Xu Youyuan just sat down among a group of friends and took the game access crystal from her temple. Before putting her bag in place, she heard the person on the other side say:

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"I haven't made love with her for two years."


As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked.


A friend said: "Two years? Really or fake, haven't done it at all? How is it possible? Do you remember how you two took apart my sofa at the beginning?"


"That was all ten years ago." The self-spitting person is called A Gan. When she was young, she was thin and now she is thinner. The two black spots under her eyes have never faded. She never gets fat whatever she eats, but faint once eat less, the person is thinner than a hemp rod.


There was no emotion on her face when she said these words, , as if she said casually about other people's things.


Those who listened could not sit still: "After ten years, you two will still be you two. I mean, let's put aside the kind of quality, no sex happened for two years? You and Chen Shu, under the quilt only for a chat, how is it possible! The best couple in our circle is you and her. Not to mention that you still expect to be as passionate as you were in your twenties. No matter if you reached what you expected, we have to count as long as it happens."


"No, not at all. I was very unhappy the last time I did it, and no one has mentioned it again after that." AGan shrugged.


"Have you two never worked hard?"


"I don't want to work hard on this kind of thing." A Gan said, "When we got together in my early twenties, I hadn't graduated from college, the money was paid at home, I didn't need to go to work, and didn't have to worry about so much. Now I work tired like a dog, I just want to rest when I go home from work, I don't want to do anything. But sometimes, don't talk about taking a break, it's good if you don't continue spinning. When I came home that day, the house was full of shreds of paper bitten by Abu waiting for me to tidy. Chen Shu arrived home immediately but the food had not yet been prepared. Just after cleaning the shredded paper, I found a stinky shit. I don’t know what Abu was excited for when I was cleaning, I collapsed."


"Wait a minute, you were very unhappy the last time for sex? How to be unhappy?" Someone paid attention to the point.


A Gan looked at these friends since middle school and grew up wearing the same pair of pants. After thinking about it for a while, she was not afraid that everyone would laugh, and said bluntly: "Halfway through the sex Chen Shu fell asleep, I was also a little distracted, thinking about the leaking toilet at home, the water bill soared ridiculously last month, I had to find the property to fix it. I don't know what's wrong with the property in the old community. They know that we are not the landlord but the tenant, so they don't care about us every time, I don't like dealing with them either. I didn't know why I thought about it at the time. If it wasn't for Chen Shu's snoring too loud and awakened herself, the two of us stared at each other, none of us would feel weird."



Someone couldn't help but laugh, and immediately received eye knives condemned by everyone.


"I don't think the problem is here." A kind-hearted man intended to comfort A Gan, "Let's replace this kind of condition with a couple with a good relationship, it will also be common to happen over such a long time, not just you and Chen Shu. You have been in love for ten years, and five or six years since married, right? It's time to think about how to add a little freshness to you two like who holds the left hand and the right hand."

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There are also some objections: "Can't two people stay together only by freshness. This is only ten years, and there are still several decades to come. No amount of freshness will be consumed."

"Yes, you can't just rely on freshness, but it's worse if there is no freshness. Listen to me to the end. I think freshness is one thing, and more importantly..." A friend looked at A Gan, "You and Chen Shu are both busy,  you should try to avoid trivial chores that consume your energy. When you're so tired from work, you still cook when you go home? Now who cooks by themselves, it's more convenient to order takeout."


A Gan said: "Chen Shu has sensitive stomach and diarrhea easily when she eats something outside. She has to deal with the boss and clients every day, all are fucking ones. If she feels uncomfortable and can't concentrate, she will let me out of breath. There is no place for me to sprinkle it."


"What are you angry about?"

"Old Zhang is on top of my head. I can't rise up unless she leaves. I'm thirty-two years old. I will be thirty-three years old next year. This is still counted from zero. Now this position is not high or low, and it is completely useless to continue to keep it. Halfway through the thirty year, there is really no chance if I don't fight to go up."


"Then you move around?"


"Moving isn't something that can be done with just an open month. Everyone understands the employment situation. There are very few positions left for us. I have submitted resumes. People who I considered ignored me, and who are not good enough I don't want to  put up with."


"How bad?"


"The office is in the sinking area, what do you think?"  


Everyone present unanimously said: "Don't go to the sinking area. Didn't there have been indiscriminate homicides some time ago? News reports only followed for a while with no result."


"I have a friend who belongs to the police station. I heard that there was a lot of pressure from above, but the police in the sinking area have never had a clue, and no terrorist organization has claimed it. The chief of the police station has resigned, and no one has taken over. Now there is messier than before."


"Let's not talk about it now, A Gan, continue talking about you and Chen Shu." Someone brought the topic back, "Is there no other choice but to work in the sinking area? If it doesn't work, I can ask Mrs. Xu for your help. "


   Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Youyuan. Before Xu Youyuan could speak, Shi Ye rushed to talk: "The industry is different."


Agan also shook her head: "I'm doing traditional retail. I don't understand the games made by Youyuan. The industry gap is like a mountain. Traditional retail has been impacted for so many years, and the market has shrunk. Now there are unmanned supermarkets everywhere and one hour deliveries are fast and cheap, and easy to return purchases. We can't compare. My industry has a large number of layoffs every year. It’s too difficult to find a job with a similar job that matches the current salary."


"You can turn online."

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"Without online sales experience, who cares for me?"


A friend spat out: "You are totally a middle person."


"To be honest, it's true." A Gan admitted, "It's impossible to change careers. Don't even think about child problems at my age. Even if I learn from the beginning, no one wants to teach me. I can't move. Old Zhang is  the Five Finger Mountain above my head and is impossible to move. I want to change paths, all of which are cliffs. There is only one small intestine path leading to a broken village.


"What if I lower my requirements and go to the sinking area to work for 20,000 yuan a month? Yes, I won't starve to death, but the salary is half less than the current salary. It's hard to change from extravagance to frugality, and it's not even extravagance at all, not to mention lowering the living standard down, I can grit my teeth to tolerate it, and Chen Shu cannot agree."


"That shouldn't have been no sex for two years..."


"Every day I am anxious. I can't sleep at night and can't wake up during the day, and I lose a lot of hair. I have no thoughts about that. When I went out with her, I waited for a long time to find out that there was someone beside me. No one said anything along the way, only thought about our own affairs. Sometimes I think about the other person and want to find a topic to talk about, but I feel tired of talking about everything, and I am prone to disputes, so I don't say anything at all."


Shi Ye, who was sitting next to Xu Youyuan, took a sip of coffee and shook her head repeatedly: "A Gan is now thinner like a rod."


A Gan smiled bitterly: "A rod that breaks easily. Look at my nails."


She opened her fingers, her friends leaned forward and saw that there was a clear depression on her somewhat yellow nails, almost on every nail.


"You have insufficient energy and blood, it's a bit serious." Shi Ye said, "You have to go for an exhaustive inspection, don't delay, in case there are other problems..."


"I want to go, but I don't have time or mood, I have no spirit to do anything."


"Aren't you depressed?"


"It's possible." Agan lowered her head and drank a whole cup of black coffee.


"I have my troubles, and Chen Shu also has her own difficulties. We all know that the other has a difficult life, but there is no desire to communicate. We have said everything that should be said, and persuaded all that should be persuaded. There is no improvement. Knowing that it is all in vain, as time passed, I was reluctant to speak. In fact, the root cause was that I was not motivated. She said that I do have other ways, I just didn't want to make progress and didn't want to leave the comfort zone. I knew she was right, and I didn't rebute. Instead of taking the risk of resigning and going to the sinking area, it is better to stay in the current company, at least everything is familiar, the salary is enough to maintain the current life, and I opened my eyes and thought that the rent of 15,000RMB a month could barely be paid. I can breathe at least.

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"Chen Shu was very disappointed with me and felt that I was not self-motivated. As for me, I felt that she thought nothing about home at all, and she didn't care about me. Let alone sex, she didn't say more than five sentences with me in a day, we would rather don't see each other. "



After A Gan finished speaking, everyone present was thoughtful. They drank the coffee and tea in front of them, and no one spoke for a while.

The friends present are similar in age, all over 30 years old. At the watershed of life, every time they meet, they complain about those three things: health, work, and relationships.

A Gan seems to have understood it, it is not tangled. What she said to her friends had circulated in her mind hundreds of times, and she had talked to herself thousands of times. In the end, the main idea was only five words-broken jar broken broken.



Xu Youyuan leaned on the soft sofa cushion, Shi Ye asked her what she would like to drink, latte?


"Let's have a cup of black tea." She said, "I can't sleep with coffee at this o'clock at night."

"A Gan is really nothing." Jiang Yun, who has not spoken a word, drank two large glasses of wine, and her cheeks are already slightly red, said, "It is better not to do it for two years than a Hulunbuir prairie above one's head. "Once again, everyone turned their attention to her in disbelief. Seeing that her cheeks were flushed, she was slightly drunk, her eyes were looking straight at the desktop, her chest was rising and falling from time to time, as if there was a mouthful of bad pressure in her heart, and her eyes were full of hate.


"Isn't it..." Seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, the best friends who had been incredible for A Gan and Chen Shu no sex for two years had already guessed from her words, "Could it be that Wu Zhuo cheated on her? "


Jiang Yun smiled and nodded: "It sounds incredible, you can't even think of how I discovered it."


Everyone immediately raised their ears.



At the end of each year, Wu Zhuo's company has an annual meeting.  Family members can also join the annual meeting. I have been there. You all know it. Her colleagues basically recognize me."Last year I attended as usual at the end of the year, and then a little girl from their company looked at me involuntarily, and I asked Wu Zhuo who she was. Wu Zhuo said she was new here, and asked me why I asked her. I didn’t say anything, just just ask. At that time, I felt something was wrong, but I couldn't tell it clearly, and then I forgot.”


Everyone: "You confirmed the eyes, is it the one who has greened you?"

Jiang Yun rolled her eyes, and then said, "My dad got sick some time ago, so I took time off and went back to my hometown to accompany him. Wu Zhuo usually asks me to take a taxi to the station by myself. This time she was very diligent and drove me to the station. After her car drove into the vacuum track, I wondered, the feeling of something wrong seemed familiar.


"Wu Zhuo would send me good night every night, no exception, and same the next few days when I go home. It is sent on time at 11 o'clock every night, and the fluctuation basically does not exceed 15 minutes." Jiang Yun took a sip of a friend's tea, moisturized her throat and continued, "Our work and life are stable at this age, and the routine of work and rest is not easy to break. We all know this..."

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Someone couldn't help but interject: "One night Wu Zhuo's goodnight was posted late?"  


Jiang Yun shook her head.


"She didn't send it at all?"


"No." Jiang Yun said, "She posted more than an hour earlier, saying that she was tired and went to bed first."


Everyone was silent, and it was clear in the silence.


Jiang Yun said: "I didn't sleep all night that night. In addition to thinking about who the bastard Wu Zhuo was with, I was thinking more about my dad. The doctor said that my dad had to undergo radiation therapy. The cutting-edge treatment method has the best effect among all the current programs. But it is expensive, really expensive, and I almost kneeled when I heard that number. The doctor said that if other programs are used, the survival rate within three years is 30%, and the implant radiation therapy is used to survive. The rate is 80%, which is very promising. Expenses, I sold the house, put in a deposit, and borrowed a little bit to barely cover the cost, which is equivalent to taking out all my savings since I went to work. Only five years later, there will still be danger of disease, and the probability of death is equally high, the doctor said clearly. To put it bluntly, should I use all my property for my dad's life span for a few years.


"I'm just the one who makes decisions at home, so I didn't dare to tell my dad that I was still thinking about Wu Zhuo on the other end. I was upset."


Friends said: "Why don't you tell us?"


"I don't want to make you worry about me. I wanted to ask you to complain when I came back this time, but I didn't expect to be hit head-on as soon as I came back."





The author has something to say:

Tips for entering the pit:

The main content is daily life, the plotline and the emotional line are almost equally divided, and the age gap is eleven years old. The younger one is initiative

Sweet story, but not all sweet from beginning to end, the author prefers the sweet and sour, like enemies loving each other.

There are no misunderstandings and slowly fall in love.

This article involves part of the game content, it is basically gab. If you don't play video games very much, you won't have any trouble reading the article.

The most important thing is thank you for your support~~!

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