surrounding area of Shibi is suitable for living, it is normal to gather so many survivors. Therefore, it is not surprising that the village in front of us can develop into such a scale. Although it is the first time for Chu han to come here, he has visited many places similar to this in his last life.

Lu Bingze is surprised to see Chu Han, who enters the restaurant by himself. He is so familiar with the way that he is not as shocked and incredible as he was when he first came here. Has he been here before? It must be. Otherwise, how can you know that there is a stone wall near here?

Chu Han didn't pay attention to Lu Bingze, who was surprised and constantly speculated outside. After entering the restaurant, he looked around and found an empty table to sit down. Not everyone could drink enough to get into the restaurant. At this time, all the people in the restaurant were at least first-order evolutors.

Many people nearby saw Chu Han and joked without any politeness and scruples.

"Ha ha! Here comes another new man

"You look like a dog, I don't know how many levels?"

"Evolutor or intensifier?"

"Who knows, tomorrow will tell."

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"Oh! Don't forget tomorrow's bet. "

"How can you forget that if you rank higher than me, I will give you two second-order zombie crystals!"

"Only two, only one bottle of wine!"

After all, after all, a new face has no value to continue to pay attention to after saying hello with a joke, unless he can make a big splash on the battle effectiveness list.

"What to drink?" The charming landlady was not very friendly, and without raising her head, she cried to Chu Han in the corner. She was even too lazy to get up and walk over.

"A glass of boiled water." Chu Han put two bullets on the table.

As soon as he said this, the whole restaurant hall suddenly quieted down. All the people looked at Chu Han with a kind of white and crazy eyes. The new man only needed a glass of water when he entered the restaurant?

"Poor man!" The owner's wife's scorn broke the silence. Then she twisted her waist and touched her limbs and put a glass of water on Chu Han's table. She even spilled a lot of water, and then took away two bullets Chu Han put on the table.

"Poof --" a chuckle came out, and soon there was a roar of laughter.

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"What a poor man! Two bullets? Ha ha ha

"And he's a poor man with a bad head! Buy water with bullets? Did you come in here and pretend to be forced

"If you want to drink water, you can exchange two bottles for one bullet."

"It's really eye opening for me to come here for drinking water!"

Barter has entered a roughly equivalent exchange in the last five months. Ordinary survivors will have a variety of miscellaneous items to exchange. However, evolutors generally hold either bullets or crystals in the heads of zombies.

A bullet can change two bottles of mineral water, a second-order crystal can change two boxes.

In front of all the people in this restaurant, there is also a small glass of wine. It is estimated that a glass of wine was bought with a lot of food and bullets, while most people can take out one or two crystals for a large glass of wine. The second-order crystal is now widespread, and the third-order crystal has not been willing to exchange for something. After all, everyone knows about the military's efforts to collect crystals, although it is not clear about them Crystal specific role, but does not prevent people from raising the price of crystal.

There is a restaurant in the wilderness. The wine in it will inevitably go up and sell at sky high prices. These evolutors have a tendency to compare with each other. In this environment, even if there is only one crystal in their pocket, they will exchange it for a glass of wine for various reasons and trends. After all, it is a shame to be watched by a group of people looking at the poor, In particular, the charming landlady also deliberately added fire.

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Most importantly, the ability to have crystals also proves the combat power of an evolutor or an intensifier.

Without or refusing to buy wine with crystals? Then wait to be ridiculed and despised!

Chu Han was branded as a miser by Wangcai. Naturally, it was impossible for him to exchange a glass of wine with a second-order crystal worth five points. However, he had so many bullets that he wanted a cup of boiled water just to sit here and see the general situation of the village.

But in other people's eyes, this is a complete and incomparably cheap disguise. Even if you don't come in, it's better than buying boiled water with bullets?

As soon as Lu Bingze led Zeng Tian in, he saw Chu Han asking for a cup of plain boiled water. The corners of his mouth suddenly twitched and almost didn't stretch. Where did he come from?

"Oh! Lord Lu Boss Niang sees Lu Bingze come in, a change before ignore and disdain state, a face smile as if cramp like toward road Bingze way: "adult, what do you want to drink?"

"A black beer." Lu Bingze said that he would throw a second-order crystal in the hands of the boss's wife, and at the same time, in the eyes of a group of evolutors, the diameter went to Chu Han.

Chu Han did not move his face. He quietly drank boiled water. He drank no more than a drop. As a miser, it was not kind of him to waste food and water. Moreover, he was slightly attached to Lu Bingze's generosity. This is a local tyrant. He has a lot of wine in his dimensional space. Do you want to cheat some crystals?"Enough! Is it disgraceful to lose it? " Wangcai's voice just rang out in Chu Han's head. It was almost speechless to Chuhan's stinginess and habit.

"In the future, we have to raise many people, tens of thousands of people in a base. Crystals are money, but we don't need to spend money on raising bases? Does it cost nothing to raise the army? How can we let go of the local tyrants now? " Chu Han despised Wangcai: "you know something."

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At this time, Chu Han's ideas had changed slightly, especially after entering the restaurant and seeing the huge profits.

"Then you can't be so cheap! I'll go. What filthy idea was in your mind just now, don't think I don't know! " Wangcai has collapsed.

Chu Han turned his eyes carelessly. At this time, Lu Bingze had already come to Chu Han's desk and sat down directly beside him. This curtain fell in the eyes of other people in the shop, but it caused a lot of fluctuation and whispered incessantly.

"Who is this new comer?"

"I don't know. The first time I see Lu Bingze, I will sit at the same table with others."

"Look at Zeng Tianyi." Suddenly, a voice came out, and many people looked at the past, and the little boy stood in front of Chu Han with a naive and excited face.

Seeing this situation, Chu Han turned to Lu Bingze and said, "what did you say to him? Why is he looking at me like that

"I said you would give him the rabbit." Lu Bingze blurted out.

Wangcai is terrified. Chu Han's face is black.

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