Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 384: 384

"Why did you go back the same way?" Wangcai is puzzled all the way.

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"If you eat someone else's pancakes, leave something." Chu Han really didn't want to say that he had a knot in his heart. Just now, the simplicity of the old man made him flustered. He was always predatory and had a clear purpose to do everything. Even when he had to survive without such good conditions in his previous life, he was full of evil people. The old man was like a mirror, showing all kinds of evil thoughts in his heart.

The end of the world, so bad, even his own son is so to him, why he is so simple? Is it rare to be so nice to a stranger, even in civilized times?

The small village was originally dilapidated, and it was impossible to calculate how many zombies had been besieged by zombies. The original color could not be seen on the wall for a long time, and there were traces of some kind of biological cleaning up everywhere. In addition, the snow made it freezing here, and the bodies lying on the ground on the muddy snow.

Puff -

a xeno directly reached out his hand and stabbed him into his chest and pulled out his heart. Mori Bai's face opened his mouth. His tusks tore a large piece of the heart from his mouth. After chewing for two times, he gulped down his stomach. The blood flowed down his fingers and ran in the snow, mixing with those dirty snow water It's filthy.


The person who lost his heart fell directly to the ground and died instantly.

Crying and crying, begging for mercy are everywhere. There is no strong one among these refugees. It is not easy for them to survive and get here. However, only 20 different species can make more than 100 of them have no ability to fight back.

"You can't kill me, spare my life, spare my life!" The son of the old man who sent pancakes to Chu Han knelt on the ground and begged for mercy from a man who knocked a woman's head open and ate his brains. He did not dare to look at the faces of these black robed men, nor to think why they could speak but did the same thing as zombies.

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The man in his forties tried his best to embody his value: "I am an evolutor, I am a first-class evolutor. Please forgive me and let me do anything, really!"

"Son? What happened? " The old man was still curling up on the ground. He had just been broken a rib by his son. Those alien species also lost interest because he was too old. He could not see. He could only hear the unusual movement around him. At this time, when he heard the voice of his son begging for mercy, the old man called out in a hurry.

At this time, the operation of slaughtering the village was coming to an end. The whole village was filled with a strong smell of bloody meat and blood stains. Some of the walls were covered with dirty yellowish brown sticky and thick materials. On the ground, there were a pile of corpses whose hearts were taken out. They were very picky. They ate only the heart, which was the most energy enhancing part.

The smell of blood soon drifts away and spreads towards the distance. It will soon lead to a wave of zombies, even a large number of corpses. After the mopping up of zombies, there will be only a pile of white bones left here, and it will be difficult to see that different species have come.

Standing in front of the old man's son for a second, he opened his mouth, and there were still pieces of meat and blood in his tusks. He stared at the middle-aged man who was kowtowing in front of him. His voice was very cold: "first-order evolutor?"

"Yes! First order The voice of the middle-aged man immediately rose, and bravely looked up at the terrible looking black robed man in front of him.

"How?" The alien in front of him asks his companion.

"It's not a way to find out. Keep this man and let him sneak into the human world to get information." Suggestions from different species.

"Do you hear me?" Standing in front of the middle-aged man with a smile, he took out the portrait again: "help us find this man, it should be on the way to Shangjing, it's better to lead him to us."

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"Yes! I will do it! " A guarantee of excitement for middle-aged men.

"Son! Son, what did you promise them? " The old man yelled in panic, and then he said to those aliens, "you let my son go. What's the matter with me?"

"Oh?" There was a burst of laughter from the heterogeneous group: "did your father make you come back?"

"Go, kill him." The alien standing in front of the middle-aged man gave orders to him in an unquestionable tone.

"Good!" The middle-aged man did not hesitate to go to his father, in the latter's unbelievable look, he picked up the big stone next to him and threw it at the old man's head!


Hit without hesitation!

Click! Puff -

the skull broke instantly, and the brain and blood from the old man's head sprayed out on the middle-aged man. However, he didn't care about it, and he was still pounding it desperately, even uttering a voice of abuse: "do you care about Laozi's affairs? Go to hell, you dirty and smelly old trash

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"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's a smash

Twenty of them burst into a frenzy of laughter, standing on one side watching the good play, and in the midst of the laughter, another voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Chu Han?" This is the old man with a shivering voiceChu Han stood behind these people, holding the hand of Shura's Tomahawk, shaking. The bloody scene in front of him could not arouse his emotion. But who can tell him what happened to the old man with his head smashed to pieces in front of him?

The middle-aged man who took a big stone and threw it on his head and scolded him at the same time was the so-called son of the old population?

What the hell is this world!

"Chu Han?" All of them turned around and looked at the young man with a huge black axe behind him. His body was shaking and his head was down. He didn't know what he was looking at.

A stranger looked down at the portrait in his hand. When he raised his eyes again, his eyes were bright. His mouth full of disgusting tusks split into a necessary radian: "don't look for it. He delivered the door himself."

"Don't smash it. Be quiet." A xeno suddenly kicked the middle-aged man.

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"Yes! All right The middle-aged man quickly stopped his movements and stood humbly to one side. His body, face and the stone in his hand were covered with his own father's blood.

"Are you Chu Han?" A different species walked right in the middle of the road and looked up and down at Chu Han with a slight Indifference: "I hear you are a third-order evolutor? Lord Muye cares about you very much. He is really good at hiding. So many of us have been looking for you for a full month. "

"Wood leaf?"

Chu Han raised his eyes, revealing a pair of blood red eyes. The Shura Tomahawk in his hand grasped the scale of four in vain, and the speed of the axe blade suddenly burst out.


Suddenly, the skull of the alien who spoke suddenly split from the middle, and a huge black axe appeared without warning and chopped on his head.

Hua -

the body was split in two by an axe, and the blood exploded and shot out.

Go to hell!

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