Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 519: 519

The arrival of a group of people in Yanglin naturally attracted the attention of 300 people in the room. The circle closest to the gate had a tacit look back, and then they stood on both sides with tacit understanding, revealing the central director's table, so that Yang Lin and others could see clearly who the people were sitting, and also let the sitting people clearly see the group of Yanglin people outside the gate.

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From their turning back to dispersing, they did not make a single sound, let alone a voice, or even the least command to "disperse". Tacit agreement made people feel like a ghost.

Quiet scattered stand, quiet 300 people turn their heads to look at the door, this more strange scene let Yang Lin and others heart can not help beating.

What the hell is going on?!

At this time, a circle of people sitting around the long table were Gu Liangchen of the general staff and early summer, Ding Xue of the logistics department, Liu Yuding of the Military Justice Department, and Mr. Chen of the company's general were just standing in the first row of soldiers.

The four people sitting at the moment all turned to look at Yang Lin, but their looks were strange. They all frowned and did not speak. Although they were looking at Yang Lin, they were obviously thinking about other things.

Yang Lin and a group of people behind him were stunned. They didn't know how to express their feelings on the surface. Before they knocked at the door, they adjusted their mindset and completely lost their role. They were directly hit by the strange scenes in front of them.

This is what I want to show them?!

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Yang Lin can only think of this reason in an instant. After calming down for a second, Yang Lin took a deep breath and opened his mouth: "I'm Yang Lin, major general of Jianyi base. The dinner is about to start. I'll make an announcement."

Is it enough to give face when the major general comes to inform us? Almost. Don't go too far!

This is Yang Lin's psychological activity. If he continues to be weird like this, he doubts that he will not be able to bear direct anger and do something he shouldn't do.

The four people sitting in front of the long table were stunned and finally pulled back by Yang Lin's words. They frowned at the same time and didn't know what they were thinking.

Liu Yuding, as a major general, looked around. After getting the consent of the other three people on the long table, he spoke on behalf of 300 people and said, "do you have anything to tell us, chief Chu Han?"

Yang Lin's expression has gradually become tense. He is a major general with the same military rank as Liu Yuding. However, Liu Yuding's clear vision is the tone of speaking to his subordinates. What's more, Yang Lin realized that the four people sitting around the long table did not get up when they saw him coming!

"No! Yes The sound of gnashing teeth came from Yang Lin's mouth. At the same time, several school level officers standing behind him quickly pulled him, as if to remind him not to be angry.

However, the 300 people in the room did not seem to be in the mood of Yiyang Lin, and they turned a blind eye to his obviously unpleasant tone. Not only did the group not respond, but also did not change their expressions and movements.

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Liu Yuding touched his chin on the long table and continued to ask, "how long will the dinner party start?"

At the moment, Yang Lin had already put his anger in his heart. Seeing that the other party didn't care much about it, he continued to ask questions normally. However, he didn't think much about it. He said, "you'll be admitted in about half an hour. You can't arrive later than general Chu Han and the host."

With a hint of warning, Yang Lin forced general Lu Yi of Jianyi base as the same as Chu Han.

Three hundred people still didn't respond much. A group of people seemed to have lost their hearts and souls, and their minds were obviously absent from it. This made the Yanglin group of people unable to understand it again. Are these people having brain problems?

Without waiting for them to think too much, Liu Yuding, as the representative of the inquiry, has opened his mouth again. This time, his attitude is tough: "I know, you can step down."

Step back?!

A group of people in Yanglin looked at Liu Yuding who said these words, and their facial expressions were especially funny. He even asked them to step down? Who gives him such a high profile of power!

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It's just when a group of people haven't reacted from their astonishment and even their anger has not reached the peak -


One of the recruits closest to the gate closed the door with no face at all.

Looking at the closed door in front of them, Yang Lin and others feel extremely complicated this time. They don't know whether they should be angry or speechless. Are these army people in Chu Han's mind full of holes?

"A bunch of fools! An ill bred, unruly fool Yang Lin murmured furiously, with a group of people directly left, they do not want to stay here more.

At the moment, after the door is closed, the 300 people in the room continue to maintain the state of quiet thinking before, just like the arrival of the Yanglin Gang is just a dispensable episode, which can not affect them at all.

Liu Yuding and others didn't take Yang Lin's appearance seriously at all. Four people continued to sit at the long table frowning, and didn't know what they thought.

Finally, after a long silence and a long silence in the house, Ding Xue rubbed his temple and said to Gu Liangchen: "I really can't speculate that this hidden task is too deep. You are most familiar with the strategy of chief Chu Han from the staff headquarters. What do you think of this situation?"Gu Liangchen is rare to show a sad expression, worried shaking his head: "can't infer, this time there is no clue."

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Liu Yuding held his head with one hand and the fingers of one hand impatiently kept on the table: "can we think too much? Is this really just relaxing? "

"No way!" A group of people's voices suddenly and orderly ring.

Xu Feng in the crowd also made a voice for the first time: "absolutely can't be pure relaxation, we forgot the lesson of last time? How much energy has been wasted in completing more than a dozen fake tasks in a row, and the breakthrough point in the task can be found on the last day. How can we find the hidden task so easily

A group of people nodded repeatedly, and the task was really fresh in their memory. Chu Han joined the training of hiding task one day because they only knew how to obey orders and did not know how to use their brains, so they began to exercise their analytical ability.

From the beginning of the simple misleading, to the last of a dozen misleading, people who have experienced this situation for many times, now their analytical ability has gone against the weather. Especially when the team cooperation mode is started, the core of several brains gather together, and there are almost no problems that can not be solved by them.

And these people were particularly sensitive to the orders given by Chu Han. They even found a rule that every time they went to a new place, commander Chu Han would give a hidden task. This phenomenon has not happened since the training of hidden tasks began.

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