Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 598: 598

By the time Chu Han arrived at the meeting point of the West Street refugee area, it was an hour later. When he opened the door and entered the house, he was stunned at the door. The room was cleaned up and the tables were polished. The black mans and the 30 members of the Shenyin army arrived at the same time and stood upright. It was obvious that they were ready to carry out the task at any time.

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It's just

"What is the situation?" Chu Han, who closed the door, was staring at several people who were tied up on the ground.

One by one, they were bruised and bruised, and their mouths were stuffed with dirty cloth for wiping the table. They purred and begged for mercy. Their eyes were so wide that they seemed to cry at any time. They looked so miserable that they could not bear to look directly at them. God knows what they have done to them.

"Some refugees in West Street tried to rob us. I beat them up on my own initiative." Lu Bingze's understatement reply, and when he finished, he also showed a white tooth to Chuhan and giggled: "Hey, hey

Chu Han nodded. He was just about to sit down and arrange the task. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at those people on the ground. His eyes were once bright: "refugees?"

Five minutes later.

Several of the refugees who had been untied sprawled on the ground, and almost kowtowed to Chu Han for mercy. However, they did not dare to say a word. Lu Bingze and others behind were sharpening their swords and making a sound of "miso". It sounded very frightening and seemed to cut them into pieces at any time.

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Chu Han was sitting in the only chair in the room and looked at several people on the ground with a playful look: "well, tell me, what did you do before?"

Several of the refugees could not answer without tears. The leader of them looked at Chu Han, and after half a sound, he choked out four words: "eat together and wait for death."

"Poof!" Whether it was black mans or Shenyin troops, the people in the room almost didn't hold back their laughter, but they also looked at Chu Han curiously and didn't understand what he wanted to do to untie these people?

Chu Han was also made to laugh and cry by the man's answer. It was obvious that these people were scared out of mind by Lu Bingze and others. So Chu Han decided to step by step and point to the man who replied: "what's your name?"

The man cracked his mouth and revealed his missing front teeth. He flattered him and said, "my name is Meng Qiwei."

"How long have you been in this West Street..." Speaking of half of Chu Han suddenly stopped, his eyes couldn't believe: "what do you say your name is?"

"Meng, Meng Qiwei." Meng Qiwei stammered back, his face swollen.

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Chuhan Gulu Gulu swallowed his mouth. He looked at Meng Qiwei's face in shock. Then he turned his head and looked at Lu Bingze, who had beaten him half. In his eyes, there was a hint of "you have made trouble.".

Lu Bingze looked tight. Although he didn't know what was going on, his sense of crisis immediately made him play a small report: "Xiao Kun asked me to fight!"

"What?" Xiao Kun, who was also aware of something wrong, was at a loss. The whole person was in a mess.

"Well, it's OK. I'll fight. I'm just a refugee gangster anyway." Chu Han suppressed the heart beating wildly and opened his eyes to tell lies. In his heart, he had already turned over the waves.

Chu Han knew that his luck had been against the sky since he was born again, but he did not expect that he could go against the heaven to this extent. He met all the influential people in the last ten years!

Meng Qiwei is not as powerful as Bai Yuner, as resourceful as he Feng, as mean as Duan Jiangwei, as insidious as Muye, rare as Mr. Chen, and less mysterious than Xiao Qi

However, he was one of the most powerful figures in the last ten years. What's amazing about him is that his rank has only risen but not fallen. He is deficient in all aspects. His fighting power is not proud. However, he has never been surpassed by others. In other words, he was a late bloomer. First he was nameless, and then he gradually stepped on the people in front of him step by step. No one was defeated by him A man can turn from his hand and climb up steadily step by step. At the beginning, no one has noticed him. After all, he is not very impressive. But when he notices, Meng Qiwei has already been in the top ten of the total combat power, and no one can shake him.

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Meng Qiwei was the master of the Shura Tomahawk in Chu Han's hand, but it was Chu Han's chance to seize it in advance.

So how could Chu Han not be shocked to learn that this man was Meng Qiwei?

In the last two years, the man of power in the last two years was just a refugee gangster who ate and died in Jianyi base. He robbed his Shura Tomahawk and even was beaten by his younger brothers.

I have to say, fate is so fond of joking!

Meng Qiwei, lying on the ground, looks perplexed and does not understand the situation at hand. Why does this extremely mysterious and frightening young man sitting on the chair react so much after hearing his name?

Seeing that Meng Qiwei didn't understand his face, Chu Han was happy to bury the secret forever. Only to say that Meng Qiwei was not really a good man. He left a deep impression on many people because of his fierce behavior and work style in the previous life. As soon as he got the Shura Tomahawk, he immediately killed the top ten people in the battle power ranking list and made himself in the top ten positions with powerful methods Line relative to meet stitch pin.How long have you been in West Street In the heart of small 99 no one knows, Chu Han is just smiling.

Meng Qiwei has not been ruthless in his last life. Knowing that he can't hit a stone with an egg, he consciously didn't lie to Chu Han: "four months, come over in the new year."

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Chu Han nods. Many of the vagrant refugees choose to enter each base in the new year's day. Usually, the regular base will give free food to those who are not full of food in the new year. This move of Jianyi base is also with the general trend, and the number of people in this base can reach more than 50000, which is the reason why a large number of refugees are attracted in the new year.

However, most of the refugees were not self-motivated. After arriving at the base, they wanted to have free food all the time, and gradually gathered together to form a refugee area, which was dirty and chaotic, and could not manage it at all.

This is the case in every base. After all, it is difficult to eliminate the bad nature of human nature, but the exception is Langya base, because there are few people in Langya base, and there is no continuous free food distribution policy. There is only one way to eat: work.

"Four months, you should know a lot." Chu Han seemed to be talking to himself, but he didn't avoid anyone. He looked at Lu Bingze with a smile, and then opened his mouth under the latter's vigilant eyes: "the path ah, anyway, people have beaten them. You can simply take care of these people."


Lu Bingze believes that Chu Han will not force him to pit him, so he is silent.

At this time, Chu Han did not know where to take out the paper and pen, brush the brush to write a few lines, and then put it into Lu Bingze's hand: "black mang team, let's go out for a walk, Shenyin team here to give them a confession, don't play dead people."

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