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"Forgive my incompetence Master! This servant have already make sure both of them couldn't say anything", a bloodied assassin kneeled in front of the cold man. Physically, his body shows many fresh wounds, resulted from a severe punishment. This is a normal thing in the phantom sect. If they'd failed any assignment, they would be punished severely.

Twirling a glass like orb in his hand, a man in a blue robe smiled. His assassins maybe discovered but the object he wanted still fall in his hand. "En. Now go!", the sentence uttered from that man is cold without emotion.

Seeing the unconcerned look on his Master's face, the assassin breathes a sigh relief. It's good if his master didn't get mad. Taking his cue to leave, he turned around and about to step out before a cold monotone voice held him back.

"Wei clan?", the voice asked.

"Answering master, the Wei clan didn't suspect anything", the assassin replied. From the monotone voice, he could discern the meaning behind that sentence. Even if the young master Wei is not sentence to death, the phantom sect will not let him go. 'Destroy Troubles from the Roots!', this is the motto they'd always follow.

"Leave!", the blue robed man ordered. This time, the assassin disappears quickly. As the blue robed men plays with the orb in his hand, he silently laughs. 'Now the power is in his hand!', how giddy he is to start playing with time~


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In the capital~

"Did you hear about the engagement between Second Prince and miss Li?"

"Yes! Everyone knows about it. But why miss Li? Isn't that the crown prince's ex-fiancée?"

"I heard, that they are seen together often these few weeks"

"Miss Li is not suitable with the second prince! Isn't she just some abandon woman?"

"I thought Second Prince doesn't like woman?"

"Apparently, it's the emperor's edict. Wouldn't it be the second prince's lost? To be wedded to a fierce woman such as Miss Li?"

"So does it mean I still have chance? Doesn't it mean the position of his concubine is still empty?"

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"Keep on dreaming! With your look, second prince wouldn't even look at you!"

"He also won't look at you! Hummphh!!!!"

The gossips in the capital are becoming more absurd each day. But Li Xi Rui is leisurely spending her time in the Li residence as if the gossips have nothing to do with her at all.

Holding the black jade engraved with 'JIE', she plays with the cord. The day she loses her temper, Long Jie and she had exchanged their personal jade. Hers- A white jade engraved with 'Rui' is a stark contrast with his. Side by side it does look like a set- like yin and yang.

"Miss, the gossip mongers has no shame these days! How dare they say Miss is unwanted, trash and pathetic?", Xiao Xi is fuming mad. But looking at the miss's unconcerned face, she could only complaint each day.

"Just ignore those fools. Did you get the mangos?", Li Xi Rui asked Xiao Xi back.

"Yes miss. But you have been eating too much sour food lately. Wouldn't it be bad for your stomach?", Xiao Xi is worried abot Li Xi Rui.

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"Is it? But I feel fine", Li Xi Rui is not concerned.

"If Qi Qi is here, she could check whether miss is sick or not. Eating all those sour foods will affect your health", Xiao Xi express her concern again. "Or I could invite another doctor to check on you?", Xiao Xi coaxed Li Xi Rui.

"No need all the hassle Xiao Xi. Just let QiQi do it", Li Xi Rui rise to walk to the kitchen. Today she wanted to make some spicy tomatoes in lemon juice and pickled mangos. Just thinking about it made her salivated.

While following Li Xi Rui, Xiao Xi could only scowl. Qi Qi and her brother had left the capital after he had been announced as the top imperial scholar last week. In a few days, they would come back. She hopes her miss would be alright until then. She had been cringing when she saw her miss ate all those sour fruits and meal.

Meanwhile in Jian Palace~

Long Jie had been in a deep thought. It was because of his brother, the crown prince. After his engagement and Li Xi Rui had been announced, Long Qing had met him. He was feeling a slight guilty toward his brother. She is Long Qing's ex-fiancée afterall.

"Cancel the engagement!", Long Qing had said.

"Why?", Long Jie wouldn't do that to Li Xi Rui. If he did that, wouldn't that hurt her again?

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"She is not suitable for you. Didn't you hate her? You will only be miserable with a woman like her", Long Qing replied.

"Brother, I would never cancel the engagement. So don't talk to me about this again. That is if you still considered me as your brother", Long Jie replied in a cold tone.

Long Qing look at Long Jie for a long time before excusing himself. He knew too well Long Jie's words are not an empty shell. Whatever he says, he will do. Furthermore, he still needs the support of this brother of his, so it would not be good to be in conflicts now.

After making sure Long Qing had left, Long Jie called his shadow guard, "Jie Er!".

"Yes Master!", Jie Er respectfully kneeled in front of Long Jie.

"Follow the crown prince. Make sure to report anything suspicious", Long Jie said in a monotone voice. He didn't want to do this. Doing this is a sign that he didn't believe his brother.

"Yes Master", Jie Er disappear in the thin air.

'Is this a right move?' Long Jie is in contemplation. Long Qing had been nothing but a good brother to him. But regarding Li Xi Rui, he couldn't just turn a blind eye in regards of her safety. Caressing the white jade in his hand, he smiles wryly. Li Xi Rui and her family are in a great danger now and he needs to be vigilant if he were to protect them.

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