Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 860: 860

"I'll do it again!"

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Giant Wangcai used his greatest courage and strength to rush towards the alien again. This time, he was more prepared, shouting and rushing forward.

At this time, he also responded. After a few rude words, he jumped up from the ground. Although he was full of doubts in his heart, he was still very quick to stand firm and deal with the disorderly attack of Wangcai.


It is another huge impact. Wangcai, who can't fight at all, can only delay time in this way.

And the other party's heterogeneous eyes flash by surprise, because Wangcai looks powerful, but its strength is too small?

He tried his best to catch it, but he didn't retreat for half a centimeter!

Then, a trace of insidiousness appeared on the surface of the heterologous. As soon as the arm was stretched out, the nail with severe virus suddenly stretched out and stabbed at Wangcai's neck!

However, the strange situation suddenly happened -

the fingernail really stabbed Wangcai's physical fitness, but it felt like a ball of cotton, and Wangcai had no feeling at all, let alone being infected, and had no pain at all.

The two people so in Chu Han outside the field of strange confrontation, and under the guidance of Wangcai intentionally or unintentionally, from this street more and more far away, all the way toward the distant zone.

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Now in the field, another alien and Chu Han maintain a distance that can be attacked and defended. At this time, it coincides with the peak of the sharp scratch virus outbreak in Chuhan. On Chu Han's skin, black blood that can be seen by the naked eye is creeping, and the blood vessel wall continues to extend everywhere.

The pupils of the scarlet race of different species twinkled violently, the corners of the mouth cracked to the largest extent on the ferocious and frightening face, and the voice was trembling with excitement. Shake: "Chu Han! How does it feel to be infected? "

Although Chu Han's expression at the moment can't see anything wrong, it's so insipid that people want to stab him to death, but the black lines on his skin can't deceive people. It's a sign of infection.

And at the moment he is still fighting, there is no time to worry about the virus in his body, so this war is different expected Chu Han lost!

But everyone did not know that in Chu Han's mind, there was a cold mechanical system synthesis sound ringing: "if virus invasion is found, do you use loop integral elimination? Warning, virus found... "

Chu Han tilted his head and ignored the chatter of the system. Suddenly, he asked in his mind, "ten thousand points are too expensive. I'll give you a 50% discount."

Ten thousand points is equivalent to two hundred thousand coins!

Although Chu Han has accumulated quite a lot of recycling points for a long time, this time it is enough to pay for the consumption of virus elimination, but 200000 recycled coins are a huge sum of money in the current last two years.

The system that is constantly swiping the screen is suddenly silent, and then it rings again: "no discount, limited right, warning, discovering virus invasion, whether the host chooses to use loop integral elimination?"

Chu Han once again tilted his head, this time the voice with a trace of dissatisfaction: "eliminate, really mean!"

The dialogue between Chu Han and the system is only in a moment. The opposite species is still in a state of extreme excitement. At the moment, Chu Han is already in the blink of an eye. The virus in his body disappears in an instant, and 10000 points are deducted in the blink of an eye. The black lines on the skin surface suddenly disappear at the speed visible to the naked eye.

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All this happened in an instant, so that the whole journey of the alien race standing opposite Chu Han did not expect this scene. It was even more exciting and ferocious on his face.

It's just in the moment before the other party can notice it --


With a domineering atmosphere, the Shura Tomahawk suddenly launched a vicious attack, and in Chu Han's hands, the ultimate black awn bloomed. With the help of the excellent geographical position in the field, the body took an invisible shadow on the ground, and suddenly cut out at the opposite species.

The strange face still keeps the excitement of the previous moment. When he saw Chu Han's extraordinary action, his eyes were surprised even before he could see the light sound of "puff".

Then --


A blood column with acid smell suddenly shot on the alien body, which was the result of his subconscious instinctive retreat.

Astonishment suddenly appeared on the face of the alien, his feet were instinctively retreating, at the same time his heart was more uncertain.

Where did Chu Han come from?

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Isn't he supposed to be tired or even faint just by dealing with the infected virus?

However, when the mood of the alien heart surges wildly, the body of the hasty retreat is completely in the full use of instinct, using his greatest strength and fastest speed.

But ignore the inner wall of the field behind him!

The field is originally the performance of energy substantiation. When the black fog is rich to a certain extent, the effect will be no different from a strange force rebounding.

Therefore, at the moment when the foreign species made such a response, Chu Han immediately saw the evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and once again raised the black axe with a wave of his arm. At this moment, it was not the last ordinary chopping.

The black fog on the Tomahawk of Shura shines, and the killing intention in Chu Han's eyes is rolling.

Bang!A strange sound happened to hit the inner wall of the field because of the rapid retrogression. Almost for a moment, the constant rebound appeared immediately.

At the same time, a panic and fear suddenly surged out, because his body was flying forward in a lot of control.

In front of him, Chu Hanzheng rushed to him with an invincible posture. His eyes were full of arrogance, and his arms were raised against him with the strong black fog of the Shura Tomahawk in his hand.

The two bodies met at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye, and in an instant, the huge field was suddenly recovered by Chu Han.

Explosive flame!

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The huge energy suddenly bombarded the alien body, with an extremely domineering aura. The uncontrollable energy spread wantonly in his body, which was more violent than the virus, and instantly broke several arteries of the alien.

When Chu Han suddenly cut off and took back the field, he suddenly fell back quickly, regardless of the unstoppable arms. Without the barrier of the field wall, Chu Han's speed was set at infinity, so he immediately retreated to 100 meters away.

At the same time, at this moment, the huge blasting in the middle of the road suddenly sounded, which broke away from the huge energy controlled by Chu Han. The bricks on the ground burst into the sky, accompanied by countless pieces of flesh and blood, and then fell to the ground.

"Oh! Oh Forced to endure an instant, Chu Han, who was black in front of him, was panting for breath.

He looked down and held the arms of the Shura Tomahawk. His right hand had been convulsed for half a sound. Because of the injury to his right arm before, Chu Han deliberately focused his strength on his left arm when he just hit.

At this point -

the left arm is also like the right arm, and the blood vessels of the left arm burst with blood on the skin surface. It seems that the two arms have soaked in the blood pool.

Except blood is blood!

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