Mercenary System

Chapter 17

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Raloz woke up when it was already near noon. He went downstairs and there he saw Selina looking like nothing happened. But if you look closer you'll see that she's not focus on what she is doing.

Razlov walk to the counter where Selina was working. Seeing Razlov, Selina was startle but manage to calm herself instantly.

"Selina I want to order a meal." nonchalantly said Razlov making Selina slightly surprise at his attitude.

"Un" nod Selina as she keep looking down. She could not look at him in the face due to what happened but she still took a little peek at him. Seeing his reaction that did not change even after awhile it somehow made her annoyed.

"Hmph!" snorted Selina as she went to the kitchen to get the meal he ordered. At the kitchen, there she vent the feeling of annoyance by stomping at the floor many times 'What's with you! What's with you! acting like nothing happened' after awhile she realize, why was she acting like that and quickly adjusted herself.

Rosy who was at the kitchen look at her mother shock as she said "M-Mother what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I was just annoyed at a certain person." explain Selina as she continue "That Razlov also ordered a meal"

"Okay" Seeing her mother did not wish to explain further she decided not to pry in it further. Rosy walk to the cabinet to get a bowl and started to prepare for the meal that was ordered.

Selina wait as she see her daughter starts preparing, then she remembered the nonchalant face of Razlov. "Rosy don't put any meat in his stew and give him the smallest bread we have."

"Why?" ask Rosy to her mother not understanding why she would do that. But seeing her annoyed expression Rosy immediately shut her mouth and do what her mother told her. 'Razlov must have done something that made mother angry' she thought as she realize why her mother was stomping her foot earlier.

Rosy finish preparing the food then Selina brought it to Razlov as she said in a angry tone "Here's your meal, Hmph"

Seeing her attitude Razlov wryly smile then proceed to eating his meal, seeing his stew that don't have any meat and only vegetables in it, while the bread was small. Razlov could only smile bitterly but said nothing in the end. He continue his meal not bothering with it anymore.

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Razlov finish his meal and leave the inn immediately since he still need to find someone to hire to get all the people he recruited to Kurlian Island.

Seeing Razlov leave, Selina heave a sigh of relief "We cannot continue like this. I have to talk to Razlov and forget everything that happened then continue with our daily life." as she said this there was a slight disappointment in her heart.



2 days after

Because Selina couldn't make up her mind she decided to delay their talk. Making the situation awkward to the both of them. Razlov didn't mind at all as he was giving Selina time to think things through and this silence lasted for 2 days.

When the night falls after Selina close the inn, she walk to the room where Razlov was staying. She took a deep breath 'Tonight is the time will settle things and forgot what happened'


Razlov went and open the door,seeing Selina he smile and said. "Selina what's wrong in there something you need?"

"Razlov c-can we talk?" although she was nervous she still manage to say what she came for. She was also notice of the way Razlov address her without honorifics making her slightly bashful. Although Razlov has been calling her name without honorific these past few days, Selina did not bother with it as she has other things that has been bothering her mind.

"Sure, do you want to come in?" ask Razlov

"N-No, here is fine." said Selina, afraid that when she went into his room she will not be able to focus on what she want to say because she will remember all the things that happened in that room.

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"Okay, so what do you want to talk?" ask Razlov not bothering that Selina rejected his invitation.

"Razlov can we forg-" before she could finish talking, her lips got sealed with his. Razlov tongue try to enter inside her but Selina resisted, but it did not take long before the resistance loosened. Their tongue got entangle with each other. Selina loss her strength and her legs go limp because of the overwhelming intoxicated feeling she feeling right now. She cling to his neck to support herself while Razlov embrace her in his arms. As their lips separated, Razlov look at Selina with a smile, while Selina also look at Razlov with moist in her eye.

"Rejected!" said Razlov with a serious expression

"Huh?" Selina was confuse at what he was rejecting.

"I know what you want to say." He look at her with smile "But I reject, all objections denied. After we had s*x that night and woke up to see you in my arms I decided that you are already mine."

Hearing what he said, Selina feel a sweet taste in her heart. All the stress and worries she felt during the past few days was like a wind that slowly fades away. Tears slowly drop on the eyes of Selina, she felt that the fog in her heart that was covering the light was now gone making her feel warmth and realize that she has already fallen for this man. She didn't know when it started but after hearing his words if felt like the sun has already shined.

"How selfish" said Selina in slight angry tone but deep inside her heart she was happy.

Although she was happy she was still worried about something." But our age difference" Selina was feeling down mentioning this topic. Their age has more than 10 years gap making it difficult to accept.

"Haha" Razlov just laugh it off, her worries was not worth bothering.

"Why are you laughing! are you not worried?" angrily ask Selina

"Why would I be worried?" Razlov then look confidently as he said "Don't you know that there is a saying 'age does not matter in a relationship' that's why you should not be worried or be bother at what the other people would say as long as we love each other, who care about them anyway?"

Selina was feeling warmth and being cherish by the acceptance of the one she love. But she still could not help but be worried.

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Seeing that Selina is still worried.

"Sigh, It seems that you still don't believe in your husband's words then I have to show it through actions." Razlov smile naughtily.

Selina felt bashful at hearing him say 'your husband' that her face turn red.


Razlov lifted Selina in a princess carry that she could not but gave a light shout. He carried her into his room then put her in the bed. He then undress his clothes and went on top of Selina giving her a affectionate kiss on the lips.


Razlov gently caress the body of Selina under her clothes while his other slowly undress her. He keep undressing her until only her underwear was remaining. Razlov caress her whole body and reach out onto her honey pot.

"Hmm?" Razlov notice that Selina's honey pot was already overflowing with love juice.He smile and teasingly said "Your already this wet? What a lewd woman you are Selina"

"B-Because it's already been a long time. That's why I got easily wet." ashamed of what he said, Selina cover her face with her hands to hide from embarrassment as she explained.

"But we already did it the other night." said Razlov as he smile at Selina's reaction.

"That doesn't count, I was drunk at that time." red face said Selina

Razlov cease his teasing and proceed to totally undress her.

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"Since you are already so wet, It means that your honey pot is ready to accept my meat rod." Razlov pointed his p*nis at the entrance of her honey pot. He gently kiss her on her lips and said "Selina, I'm going in." "Unn" nodded Selina.



"I'm in" said Razlov as his little brother entered her honey pot.

"Razlov I'm so happy right now." said Selina with tears in her eyes. Razlov was also happy that he kiss her lips passionately.

"I'm gonna start moving" said Razlov

"Unn" Selina gave a nod

Razlov start his piston that made Selina moan. He keep kissing her while his waist keep moving like it would never got tired of doing it. His two hand didn't stay idle, one was fondling her breast while the other keep caressing her body.

"HAaaaa..... Ohhhh..... Nnmmmm"

Pleasure was quickly rising up, both of them could feel it that it was about to burst. Razlov keep his pistons while also caressing Selina.

"Razlov..... Haaa....Im....about to....Ohhh... cum!."

"Me too!....ohhh!"


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