Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 889: 889

Since the last time Lu Bingze left, Shangguan Yuxin hated her incompetence. She managed to help Chu Han once, but she had little help and limited ability. She almost couldn't go back. If song Xiao didn't have a special identity and had just learned to fly a helicopter, that time would have been over!

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Even after that, the people of Nandu base were even more unkind to Shangguan Yuxin. A series of humiliating words never stopped, and the hostility to Langya base was even higher.

Such a thrilling experience makes Shangguan Yuxin think a lot. Chu Han's identity is too special, and his people are more special. Too many people want to kill him. There are too many people who regard him as an eyesore. Even if he doesn't do anything, there will be constant crises and endless assassinations.

Shangguan Yuxin doesn't want to stay behind Chu Han forever and be protected. Of course, she knows that Chu Han doesn't care, but she does.

Even in Chu Han's side, Bai yun'er is a high-strength fighting force, and Shang jiudi is a solid backing. But what about Yuxin, her superior official? There is nothing but some medical skills.

This can't help Chu Han, and it's not worthy of Chu Han!

What she wants is to be able to advance and retreat with Chu Han, not a vase that can't do anything!

Therefore, Shangguan Yuxin was determined. Since she has arrived at this field, she might as well start from scratch, pay everything, and strive to be at the height of standing side by side with Chu Han.

Nandu base, the third largest base in China, can be controlled and controlled by her if there is no secret force to spy on it. Then, no matter what happens to Chuhan and Langya base, her Shangguan Yuxin can give support and cooperation at the first time.

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What's the use of staying with Chu Han?

It's better to let her take over than to let her father have no successor. It's better to let her take over. Although it's difficult, Shangguan Yuxin is not afraid at all.

To do is to be the best!

This is Shangguan Yuxin's most real idea, and also a thorough transformation in the war of Nandu base.

Shangguan Rong was totally shocked by his daughter's decision. He couldn't say a word for five minutes. He could see the ambition and desire in Shangguan Yuxin's eyes. Hope is not false, but he can't figure out what makes his daughter change so much.

Don't you want Chuhan?

Well, it seems good to think about it!

So Shangguan Rong instantly turned his mind and looked at his daughter with great joy. That's right. Chu Han was so good, but he just didn't like it. Shangguan Yuxin had no interest in managing the base before. In order to protect her, he had to send her daughter away.

But now it's not the same. Shangguan Yuxin's attitude turns a hundred and ten degrees. What's the matter with Chu Han? Don't worry about wolf tooth base!

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That's wonderful!

Therefore, under the thorough misunderstanding of Shangguan Rong, Shangguan Yuxin went to a road leading to the top of the mountain.

at Sichuan base, Shen Yunlou walked out of the helicopter cabin tired and smelled a smell far away, which made several people who came to meet him retreat.

Shen Yunlou didn't care about this situation. He just walked out of the engine room and went to the general of Chuanyu base. Without a moment's pause and hesitation, Shen Yunlou's mental and physical fatigue was subconsciously ignored by him.

Zhiya -

SHEN Yunlou didn't knock on the door. The general's gate was pushed open directly by him. The guards nearby did not stop him, but respectfully saluted Shen Yunlou.

However, Shen Yunlou had no time to take into account other people's reactions. He closed the gate directly and left two guards with an inexplicable look on their faces. This was the first time that they had completely forgotten the etiquette of Shen Yunlou.

Just as soon as Shen Yun Lou entered the entrance, an old but middle-aged voice in the room sounded for the first time: "won the battle, and won't attend the celebration banquet?"

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Shen Yunlou stayed in Nandu base for up to a month, experienced the whole Chu Han assassination incident and the corpse tide war. Even when the corpse tide broke out, he immediately invited himself to join the battle. Until today, when the corpse tide retreated and the Nandu base won a great victory, he did not return to the Sichuan base for the first time. His clothes covered with the blood of zombies were already black and smelly.

Shen Yunlou stood quietly for a while, as if waiting for the tinnitus to disappear after getting off the helicopter. Then he was extremely tired and gave a standard military salute to the front: "uncle, I have an emergency report."

The old man, who was sitting behind the huge desk for a while, raised his head for the first time after Shen Yunlou came in. His eyes shifted from the half meter high copy in front of him, revealing a face full of years.

If Chu Han was here, he would be very surprised, because Shen Yunlou's uncle, the highest leader of the Sichuan base, was the old man that Chu Han met in Shishi as early as the last outbreak.


Wen Qisheng's eyes flashed when he fell behind in Shen Yunlou. He stopped everything in his hand and said, "be objective and just. Report the place, time, person and original words of the incident."Wen Qisheng, who knows Shen Yunlou very well, knows that Shen Yunlou will come back on the day after the victory and find himself without a minute's rest. It must be a big event!

Shen Yunlou nodded, and then took a deep breath. In calm and objective words, he told the original scene of Longya in Nandu base.

At that time, the total time of Longya's departure was not long, even a few minutes. However, this time, Shen Yunlou said more than half an hour, because he not only told all the words of all the people present, but also described the manner of important people to the most appropriate.

No one has ever seen such a Shen Yun Building except Wen Qisheng. If Shangguan Rong was here, he would be shocked. He is really a intelligence genius. He dares to appreciate Shen Yun tower's performance in Nandu base before. How could he pretend to be a pig eating a tiger?!

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Waiting for Shen Yunlou to finish speaking, he was so tired that his thinking was almost chaotic, but he still stood still, waiting for Wen Qisheng to open his mouth.

Because he knew that the appearance of the Dragon tooth must contain a lot of news!

Sure enough, Shen Yunlou didn't wait too long, but Wen Qisheng's reaction was far beyond his expectation.

See Wen Qisheng in gently frown after, then suddenly a sneer: "this matter should not have happened, we do not participate."

Shen Yunlou was so surprised that he even forgot his fatigue and blurted out: "why? What a chance

"It's an opportunity, it's a dangerous situation." Wenqisheng did not say too much, but gave Shen Yunlou a hint: "is shangguanrong's choice not to support?"

Shen Yun Lou was stunned and replied, "yes."

"Study hard." Wenqisheng continued to bow his head and write fast, but he did not drive people away: "what is needed after the war is rest."

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