Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 418: 418

Young master Chen was shocked because the surname of Chu Yuntian was immediately associated with Chu Han. Such an obvious connection made him immediately think of Chu Han's parents. He knew that Chu Han had been looking for his parents and had no chance to specifically ask about Chu Han's parents after he came to Shangjing. However, he saw Chu Han's extremely dignified expression, which was obviously related to his parents.

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But, Mensa?

What is this?

Unless the secret of Mensa is its members and senior Chinese officials, few other people will know. Even if the rank of young master Chen is already a general, he still can't touch the deepest side. At the moment, he is at a loss and can't understand what the situation is.

Liu Yuding is totally different from Mr. Chen. His heart is already very shocked. He points to the name on the materials with trembling fingers: "Chu Han, this? Chu Yuntian is not, not yours? "

Although he did not know what Mensa was, Liu Yuding knew more information than young master Chen, who was on the way to join the army. Chu Yuntian must be the name of Chuhan's father, but Liu Yuding was indecisive and shocked.

What kind of existence is dragon tooth?

Although the outbreak of the end of the world, the destruction of the civilization and the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty in the end of the century are inevitable, but the Longya is still the first corps of China. Even though there are endless evolutors and intensifiers in China, the members of the Longya team are still terrible, and they are still the highest combat force in China.

And in this last world, the task that can let the Dragon teeth team come forward to carry out is either the most difficult and arduous, or it is extremely important, so important that it can promote or change the whole pattern of China!

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And Chu Yuntian?

The task of rescuing Chu Yuntian ranks fifth, so the importance of this task is self-evident.


Chu Yuntian is the name of Chu Han's father. With a large population in China, the same name and surname are not uncommon. Liu Yuding saw this information specially obtained by Chu Han at the moment, and paid so much attention to this task.

So this Chu Yuntian rescued by the Dragon teeth team must be the father of Chu Han!

However, Liu Yuding was extremely suspicious. He and Chu Han grew up together and knew very well the situation of Chu Han's family. His parents were ordinary working class, and they were not more ordinary. How could Huaxia use the Dragon teeth corps to rescue his father?

And what is this organization called Mensa?

IQ is 10th, what does that mean? Can't this organization still have an intelligence test?

Young master Chen and Liu Yuding are shocked and full of doubts. In this gap, Chu Han has read the rest of the information on this page, which is very detailed about the rescue process and the arrangements after the rescue.

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Close this information, Chu Han's eyes are slightly heavy. He has never heard from his parents since the outbreak of the last ten years of the last life. However, the information in his hand shows that his father is in Nandu at this time!

Countless unsolvable doubts turned into a line in an instant, more complicated, but gave Chu Han an incomparably clear train of thought. Many places that had no idea in the past and were contradictory to each other suddenly became a new direction.

The power of Shangjing survivors base is not centralized. Neither Longya nor Huya belongs to any force. Although the task issued is issued by the highest level, it is the result of a group of big men discussing together. Just like the task of rescuing my father, if you ask the members of the Dragon tooth team or the Shepherd commander rashly, what will be exposed, especially when you see this asset After that, Chu Han was even more frightened. Fortunately, he let Wangcai slip into the reference room to steal.

At this time, no one knew that his father was Chu Yuntian, and no one knew that his father had such a general son.

There's still time!

It's just

Chu Han suddenly looked at the task page again. His father's personal information was very few, but there were several keywords that made Chu Han extremely concerned.

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"Core member" and "Tenth"

so it is!

Chu Han immediately knew that Wangcai should steal another task report form of tiger teeth and confirm it. Although there is no clear ranking, there is a conclusion in many people's minds that dragon tooth is the first team and tiger tooth is the second team.

When Chen Xing rescued his mother, Chu Han already knew that his father was taken away by Longya, and that the three strongest members of the Dragon tooth team were on a mission to carry out at the same time. However, it was the tiger teeth team that rescued her mother, and there were only two people. One tiger tooth member died before the mission started, and the other was Ding siyao, and Ding siyao was rooted due to power restriction Ben didn't know about mom.

All of them were members of Mensa, but their treatment and attention were totally different. Chu Han did not find out the reason until today.

Dad is really good, even in Mensa, his IQ value ranks 10th, and he is still the core member of Mensa.


Soon Chu Han burst into a bitter smile. His parents seemed ordinary on the surface, but they didn't expect to hide such a big secret.

After reading the Longya task report form, Chu Han immediately took another information from this information. Besides the information about Fangcheng family and the task of Longya, he also let Wangcai take another thing.It is also confidential information of the military. This is a protection list. However, unlike the rescue of Chu Han's parents, this protection list can not send out teams like Longya or Huya, because although these people have high status, they are not as mysterious and significant as Mensa members.

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There are a lot of people on the list, but they are definitely not many. Most of them are relatives of high-ranking people. Luo Xiaoxiao is the fifth one on the protection list.

Chu Han was lucky to have seen this list in her last life, but it is totally different to see it now. Now, Luo Xiaoxiao's name on this protection list is no longer marked with the word "missing", but marked with "completed". However, all the lines above and below her list are written with "missing".

The second line on top of this, that is, the information of the second person ranked according to the degree of importance, actually made Chu Han's mouth arouse a faint smile.

Song Xiao that boy!

Chu Han was a little suspicious when he first saw song Xiao. Although the guy was the same age as Luo Xiaoxiao, his skill and means were totally different from that of a 12-year-old boy. Moreover, some thoughts and subconscious behaviors of song Xiao let Chu Han see that he was not simple.

This is also the reason why Wangcai stole a copy of this list. First, he wanted to confirm whether it was the same person. Second, he just glanced at the list in a hurry. Many people's information didn't remember.

At the moment, I see song Xiao's name again, and this guy's ranking is even higher than Luo Xiaoxiao's, but it makes Chu Han's heart beat faster. His age is 12. Yes, it is him!

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