Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 588: 588

Xu Feng's voice immediately stopped the advancing team in front of him. All the members of the three teams were shocked for a second. As we all know, chief Chu Han was so famous and won the 15th General of China at one stroke. The assessment of Shibi played a crucial role, because almost every time Chu Han went to the examination, it would cause a great shock in China.

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But now the assessment of the stone wall has changed, is what happened? Is there a second strange person who got S + comprehensive evaluation?

All the people with a strong curiosity, eyes blinking hard to look at the distance, but after all, they are not the same level, completely can not see what happened.

Li Bifeng can see clearly as well as Xu Feng. At the moment, he is also full of amazement and unconsciously says, "Emma, what is this?"

Li Bifeng's astonishment and doubt are too obvious, leading to the curiosity of the people around him. What happened to NIMA? Tell me!

At this time, Chu Han stretched out a hand and stopped in the air. This gesture immediately made the noisy people quiet. At the same time, Chu Han's eyes also looked at Xu Feng: "report and assess the changes of the stone wall."

No accident, it must be fan Jianna's move. But Chu Han didn't know which step he had made. After all, the fourth grade was a hard injury, and he couldn't see it as clearly as others.

"Report, sir!" Xu Feng opened his mouth with incomparable surprise: "the name of the general list of combat effectiveness has changed, and there is a name that has never appeared, and there is a string of information behind his name that we have never seen before, which is completely different from Duan Jiangwei and Bai Yuner below."

As soon as this is said, the voice of taking a breath of cool air comes and goes, and many people can't wait to see it.

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Chu Han's eyes flashed, waiting for Xu Feng to continue.

But Xu Feng did not delay. After checking the stone wall for confirmation, Xu Feng did not miss a word and reported the information: "Name: hunting king; combat power ranking: No.1; 10-1; k-0."

"What? What, what Lu Bingze was the first one who could not understand his voice: "the name is strange. The ranking is the only one that can understand. What are the two things behind?"

The rest of the people also showed a look of astonishment, a face unable to understand.

Xu Feng immediately grabbed his head: "I don't know, that's how it was written!"

"It's weird, it's weird!" Li Bi immediately said in a loud voice: "the next five people only have their names and combat power ranking. But how come this king hunter has two more items, and what is the number plus letter? What is it

Chu Han, who heard this, was also shocked for a moment. Fan Jian did use the code name of hunting king. He was not surprised. However, he did not expect that this guy had completed one tenth of his progress in the first challenge to the general ranking assessment of Shibi's combat effectiveness!

10-1 is an indicator. In fact, another difference between this ranking table and other hierarchical battle effectiveness rankings is here, which is also the reason why all people are flocking to the total combat power ranking list.

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Ten progress is completed in several times. The one after 10-1 represents Fan Jian's first progress. The reason why Duan Jiangwei has only got the ranking and name is because they only entered the assessment and did not achieve the completion of a progress, and did not go to the last step of the first indicator.

The biggest difference between 10-0 and 10-1 is material reward. I don't know what Fan Jian got in it?

As for k-0, the letter plus number is more simple. Thinking of this, Chu Han couldn't help but look at Xu Feng. In the last ten years of the last life, Xu Feng was the largest number after K.

K-0 represents the number of people killed, depending on how many people have been killed in the total battle power ranking list!

Not only did Chu Han find the changes in the battle effectiveness ranking list, but people in other parts of China were aware of the change at the first time. No matter the large-scale survivors bases such as Shangjing, Nandu and Duan's, but also the other small and medium-sized bases, and even the senior management of Langya base received the news of the change of Shibi.

In this regard, all of them are as puzzled, astonished and shocked as the three teams around Chu Han at the moment!

Everyone thought that the assessment of Shibi was just like what they had known before. There were also onlookers when there was a name on the battle effectiveness ranking list for the first time. Just like other ranking lists, there was nothing special about it. At the moment, because most people's ranks are only level one, and there are only a few people at level five and above, the total ranking of combat power will gradually become more and more popular Be forgotten, understood as a simple total ranking.

But at the moment, Fan Jian's strong hegemony directly makes the whole China a sensation!

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Besides the S + that Chu Han got, what is the unknown secret of the combat power ranking list?

"If you want to know what it is, wait until the fifth level and try it yourself." Chu Han lightly suppressed the curiosity of the public, and then looked at Xu Feng and Li Bifeng: "you two can try after training."

Both Xu Feng and Li Bifeng are trying to nod their heads. Everyone has their curiosity. Once such a mysterious change happens, they will surely try to find out.The team reorganized and set out to examine the incident of Shibi, which was forgotten by the people of the three teams for a short time. The most important thing for them is to improve their own ability and renovate the team's combat power.

As for Chu Han, he took back his eyes and gently raised his mouth. At this moment, Su Hang and his colleagues should have started to prepare for the construction of the city?

Within the boundary of Anluo City, there is not only one assessment stone wall, but the assessment stone wall of this valley is different from that of other places, and it is the only one.

This is the assessment stone wall of Chu Han who once entered the second-order dissimilarity space points. Ten different degree space points are unique, and there are only ten in total. Except for most of them, most of them are moving entrances. Chuhan must maximize the use of this second-order dissimilarity space point here!

Although he has entered once, and gave up many advantages from it, he chose to return the fragments, but other people did not. The secret of heterodox space point will be known sooner or later. It is better to seize the entrance of the only second-order heterodox space point and inform the world at an appropriate time than to wait for people to discover and then explode.

Because it was the only one, Chu Han was not afraid of public opinion at all. He said that he could do anything. If he didn't want to come, don't come.

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Second order? Want to explore different space points, try luck to get unknown matter that does not belong to the earth?


Pay the entrance fee.

In? Didn't get anything? Almost died in it. Fortunately, he retired in time?

No problem!

It's a long line of entertainment outside. If you don't die, you'll have a good time. Go to Fenghuaxueyue city for one night.

Of course, whether it is the entrance fee of different space points or the consumption of romantic and snowy City, it is outrageous!

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