Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 420: 420

When Chu Han walked out of the pastoral commander's office, his face was not happy. He was taken as a gun commander by these two old guys. I wipe him. He always used others as a gunslinger. This time, he fell down and couldn't resist. It's really uncomfortable!

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"Admiral, good!"

"Admiral Chu Han

When the soldiers on the corridor saw Chu Han coming face to face, they all put down their work and saluted Chu Han. This is an open office. At the end of a long corridor is the office space of the commander of the herdsman. At the moment, Chu Han walked out from the end. When he heard the greetings from the people around him, Chu Han was not in the mood to pay attention to them. He just stopped his steps To a desk is not eye-catching, but also absolutely can not ignore a figure.

"Captain He Feng." Chu Han suddenly picked up a smile and walked to He Feng with a warm face.

He Feng looked suspiciously at Chu Han, and paid a salute without salt and salt, and his voice was flat: "admiral."

A group of people around him booed and looked at the two people standing in front of him. It has been spread that he Feng let a group of big men shut up in the conference hall. This mysterious captain, who was originally insignificant in many people's hearts, has suddenly become a famous man. Although he usually looks plain, he really dares to be in his insightful eyes Very few people stay under light for more than ten seconds.

At this time, when Chu Han suddenly named He Feng, many people suddenly became suspicious. Although he Feng's military rank was not very good, even if Chu Han was a general, he couldn't go around LuoMing. Who didn't know that he Feng was a big red man beside Luo Ming. He was asked to attend the highly confidential meeting as his deputy. At this time, Chu Han wanted to find he Feng's trouble?

Ha ha! This is a good show!

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Chu Han's eyes casually swept the captain's badge on He Feng's chest, and his voice was very weak: "empty? Give me a message and tell Cheng Xianguo to pack up and wait for me inside and outside the city. I'm going to leave. "

He Feng narrowed his eyes and resolutely refused: "I don't know Cheng Xianguo."

Chu Han casually played with a pen on He Feng's desk: "it's OK. Go and ask your father."

He Feng's breath suddenly a cold, eyes Sen cold: "I'm not your subordinate."

Chu Han smiles casually. He points his pen on the badge on He Feng's chest. The tip of the pen collides with the shining badge, which makes a clear sound. Lao Tzu did not speak, but the meaning of the revelation was obvious: Captain ho Feng, you are captain, Lao Tzu is general. Do you want to defy Lao Zi's orders?

He Feng's momentum was stagnant, then he grabbed his military cap and strode away. When he passed Chu Han, his voice was very small, but he spoke very fast: "I'll see!"

Chu Han put down his pen at the corner of his mouth, turned and strode away.

Commander Mu and Luo Ming, the two old guys, dare not and have no ability to bully him. However, if he Feng bullies He Feng, Chu Han will dare. If he Feng uses his identity as the leader of the tiger teeth team, Chu Han will certainly not be able to ask him to run errands. But now he is a little captain, the situation will be completely different.

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Both of them are tacit about this. They don't want to be seen through. They will give me a good message!

Only a few people know that he Feng is the leader of the tiger teeth team, and his behavior and style deliberately conceal this. If Chu Han did not happen to find him and two dragon and Phoenix foetus members of the tiger tooth team eating at a table, it is estimated that Chu Han is still in the drum now. We should know that he Feng has been hiding this matter for ten years.

Chu Han really felt that this was very strong. The three big teams in the last world, Longya, Huya and Langya, were very sharp at the beginning, and each member of the team was on the list. The tiger tooth team was a late bloomer, but the captain was extremely mysterious. It was a mystery. The wolf tooth team, needless to say, was not formed in the civilization era, but was pulled by Bai Yuner in the last world At the peak.

Although I don't know why the captain of the tiger teeth team lived here as a little captain, he must have been inspired by a high-level leader. The senior leader was obviously the commander of the herdsman and LuoMing. Whether he Feng volunteered to carry out a special mission, this did not prevent Chu Han from taking advantage of this point to fight back.

The two old foxes bullied him and bullied him happily? Then he bullies your people.

At the same time, Chu Han, who has already stepped out of a few tens of meters away, is squinting. In fact, he has just made a vague attempt to confirm whether he Feng is a Luo Ming's person or a mission spy sent by others. But now it seems that he Feng has made a good team among so many forces in Shangjing base!

No wonder he Feng wanted to conceal his identity in the end. As a team leader, according to theory, he Feng can't have any private bias.

Looking at He Feng and Chu Han left one after another, people in the office area were all boiling.

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"Wo · Cao He Feng has gone?"

"Is admiral Chu Han too good? Even he Feng can move. This guy is famous for his bad face

"No, it shows that general Chu Han has a higher position than he Feng in Luo Lao."

"In fact, this is also reasonable. After all, he Feng is only a captain.""Although he was a captain, who didn't know that Luo always trained him as a successor?"

"Hush! Stop it

Regardless of the murmur of his descendants, Chu Han walked towards the logistics department with a face of complacency and bullied the captain of the tiger teeth team. He was frank and crooked!

Half an hour later, Chu Han walked through several buildings and came to the logistics department. As soon as he entered the door, a group of people stood ready to go. Chu Han stopped not because he was surprised to see these people, but because there were so many people standing in the room at this time.

More than 200 people crowded into a room!

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"Admiral, good!" A group of soldiers, ready to go, yelled in a deafening chorus.

It is worth noting that young master Chen and Liu Yuding were among them. They were excited and served as the base for the general to establish the base together with 200 civilian officers.

Among these two hundred people, only young master Chen and Liu Yuding knew each other before Chu Han. They could confirm that they were their own, while others were all strangers. This is not the most serious. Chu Han really needs to pay attention to them. At the same time, they are also the shepherd commander and Luo Ming. In their words, these people are mixed with some people's loyalty. Find out and get rid of them!

What a good chance to get rid of the hostile forces. I'll give you a proper arrangement. Do a good job, Chuhan!

This is the big pit that commander Mu and LuoMing dug for Chu Han!

Chu Han quietly glanced at this group of people, and then pointed to the outside: "all, go outside and stay."

After that, Chu Han planned to enter the house directly --

"what?" Immediately, someone in the crowd was dissatisfied and yelled, "outside, 20 degrees below zero, do you want us to stay outside? Is there human nature? "

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