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Li Xi Rui snapped back to the reality in front of her. 'Eldest Miss of the Li clan', this is her reality, a fleeting look of determination crossed her eyes.

She has been reincarnated and this time she will make sure her family and her love one would not suffered like the previous life time. Even if it breaks her, she would sacrifice everything to not let them die.

"Xi-er, let's go home now", her father's voice pulled her back to reality once more.

And looking at that tired face, she smile her brightest smile. Never had she dream that she could see this face again. So, she took her father arm and say, "Yes, let's return home father".

Looking at his daughter smile, her father the left Prime minister, the duke of Xi also smile. He felt relieved her daughter become more sensible and do not showed sadness. And holding his daughter hand, they left the palace. In his heart, he knew his daughter love the crown prince very much, but looking at that smile planted on his daughter's lip, he knew everything will be okay. It would be fine. Even if no one would want her daughter in the future, he is not so useless and he will take good care of her. She has her families on her back.

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Retreating, they didn't see a pair of eyes is watching their back. That pair of eyes belong to a man dressed with purple robe. "I thought she will reject the emperor. Never thought she will accept calmly", he murmured.

'Nevermind, it doesn't concerned him anyway', he thought. The far away she is, the better for the crown prince. He has been making sure his brother pick a more suitable wife than that shrew woman. And after his brother ascended the crown in the future, everything will be set in place. He could care less about that other woman. So he left for his own palace.

In the Li household~

"My baby!", madam Li embraced her daughter as soon as she saw her enter the main door.

"Mommy, I'm okay. Looking at your face, it's like you are the one who has been dumped", Li Xi Rui teases her.

"This child....", her tone is like berating her but her smile showed that she is happy and relieved. So they forget about the unhappy thing and go to the receiving chamber. Joking around, the mansion has never feel more lively than right now. With laughter all around, even the servants felt the happiness.

'Who said that their eldest miss is a spoiled brat? If she really is spoiled she wouldn't act like this and comforting her parents'. They knew she is the one who should be comforted instead so they feel like their miss has grown up. With the lively atmosphere, the mansion is like spring fill with warmth and happiness.

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Li Xi Rui, seeing her parents so happy, also felt happy. Who knew she would one day has a chance to redeem herself? She has decided she would not pursue the crown prince anymore. Pursuing him just makes her family miserable. In the last lifetime her mother has committed suicide by hanging herself after her father and brother death.

She was the one who found her mother's corpse. But now seeing that smiling face, she couldn't imagine that this is her mother who has been hanging with rope around her neck tied from the ceiling.

This time she will cherished her family. She will ensure her family safety, thus she decided it's better to get far away from the royal family in the future.


Back in her room, she looked at her reflection in the copper mirror. Though the reflection is not that clear, she could see her flawless skin without any blemishes, her straight nose and her big bright eyes. She touches her eye, 'How I hate these pair of eyes. How I wish I could gauge them out and keep it!'. What is that?! Who said that? Is there something that I forgot in my last life?

Suddenly her head started to hurt.

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"Aaagghhhh!!!", she shouted.

"Eldest miss! What happen to you?! Let's get you in bed", her maid Xiao Xi help her get up and slowly they walk to her bed.

"Xiao Xi, I just feel like my head hurt. But it's okay now. Thanks Xiao Xi", she smile at her maid.

"Eldest miss please be happy", Xiao Xi cry softly. Her heart breaks seeing her eldest miss suffered.

"Xiao Xi, I'm okay. In the future, we don't have to talk about that man ever again", she tried to pacify her maid.

Xiao Xi is her most trusted maid. From young, they grew up together. They are like a pair of sisters. But ever since she start obsessing about the crown prince, she ignored this maid. She used her to do her schemes and at last, while doing her bidding, she got caught by the 2nd prince. Finally she is sentence to death by drinking poison.

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"Sorry Xiao Xi, in the future let's live happily", said Xi Rui while trying to wipe Xiao Xi's tears.

"Yes miss", while still crying softly.

After a while, she fell asleep as the headache started to ease. After making sure her eldest miss slept, Xiao Xi left her in her own room.

But after Xiao Xi left, Li Xi Rui open her eyes. She feels suffocated inside the room. She feels terrible. She didn't understand this feeling. It's like the world is out to get her! She curled up in her bed and cried. She cries for her family, she cries for herself. Finally, she saw her hairpin on the table and crawled her way to get the hairpin. Seeing that beautiful hairpin doesn't makes her happy. That jewel encrusted gold hairpin is a present from the crown prince when they just get engaged. Why? Does she not deserves love as everyone else? Is she that bad?

So she cried. She lifts the hairpin and angle it towards her thigh. She stabbed herself. When once doesn't relieved her pain, she stabbed again and again till her skirt is stained with blood. Why she stabbed her thigh? It's because no one can see that part of her. In this ancient country, appearance is the most important. Flawless white skin, big eyes and red lips. So she stabbed her thigh. So her family didn't see, so they didn't worry. After feeling pain from the wound, she stop stabbing. Then she laughs.

She laugh her sadness away, laugh at herself and laugh at the world. She laugh till her tears stop and then she stand up. Though her thigh is hurting so bad, she endures. She decided she will endure everything. Even when her heart becomes stone, she swears she would not fall in love again. Once is enough. Because of her love, everyone dies. So she would not love again.

Standing up, limply she changes her clothes. She couldn't risks anyone knowing her pain. She didn't want her family feel hurt for her. So she will pretend, pretend to be okay.

After changing her clothes, she burns the blood drenched dress. But her wound, she just left it unattended so she would remember her pain.

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