Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 3638: Chapter 3638 - 3638 Show Mercy

3638 Show Mercy

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We couldnt find out anything. They guarded it tightly and wouldnt let anyone get close. As Leng Hua finished speaking, he heard an angry voice coming from outside.

Is it you? Just because my sister offended you yesterday, you had to do this? Youre so cruel! Why didnt you just kill us all too!

Hearing the angry voice outside, Feng Jiu raised her eyebrows and stood up. Lets go! Lets take a look.

Leng Hua and Leng Shuang exchanged glances before following her outside, seeing her obvious interest in this matter.

At that moment, a man outside was cursing at Du Fan. He would have attacked if he hadnt been restrained by two guards. Du Fan only smiled, fanning himself with his folding fan.

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He would have kicked the man away just for pointing a finger and yelling at him if the Master hadnt told him not to cause trouble in the village.

Master, Du Fan hurriedly folded his fan and took a step back as he saw his Master appear.

When the man who was swearing saw a beautiful woman in red, he was stunned. He couldnt go on with his rant, and his face flushed red.

When he heard the commotion, the middle-aged man ran over. His heart plummeted knowing that his son had run over to scold these people.

He already lost a daughter, and he didnt want anything bad to happen to his son.

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Yier! Is this how I taught you? Apologize to them right now! The middle-aged man scolded. He looked a lot more haggard and tired in just one morning.

Father, there are no other people in this village. If it wasnt them, then who else could it be? The man stiffened his neck and refused to apologise. He was certain in his heart that it was them who had done it. Aside from them, everyone else in the village was ordinary people. How could they have killed his sister?

Although the middle-aged guy was heartbroken over the loss of his daughter, he had not lost his reason. He didnt dare jump to conclusions without evidence given the mysterious and impressive aura of these people.

Did you see us do it? Du Fan smiled as he focused his gaze on the young man. Or are you just guessing? So, because no one else is present, it must be us? Thats rather flawed reasoning, isnt it?

With a snort, he continued, If we wanted to kill you, we wouldnt need to go to such lengths. As soon as his words left his mouth, an intimidating pressure came out and the young man knelt down with a thud.

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Hiss, argh!

The ground was uneven and rugged; the young mans knees hit the stones with such force that he screamed and gasped.

Please show mercy, Young Master; it was my sons recklessness, the middle-aged man quickly pleaded.

When Feng Jiu raised her hand, Du Fan swiftly retracted his pressure and took a step back. The young man gasped for air as he felt the pressure lifted off. His face was pale and his forehead was sweating.

So powerful! That pressure left him completely powerless. Who are these people?

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The middle-aged mans gaze swept over Du Fan and the others, finally settling on Feng Jiu. He didnt dare to stare, instead cupping his fists and saying, Thank you for showing mercy.

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