Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 748: 748

After Chu Han's words were spoken, there was no doubt that he provoked an incident between Zhongkai and Nandu base, and even more, before the theory of marriage began, his impression on Shangguan Rong was minimized.

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You come to get married, but you don't have any sincerity. You even press people with your status. Is that right?

Shangguanrong and Nandu base are not as good as your Zhongkai's father and Jinyang base. They even talk about their military rank in front of Shangguan Yuxin and dig their own graves!

So Shangguan Rong found a little heresy. Before Shangguan Yuxin understood the specific situation, Zhongkai had been forced to a dead end by Chu Han. Not only did he not speak well, he also lost the initiative to propose marriage.

You want to get married when you have a bad impression? Save it!

The surrounding crowd was also stunned by Chu Han's sudden sharp attack. For a moment, they all fell into the memory of whether they had said anything wrong, but they completely forgot the "Miss Shangguan, my name is Shen Yunlou, from Sichuan base." The young lieutenant general opened his mouth with a decent smile, and gently touched Shangguan Yuxin's glass with his glass in his hand. He introduced himself with eloquence: "my uncle is the leader of Sichuan base and one of the generals in China. It's not good to talk about too many family affairs. This time, I'm not only representing Sichuan base, but also representing myself. Miss Shangguan, you are really beautiful It's better to see them than to hear them all! I'd like to do it first! "

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After that, he drank the wine in the glass with a hiss. It was so cool and sweet, and he looked good. He didn't mention that he was a lieutenant general. He was very eloquent and could prescribe medicine to the patient.

Sure enough, after Shen Yunlou's words fell, Shangguan Rong's smile flashed through his eyes. He was obviously satisfied with the boy.

Chu Han was a chopstick with vegetables, and his detailed information about Shen Yunlou appeared in his mind, and then his brow was frowning. In a word, Shen Yunlou was really his grandmother's strong enemy. It was not that he was more powerful than himself, but that he had balanced conditions in all aspects. The most important thing was the one who was most interested in Shangguan Rong.

The biggest difference between Shen Yunlou and Zhongkai is that they did not oppress people with their status and momentum. Moreover, there is an absolute difference between father and uncle. Those in high positions often know an eternal truth.

A big tree catches the wind, and those in high position and power have no freedom.

Zhongkai is undoubtedly going to succeed Jinyang base as the top leader in the future, but Shen Yunlou is not necessarily. As far as Chu Han knows, the general of Sichuan base has no children to take over, and most of the old colleagues around him jointly manage the base, that is to say, he is not an independent authority.

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Shangguanrong likes this kind of people most. The independent authority should always be alert to the harm of the people around him, and he is not likely to pay attention to Shangguan Yuxin. However, the general who is not the only power has to be afraid of shangguanrong's influence in Nandu, so he respects Shangguan Yuxin in particular.

At this thought, Chu Han suddenly lost the mood of eating and drinking, and staring at Shen Yunlou, he began to think about the shortcomings of this guy.

Want to marry Shangguan Yuxin?

No way!

Get out of the way!

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Shen Yunlou is staring at Chu Han like this, and suddenly a little embarrassed flashed across the corner of his mouth. Then he raised his glass and pointed at Chu Han. That's enough.

However, Chu Han had a flash of brilliance at this moment. He took out the general's badge which had not been maintained and was almost rusty from his pocket, and pinned it on his chest. Then he cocked his legs and lifted the wine cup with one hand at random, and then he hooked his little finger at Shen Yunlou opposite.

Shen Yunlou's face turned white and his anger flashed in his eyes. He stood up respectfully and bowed at Chu Han with both hands holding cups: "to Admiral Chuhan."

"I'll do whatever you want." Chu Han blurted out.


Shen Yun loudun's face flushed with anger. However, since Chu Han insists on suppressing people as a general, he has no way but to do it respectfully.

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In view of this situation, all the people present showed a vague look. Many of them even kept silent and looked at the attitudes of several generals present. After all, Chu Han's gesture had already indicated that he wanted to stop all the people from getting married.

Chu Han quietly watched Shen Yunlou finish drinking. He took a sip without any worry. He was so casual that he didn't save face at all. After taking a sip, he turned his head and looked at the officer with a smile. His eyes were full of the meaning of "Lao Tzu's efforts to suppress all the young people present".

"Hum!" A cold hum full of middle Qi was sent out from Shangguan Rong's nose. He looked at Chu Han's eyes and didn't like his eyes.

Shangguan Rong's attitude immediately made those who thought that Chu Han would succeed almost jumped up. It was obvious that Shangguan Rong was not full of Chuhan. Although the person they wanted to marry was Shangguan Yuxin, it was still shangguanrong who could really make a decision. So a group of people quickly rubbed their hands and raised their glasses at Shangguan Rong or Shangguan Rong It is Shangguan Yuxin who tries her best to show herself.

The scene was very lively for a while, and even many people with lower military rank felt that they did not have a chance to compete, so they began to tie up with Chuhan toasting company!

In the middle of the bustling scene, Zhong Kai, who had been trying to make Shangguan Rong forget the previous scene, also recovered his vitality. He got up calmly and stood out from a group of young people dancing in disorder. He even left his seat politely and walked between Shangguan Rong and Shangguan Yuxin in person.As soon as Zhong Kai's appearance, appearance, and status weighed down on all the people present, he made a big move: "Uncle Shangguan, in fact, I've loved Yuxin for a long time. When we were children, we spent some time together in the military area command. Do you remember Yuxin?"

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