Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 473: 473

Looking at Xu Xianglong and a group of people who kept laughing, Chu Han suddenly showed a wild smile. When he saw Chu Han smile, a group of people laughed more wantonly. A hundred vagabonds bowed their heads and did not chew, and their stingy faces were flushed. They were eager to find a way to get into it.

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In this laughter, Chu Han's voice sounded somber: "what is the 19th military regulation of the wolf tooth battle regiment?"

The laughter disappeared without a trace. All the 100 soldiers sank to the bottom of the valley. It was over.

"Report, sir!" Liu Yuding immediately replied in a loud voice: "no ridicule, no discrimination!"

The corners of Chu Han's mouth was more open: "a hundred push ups! At once


Brush, brush!

The 100 soldiers who had been trained for a month immediately fell down and began to be punished very quickly. No one complained. The military regulations had been deeply imprinted on their bones in this month, and their importance was only one level lower than that of Chu Han, the supreme commander.

The other 100 refugees were dull faced and staring at those people who obeyed orders in a moment. They were shocked but moved. They were a group of really well-trained teams with a clear concept of right and wrong. What depends on all this is Chu Han who does not hesitate to punish these people.

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All of a sudden, a hundred refugees looked at Chu Han with a trace of gratitude and uncontrollable admiration. An officer can be so sober and rational, and can set such military regulations. They are really following the right people!

No discrimination, no ridicule. What better? Even as they have seen, even ordinary people can become strong and have a place in the army.

a hundred push ups are very simple for high-level evolutors, but difficult for intensifiers and ordinary people. A group of people sweat like rain and pant more and more, but no one reduces the speed or jump number, or even has the most physical strength The weak young master Chen also supported his extremely fat body.

At the moment, Chu Han has already looked at the dull little seven: "what's your problem?"

"Report, sir." Xiao Qi studied Xu Xianglong's demonstration to salute Chu Han with the same pattern: "my name is Xiao Qi. I have no military rank. Ask: what's the food for three days in the city? What if you encounter a super zombie and your life is in danger? "

Chu Han said: "the reason for survival training is that your food source must be solved by yourself. Before entering the city, all the people turn in the food, and they can only enter the mausoleum with empty bags. As for the life-threatening problem, you are not the regular army under my command. These people who are being punished are only those who survive the survival training It can be incorporated into the regular army. "

Hissing -

one after another, these refugees looked at Chu Han strangely. At first, it was such a terrible training mode? Only those who survive can be formally incorporated into the regular army? Isn't that driving people to death?

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Chu Han's voice had no temperature: "and you can't understand what I'm saying? This survival training program not only survived, but also looked for traces of super zombies. I just asked you to find traces and record all suspicious places, but did not let you contact them. Under my budget, the risk of this training is zero. "



Many people are even more skeptical. If 200 people enter a city with 500000 zombies, they are even divided into 20 teams. How can the danger be


Chu Han's smile was cold and heartless: "this is training. It's real combat training. If you give up because you're afraid, and you shrink because you're afraid of death, what else do these people talk about joining the army? Sooner or later, it will be a cancer in the army! Zombies always exist, and crises emerge in endlessly. There is no ordinary training here. All training is real combat. "

This is what Chu Han has always confirmed. Shangjing base is the largest survivor base in China, and there are numerous high-level strongmen in it. However, the 200 new human teams sent by such bases have no actual combat experience, even worse than the ordinary people led by Cheng Xianguo.

The importance of actual combat training has been reflected from the very beginning. Only when we really fight to the death can we gain the most.

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A group of people did not dare to say more. They all looked at Chu Han in horror. At the moment, those who were punished also finished the punishment one by one. They stood upright in the same place, and no one was afraid.

"You can choose to quit now." Seeing all these people's reactions, Chu Han suddenly took out a thick stack of materials: "however, those who quit will be on the blacklist of Langya base, including those who have different ideas in this training. There is no possibility of joining Langya base in the future. My army does not need cowards, and my base does not accept betrayers."

There is no need to say more.

Liu Yuding is even more horrified. He looks at the stack of paper in Chu Han's hands with horror. The original purpose is here!

"I quit." People started to shrink.

"I quit, too." With the first one, there is the second.

Chu Han didn't stop him. He just asked Liu Yuding to write down these people. The blacklist was not for fun. The number of people who finally left was 160, and the team was reduced to 16 in an instant. To Chu Han's slight surprise, the man named Xiao Qi, who was obviously timid, stayed."Regroup." Chu Han again ordered the team to be reorganized. When he looked at the newly added refugees, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I hope that the new members will not do anything to hurt their companions."

Many people's pupil shrinks in an instant and nods in horror. With such an officer, the advantages and disadvantages are too obvious!

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"Let's go! Enter Lingcheng in batches

A group of people carrying empty bags began to march towards the city in groups of ten. Chu Han set different directions for each team. Each team also had a map for reserve. Most of the teams were experienced veterans and the small part were new refugees.

When all the people left, Liu Yuding and Xu Feng, who had not been assigned, said to Chu Han: "what do you think?"

Finish saying, two people surprised look at one eye, both in the other eye saw a trace of tension and micro unknown expectations.

"These refugees are inexperienced. Joining new people in such an important training will not only slow down the team's progress, but also bring some troubles to the team." Liu Yuding frowned tightly: "especially can't confirm whether they have a different heart, in case of betrayal of the team? There must be some dissidents in this group

Chu Han gave him a deep look: "survival training is not only for training how to survive in a city full of zombies, but also the most basic human test and response."

Then, without waiting for them to think about it, Chu Han said another word that made Liu Yuding and Xu Feng scared: "they should try the taste of betrayal without endangering their lives."

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