Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 512: 512

"Go, go! get the hell out of here! Go away

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"Fuck you, mom, you're looking for death! Shut up, you rubbish

"Do you know who this is? Shut up

Several people who followed Liu Xin quickly drank at the heavy criminals, while Liu Xin, who was at the front of the line, did not change his steps. After sweeping the cells around him one by one, the diameter went deeper.

At the moment, the three people who stayed in the corner also heard the moving closer and closer. Before the three bald heads had any reaction, the scar man on the opposite side was already excited and yelled: "I, I, I! So who? Liu Xin, let me out! Or I'll slap you in the face and you won't find the North! "

Other people in the cells around him were also shouting and making extremely high pitched voices in an attempt to attract the attention of Liu Xin, who was a big man at first sight.

But Liu Xin turned a deaf ear, walked through the dark road, and suddenly stopped in front of the three bald heads.

When Liu Xin stopped, all the people behind him stopped. The voices around him gradually quieted down. They all looked at Liu Xin and the three bald heads in the cage.

Xie Ding and Guang tou act in accordance with each other. After touching their own naked head, they look at the "he Shang". If anyone among the three can attract big people, it will be the mysterious harmony.

He blinked and looked at himself. Liu Xin couldn't help frowning. Who is this man? He doesn't know him!

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At the moment, Liu Xinhe walked into the cage and opened his mouth in the surprised eyes of a group of people behind him: "whose is that half covered armor?"


Balding and guangtou look up and up at the same time.

And on a Leng, looking at the front of Liu Xin pointed to himself: "my, you return me?"

Liu Xin sipped his lips and asked after a second of silence: "the principle is amazing, but why can't it be used? It's just a design. Can't it be practical? "

After turning his mind, he said with a smile: "arrived, the power is not small, you can't use it because there is a fingerprint lock, only I can use it."

Liu Xin was stunned. A touch of appreciation appeared in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask again, "that belongs to your unique thing. Can you tell me your name?"

"Yes He nodded: "my name is guangtou!"

Next to the wide head a face sun dog, for Mao embezzled his name?

Liu Xin's eyes narrowed and pointed to Xie Ding and Guang tou: "where are they?"

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Guangtou was sweating all over his head immediately. Why should Mao lie? Now, how should I do it?

And on to deal with freely: "one is called Xie Ding, the other is called Tu Lu."

"Balding, trailblazer, bald ass? Poof I don't know who laughs directly.

Liu Xin nodded and did not continue to ask, but directed at a group of humanity behind him: "let them go."

"Yes, yes." The cage was unlocked immediately.

The man with scar on the other side became angry: "fuck! Let me go, too! Why don't you let me go when those three fools are forced to be bald? "

Liu Xin slightly looked back at this man, his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and then he bowed to several humanitarians who bowed to himself: "this man, put to death."

"Yes A group of people answered in a hurry.

At the moment, those who have been released stand together with the last three people. Xie Ding and guangtou are both a little confused and uneasy. They can only follow him silently and follow Liu Xin out of the cell.

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"I appreciate you very much." Liu Xin didn't put Xie Ding and Guang tou in his eyes, but he didn't cover up his appreciation. He gave a faint smile as he walked: "I hope you can join the Research Institute of Nandu survivor base, where all kinds of talents are gathered. You can't be buried as a technological genius."

And on hey hey a smile: "thank you."

Liu Xin's tone is flat: "I'll take you and your two places to live, and tomorrow I'll take you to the research institute to report. Remember not to make trouble."

"Yes." He nodded and answered, and at the same time he held the bald and broad head who wanted to speak.

Liu Xin arranged a very good residence for the three people. It was an apartment with all kinds of supplies. However, this place was closely guarded. He had never seen anyone coming back in a hurry. After coming back, he also went directly into the house without dealing with anyone. It was impossible for him to go out. If he wanted to say something, he had to keep a low voice.

After Liu Xin left, when there were only three people left in the room, guangtou finally couldn't help it: "who are your subordinates? I don't want to be a man

Xie Ding directly ignored guangtou and asked: "why hide the name?"

He turned his head to look at the two people and answered solemnly, "my idol said that we should keep a low profile when we go out."

The name Heshang is just a joke in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of some special personnel, it is enough to break out a bloodbath. As a core member of Mensa, the person with the highest intelligence ranking in China, if he is known to appear here, it is estimated that he will not be simply jailed now.

"All right." Xie Ding was too lazy to ask about the idol mentioned frequently in his mouth. He just frowned and asked, "what should I do now? Do you really want to work in the Institute of nashlauzi? What is the purpose of our trip? "Hearing this, he shook his head with a wry smile: "this time it's a failure. I wanted to do one or two things for the idol, and try to show myself in front of the idol. However, this time, not only did things not work out, but also gave myself a pit."

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Nandu survivors base is one of the three bases in China. It is not clear what kind of Research Institute is in this base. However, only from the perspective of the supervisor of the residence, we can know how tight this place is. If the research institute goes in and thinks about it, it will be impossible.

In March of the last two years, the whole silver market had been occupied and became the base of different species. More and more foreigners came to join this exotic paradise. More and more human beings were caught in batches and became a large number of heterogeneous dishes.

At this time, in a splendid hall, more than a dozen species covered with black robes stood quietly in the hall, quietly standing on their posts to become supporting roles.

In the middle of the hall is a luxurious long dining table. A human chef stands nervously aside, shivering all over.

In the silver city xenogeneic base camp, Muye, who claims to be the king, is sitting gracefully at the table, enjoying the human flesh cooked by the top chef. He wears black gloves and does not show sharp nails. His face is no different from that of normal human beings. His eyes are scarlet and terrible. The whole hall is especially quiet, with only the slight chewing sound of the leaves.

After eating the last mouthful of human flesh, Muye put down his chopsticks and looked at the human chef standing beside him for a long time. His voice was not salty: "well done, continue to do it."

"Thank you! Thank you The human chef was grateful for the dripping water and knelt down and kowtowed. He did not dare to look into the eyes of the monster in front of him. He did not dare to say anything more. As long as he did not become the food for these monsters, he could do anything.

Just after Muye's meal, he got up. Suddenly, a foreign species came in and respectfully said, "a helicopter flew into the silver market."

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