Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 753: 753

As the first step into the Research Institute, Chu Han was keenly aware of the unusual situation here. As expected, just like Langya base, the most tightly defended place in Nandu base is also the Research Institute. However, we don't know where the research process has reached and which one is better than the research department of Langya base?

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With an inquisitive eye, Chu Han walks into the passage with the three people in front of him. The three people in front of him keep quiet all the time and yawn as if nothing happened. He seems not to care about his duty.

Chu Han tried to keep his face from being seen. Besides the first channel, he had to go through several gates to enter the Research Institute. Each door needed to be opened by fingerprints. The Research Institute of Nandu base was very advanced. The research members at different levels had different levels of power restriction. For example, Chen Zhen, the person on duty, who Chu Han replaced, had to go through several gates The fingerprint can only open a few doors to the Research Institute, and there is no restricted access to the core area.

At the moment, if Chu Han is a person, he can't get in the first door. If he breaks it, the alarm will be sounded directly. Don't talk about going in and exploring. It's hard not to be found out. So, there are still people walking in front of him to open the road. He can only say that he is lucky.

Not long after, the four people entered the duty room in a strange quiet. This is a room full of screens. You can see the situation of most rooms in the research institute through the camera. The duty is to stay here and report to the superior if there is any abnormality.

At the moment of entering this room, Chu Han's face was convulsed, and a feeling of heartache arose. How much financial and material resources did this Nandu base spend on the construction of the research institute? It's estimated that the entire base's power is used here, right?

Looking at this set of facilities, it is even more exaggerated than it was in the civilized era. No wonder the members of Mensa captured by the Dragon teeth and tiger teeth Corps sent them to the Nandu base one by one. I just don't know whether the current research process is under the jurisdiction of shangguanrong and whether there is any connection with Shangjing base?

One by one doubts burst into Chu Han's mind, but it was only for a moment. At this time, the other three people who came into this place with Chu Han were tacit understanding. One of the voices that surprised Chu Han and was particularly familiar with suddenly rang out: "Chen Zhen, the old rule, let's play cards three times. You can go around and kill time by yourself."

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Chu Han turned his head in a daze and looked at a bald head sitting in the corner, shuffling cards in his hand!

And up?!

Why is this product here?

Shocked and surprised, the dog's complex emotions flashed through Chu Han's heart. His strong concentration made him calm down. He pretended to take two steps at random, but actually he was observing the other two people sitting beside him.

I don't know. A stranger is also bald. One is of the same size as Heshang, frowning and looking at the cards. The other is walking in front of Chuhan all the way, blocking the other two people's big, bald heads and looking at the cards.

Three bald heads sitting together, the scene is very harmonious, but in Chu Han's view, it is particularly unacceptable!

How could he be here?

He Shang's loyalty to himself is still 100%, and he can throw away the possibility of mutiny. Therefore, he Shang is not here at the moment, but who are the other two bald heads? Own people or surveillance and on?

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A momentary trance made Chu Han's head confused for several seconds. Then he suddenly remembered what Chen Zhen had said. The names of these three people were guangtou, Xieting and TULV. That is to say, he Shang was not exposed. He did not know why he was trapped here under a pseudonym?

After figuring out the causes and consequences, Chu Han still could not recover from the impact. He shook his head and casually found a chair to sit down. In his mind, he began to think about how to lead the other two bald heads away so that he and Heshang could meet alone.

After all, there are outsiders, and it's such a sensitive time and place that Chu Han can't be too casual. Whether he should meet with Heshang at the moment still needs to be carefully considered. However, because of the sudden accident, Chu Han did not have the first time to act.

However, because of Chu Han's momentary hesitation, he immediately stopped the three people who were playing cards and looked up and down at Chu Han: "I wipe, I say Chen Zhen, what's wrong with you today? You're not feeling well

Chuhan's mouth is crazy. You're not feeling well. I was stimulated, OK!

"How about that? Play cards together? " One side of Xie Ding suddenly proposed.

"Bald man, I want you to talk more!" Next to the wide head immediately to Xie Ding choked up.

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"How many times have I told you not to call me bald! Believe it or not, I throw a card in your face? " Balding immediately infuriated.

Bang! Bang!

At the moment, he slapped two bald heads with one slap, and his tone was full of impatience: "how many times have you said it? Don't quarrel! Give me twenty push ups

Xie Ding and Guang tou looked at each other, and they started to brush their hands.

Chu Han, who stayed on the side, looked at the two bald heads who especially listened and talked. What was his grandmother's situation?

However, there was no time to lose. When Xie Ding and Guang tou were lying on the ground with limited vision, Chu Han pulled down his mask and made a gesture face to face with him.When Chu Han thought that he Shang would be surprised, excited, and would cry with joy, and then silently nodded to find a chance to meet Chu Han alone --

"I wipe! Boss The pig like scream suddenly came out of the mouth of Heshang, which scared Chu Han. It also scared guangtou and Xie Ding, who were doing push ups on the ground, almost twisted their waist.


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Chu Han was so frightened that his neck was trembling. He was so reckless that he even called out the ghosts and gods. This is to heaven?!

Just as Chu Han was stupefied and lying on his face, he Shang quickly began to greet the same dull two bald heads: "guangtou, stand guard outside, don't let an ant come in, Xie Ding, go and make tea for my boss!"

Then Chu Han was surprised to see, and with a look of surprise, excitement and tears of joy, he ran to Chu Han in the wind, pulled down Chu Han's mask, and his mouth exuded a strong smell of scallion cake: "boss! I wipe it. It's my boss! Boss, how did you know I was here? Boss, boo Hoo Hoo

Well, Chu Han blinked his eyes and glanced at the other two people with dull faces on one side. He finally understood that this was due to the acceptance of two younger brothers. Therefore, the four people on duty in the whole research institute are all their own.

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