Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 654: 654

"I want a glass of boiled water. It should not be expensive. In fact, I don't have much money." Chu Han quietly opened his mouth, with a faint temptation.

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As soon as this was said, many girls were frightened, and some were at a loss. Only the woman who had been talking to Chu Han gave a faint smile and stretched out a thin and clean finger.

Chu Han raised his eyebrows and said, "a coin for recycling? So expensive? In other places, you can drink the boiled water freely. You are asking a lot of money. "

The woman gently smiles, slightly shakes her head: "is not a coin, but ten coins, a cup."

As soon as he said this, Chu Han was completely stunned on the spot, and then he opened his mouth in disbelief, with a burst of anger: "I see you are not asking for money all over the world, but extortion! A glass of water costs ten bucks. Why don't you grab it? "

Ten coins have already cost ordinary survivors a day, and they still live in luxury. The price of a glass of water is ten coins, which is impossible even in the most extravagant places.

Seeing Chu Han's fury, many girls on the scene shivered and bowed their heads. Their constant interlacing fingers could show their panic. It was obvious that Chu Han was right. This woman was blackmailing.

But to Chu Han's surprise, after he exposed and became angry, the glib woman was still calm and even said with a smile: "you are a distinguished guest. Even the most ordinary water you drink is definitely different from that of others."

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"Why not?" Chu Han is interested in seeing how this woman intends to be.

The woman's expression was not profound. Her fingers pointed to the other girls standing behind her: "what can match your identity, of course, can't be ordinary water or ordinary drinking method. I'll ask people to take out the spring water in the store and let these girls feed you. No matter what skill you want to use, it's OK."

As soon as this was said, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became ambiguous. Several girls were intoxicated with scarlet cheeks, while mature women in pale yellow dresses still had a decent smile, which could not make life contradict.

Chu Han's eyes flashed, and he followed the woman's words and said, "is this kind of price increase

"Of course." The woman did not scruple to admit: "otherwise how can you be worthy of your identity?"

In other words, Wangcai, who stayed in Chuhan's pocket, was shocked. Before, he had always seen Chu Han blackmail others. This was the first time he saw such a blackmail method of Taiji, and it was totally powerless to refute. Especially if he met a man of integrity and courage, he would be full of blood and his brain would be full of blood and no money would be left.

After the woman finished speaking, she stood still, waiting for the young new human in front of her, waiting for Chu han to take the bait when she couldn't hold on. The girls standing behind her could not help getting excited. Usually, under such temptation, few people would continue to maintain good determination and rational mind.

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As expected, after the words of the woman in the pale yellow dress fell, Chu Han's eyes were shining, and his eyes were staring at the woman in front of her, as if she had found some treasure.

In this case, Wangcai was surprised and quickly pulled the clothes of lachuhan: "Wo · Cao Chuhan? You won't, will you? Don't be fooled

"You go away!" Chu Han directly scolded Wangcai in his mind.

Seeing Chu Han staring at himself, the woman in the pale yellow dress was stunned and then said with a clear smile: "handsome boy, do you like me? That's OK. Of course, my price is different from those of these sisters. "

Blackmail again! Wangcai's whole person is in a state of being unable to recover. If Chu Han really does this time, he'd better not be ruined by the pit

But what everyone didn't expect was -


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Chu Han suddenly felt extremely excited and excited and patted the table. Then he pointed to the woman in front of him and said, "you are simply a masterpiece."

Although the woman didn't expect Chu han to react so much, she still covered her mouth with a smile and made the expression that a civilian prostitute should have. It's a pity that Chu Han's next sentence made everyone suddenly stunned.

"You're so smart and so blackmail, how about following me?" Chu Han opened his mouth with his eyes shining: "I will provide you with a place 100 times bigger than here and a scene ten times more luxurious than here. You can help me make money, and I will protect you well. How about it?"

Quiet -

the whole hall was quiet for five minutes, and even the members of the black mang team who were hiding in the dark were stunned. Chu Han had been playing Tai Chi with this woman for half a day before, so that's why?

Wangcai speechless helped his forehead. As expected, Chu Han was a wonderful flower who was open to money. He had not been moved for a long time. He was thinking about how to take this eloquent woman away and help him make money?

My day!

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It's not only the members of Wangcai and the black mans, but also the girls in the hall. It's so shameless to see the people who don't spend money and want to dig the corner of the wall for the first time!

Sure enough, the woman in yellow had a trace of anger on her face: "is this gentleman joking? How could we -- ""Why not?" Chu Han suddenly interrupted her words and pointed to the scene in the hall with a sneer: "it's not too much to describe you as poor as you are here. You usually don't have any guests when you look at the poverty-stricken appearance? If there are no customers, there will be no turnover, you will have no income, and you will not be able to afford to eat. If you look at the girls behind you, their thin chests are almost gone. I said that you will starve to death sooner or later. In my opinion, the reason for your situation is that there is no backstage in this store, right? "

Chu Han has already analyzed the situation of this shop in the course of his talk. As far as he knows, there is an unwritten regulation in Taojin base, that is, the brothels that want to get along in the red light district must find a new human as the backstage support. Otherwise, it will be the result of being divided up. Moreover, the new human beings still pay attention to it, just like the luxurious brothel where Chu Han and bu Sha met before, The person behind the shop is the boss of the Taojin base, which is Tao Jin's own shop, so there is no one who dares to fight against the extravagance and extravagance.

The reason why this shop is so poor that it is clear that the girls are good and even have the best products, but the business is not good. Obviously, the backstage has not been found. Or, the people in the backstage have just died?

In either case, this is a great opportunity for Chu han to accept the first batch of pink in the city!

But what Chu Han didn't expect was that after his words fell, the woman in yellow suddenly appeared a sneer on her face, and her voice was no longer as warm as before, but with strong hostility: "it turns out that it's a new human who wants to take a chance. Let's go. We have a boss in this shop. It's not your turn to be the one!"

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